Studies were conducted on a zinc coating produced on the surface of ductile iron grade EN-GJS-500-7 to determine the eutectic grain effect. For this purpose, castings with a wall thickness of 5 to 30 mm were made and the resulting structure was examined. To obtain a homogeneous metal matrix, samples were subjected to a ferritising annealing treatment. To enlarge the reaction surface, the top layer was removed from casting by machining. Then hot dip galvanising treatment was performed at 450°C to capture the kinetics of growth of the zinc coating (in the period from 60 to 600 seconds). Analysing the test results it was found that within the same time of hot dip galvanising, the differences in the resulting zinc coating thickness on samples taken from castings with different wall cross-sections were small but could, particularly for shorter times of treatment, reduce the continuity of the alloyed layer of the zinc coating.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrostruktury ferrytycznego żeliwa sferoidalnego w odlewach płytek o różnej grubości ścianek. Ustalono zależność między liczbą ziaren eutektycznych (kulek grafitu), udziału ferrytu w strukturze odlewów płytek o grubościach od 0,3 do 4,0 cm. Liczba ziaren eutektycznych zmniejsza się, natomiast udział ferrytu w strukturze zwiększa się w miarę zwiększania grubości odlewu płytki. W odlewach płytek o grubości ścianki powyżej 3,0 cm obserwuje się w strukturze 95 % ferrytu. Określono liczbę ziaren eutektyki grafitowej w zależności od stopnia przechłodzenia, którą przedstawiono w postaci równania [...]
The paper presents a microstructure grain density and ferrite matrix ductile iron on different casting thickness. The experimental results regarding the section effect demonstrate that nodule count, grain density, ferrite content are function of plate casting sections thickness from 0,3 to 4,0 cm. Nodule count (or grain density) increases white ferrite content decreases as the casting sections thickness is decreased. A fully ferrite (about 95%) content in the structure can be achieved only when casting thickness is raised to 4,0 cm. The number of the density of grains Nv is related (by using regression analysis) to the undercooling [...]
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