The successful run of the Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the elections of 2013 and 2014 has prompted questions about whether and how it affects the German political scene. The paper addresses such issues as the number of relevant parties which participate in political rivalries on the federal and federal-state levels and the practices of political parties – principles underpinning their rivalry and inter-party collaboration in electoral and cabinet settings. It is argued that AfD has influenced the composition and distribution of power in German politics by undercutting the position of most political organisations both on the federal level and within particular states and by contributing to the ousting of the liberal FDP from the Bundestag and parliaments of the Eastern states as well as of the far-right NPD from Saxony’s parliament. Indirectly, the AfD success has induced other political organisations, in particular the Christian Democrats, to re-define their strategies, programmes and coalition policies.
Sukcesy wyborcze eurosceptycznej Alternatywy dla Niemiec w 2013 i 2014 r. zrodziły pytanie, czy i jaki wpływ wywiera ona na niemiecką scenę polityczną. W rozważaniach uwaga zwrócona została w szczególności na liczbę relewantnych partii, uczestniczących w rywalizacji politycznej na poziomie federalnym, krajów związkowych oraz na zachowania partii politycznych, zasady rywalizacji i współpracy międzypartyjnej na arenie wyborczej oraz gabinetowej. Analiza pozwoliła na konkluzję, że partia wpłynęła na układ sił na niemieckiej scenie politycznej, przyczyniła się bowiem do osłabienia pozycji większości ugrupowań politycznych zarówno na poziomie federalnym, jak i związkowym, przyczyniła się do zniknięcia liberalnejFDP z Bundestagu oraz wschodnich parlamentów krajów związkowych, a także – w przypadku landu Saksonia – również skrajnie prawicowej NPD. Pośrednio sukcesy AfD wpłynęły na proces przeformułowania strategii działania innych ugrupowań politycznych, szczególnie chadecji, zarówno w zakresie oferty programowej, jak i porozumień koalicyjnych.
The systemic transformation in Poland after 1989 was hugely influenced by one of its key factors: Poland’s accession to the European Community. All the actions undertaken by Polish governments after 1989 were meant to prepare the Polish state for the successful accession process. 1 May 2004, when Poland and nine other countries became fully-fledged members of the Union, marks an unforgettable historic event. The paper brings the analysis of Poland’s accession to the EU and the consequences of its integration with the Community. The author also tries to present an image of a Pole as an European. In his reflection, the author makes reference to the future development of the European Union, also taking into account the latest crisis that has had its impact on the globalized world. What were the feelings that Poles experienced at the early days after the accession? What hopes and anxieties did they have? What changed in Poland after 1 May 2004, in their opinion? What is the role of Poland in the EU and of the Community in the world? How Poles evaluate Polish presence in the EU? What challenges does the EU face? These are only some of the numerous questions presented by the author of the article, dealing with the problem of Poland's accession from the perspective of political sciences, sociology and international relations.