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Content available BOOK REVIEW
Author: Steve Killick; Emotional literacy at the heart of the school ethos; London/Seven Oakes/New Delhi; Paul Chapman, A SAGE Publications Company; ISBN 1-4129-1186-9
The subject of responsibility has lately become very important in the context of the economic crisis. In economy, it took the form of social responsibility. It concerns activities additionally undertaken by organizations in order to establish correct relations with their employees and society, as well as with regard to the natural environment. Therefore, a very important role is played by the ethos of the undertaken socially responsible actions. To a large extent it is reflected in the ethical dimension. Thus, in enterprises, codes of ethics have become a base of axiology in building of the organization cultures. Unfortunately, Polish companies – as shown in the paper – still attach a minor role to the ethical dimension of business.
Medicine is the field of knowledge and set of clinical practices, characterized by the presence of politics and ethics on all the levels. Politics should be treated as a domain of power, which aims to make strategic decisions concerning health of the citizens leading to form socially accepted objectives of health care policy. Ethics sets axiological frames for morally just decisions both political and medical in the field of health care. The article analyzes the reasons of conflicts and moral dilemmas in the health care system. Decisions which are made within health care system should accomplish five criteria: medical, economical, social, legal and axiological. The term “moral panic” is used to illustrate situations concerning corruption and moral atrophy of doctors.
The article reflects on the issue of the research method in public economic law.     In the first part, the concept of science is explained, which can be understood as     a process consisting in the systematised pursuit of knowledge of the truth for idealistic or utilitarian purposes. The starting point is K. Jaspers’ definition, according to which the concept of science contains three elements: methodical cognition (1), certainty of knowledge (2), universal validity (3). Each of the elements indicated    is then considered. Methodical cognition is to be distinguished from thought. The former is cognition of reality presupposing an awareness of the research method and its limitations. The latter is driven by intuition. The use of the method should be strongly linked to the research objective. The author then refers to the second defining element: certainty in the science of law. In his view, certainty is sought    in answers to questions about the content of the law in force. Secondly, certainty   is sought in the criteria evaluating the law and the results of this evaluation. The third element, i.e. universal validity, is related to the generally accepted methods of interpretation and the fundaments of law lying in human rights and the human dignity that is their source. The second part of the paper focuses on defining the research objective and  the adequacy of the method, referring to the dogmatic, historical and comparative methods that should aim at determination the law in force and its evaluation. In the third part of the article, a proposal for a research method in public economic law is presented, which consists of three elements: presenting the context of the research objective, applying the dogmatic method, and evaluating the law in force. In the last part, attention is drawn to the need for uprightness of life, and therefore ethos, as a condition for the ability to recognize what is just.
Lately, the subject of responsibility has gained importance in the context of the economic crisis. In economy, it took the form of social responsibility. It concerns activities additionally undertaken by organizations in order to establish correct relations with their employees and society, as well as with regard to the natural environment. Therefore, a very important role is played by the ethos of the undertaken socially responsible actions. To a large extent, it is reflected in the ethical dimension. Thus, in enterprises, codes of ethics have become a base of axiology in the building of the organizational cultures. Unfortunately, Polish companies-as shown in the paper-still attach a lesser role to the ethical dimension of business.
The ethos of the journalist is based on his representations of the public space. Updated in the discourse, they participate in the construction of citizen identity. This is what we show through an enunciative analysis of editorials from the daily “Le Monde” during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The analysis highlights an increasingly marked identity divide during the crisis.
W artykule podkreślono dwa wymiary człowieka-osoby w myśli filozoficzno-antropologicznej G. H. Marcela, ontologiczny i etyczny, w celu podjęcia próby zasugerowania implikacji hermeneutycznych dla współczesnej refleksji bioetycznej. Jeśli chodzi o pojęcie bios, francuski myśliciel proponuje personalistyczno-egzystencjalne podejście, z konotacją ontologiczno-etyczną (logos) i etyczno-relacyjną (ethos), jako najbardziej odpowiedniego terenu weryfikacji zdolności interpretacyjnych i argumentacyjnych w rozwiązywaniu nowych problemów biomedycznych. Uznając wszystkie transcendentne wymiary bycia-człowiekiem-osobą, w egzystencjalnym doświadczeniu bios-logos-ethos, to znaczy, w dynamicznej jedności własnego bycia-więcej, w stwórczej relacji z Bogiem i współistniejącego dla Boga, interpersonalnym z innymi i solidarnym ze światem, gwarantują godność osoby w pełnym znaczeniu.
The article emphasizes two dimensions of the man-person in the philosophical-anthropological thought of G. H. Marcel, the ontological and the ethical, in order to undertake an attempt to suggest hermeneutic implications for contemporary bioethical reflection. Regarding bios the French thinker proposes the personalistic-existential approach with its ontological-ethical (logos) and ethical-relational (ethos) connotations as the most suitable terrain for verifying the interpretative and argumentative skills in the management of new biomedical problems. Recognizing all the transcendental dimensions of being-man-person, in the existential experience of bios-logos-ethos, that is, in the dynamic uniqueness of one’s being-more, in a creature relationship with God and coexistential towards God, interpersonal with the others and solidarity with the world, guarantees the dignity of the person in the full sense.
During the Belle Époque, the writer’s novel gradually replaces the painter’s novel and forms a platform for asking questions about the role of the author in bourgeois society and the causes of their distress. Through this work, the author thus conveys an axiological portrait of himself which, implicitly referring to the difficulty of creation, gives an account of the values shaping the end of the century. The resulting modelling incorporates caricature, which becomes omnipresent in the 19th century, not only for the parodical load that characterises it, but for the accepted power that exaggeration, distortion and joke hold in the interpretation of reality. From Huysmans to Gide, from Lorrain to Gourmont, from Dumur to Mauclair, Mirbeau or Céard, the writer’s novel makes caricature and the devaluation a guarantee of the authenticity of the fictional self-projection.
Durant la Belle Époque, le roman de l’écrivain supplante progressivement le roman du peintre et se constitue en un filon qui donne lieu à une interrogation sur le rôle de l'homme de lettres dans la société bourgeoise et sur les causes de son désarroi. L’auteur véhicule ainsi à travers son œuvre un portrait axiologique de soi qui, renvoyant implicitement à la difficulté de la création, rend compte des valeurs qui façonnent la fin de siècle. La modélisation qui en découle intègre la caricature, devenue omniprésente au XIXe siècle, non seulement pour la charge parodique qui la caractérise, mais pour le pouvoir désormais accepté que l’exagération, la déformation et la blague détiennent dans l’interprétation du réel. De Huysmans à Gide, de Lorrain à Gourmont, de Dumur à Mauclair, Mirbeau ou Céard, le roman de l’écrivain fait de la caricature et de la dévaluation la garantie de l’authenticité de la projection autofictive.
Na początku artykułu przedstawia się zagadnienie pojęcia wartości, z punktu widzenia filozoficznego. Wśród świata wartości, szczególne miejsce przypada niezbywalnej godności ludzkiej. W kolejnym etapie przechodzi się do szczegółowej analizy jednej z ważniejszych wartości, a mianowicie ludzkiej pracy. Rozważając wartość pracy ludzkiej, pragnie się ją śledzić poprzez śląskie doświadczenia.
At the beginning of the article, the concept of value is presented from the philosophical point of view. Among the world of values, special place belongs to inalienable human dignity. In the next stage, one proceeds to a detailed analysis of one of the most important values, namely human work. Considering the value of human work, inevitable leads to observations through Silesian experience.
The paper touches upon some origins of contemporary Tatra tourism and its ethos in the ever-changing modern world. It provides a theoretical outline of the concept of ‘ethos’ regarding touristic exploration of the Tatra Mountains and the characteristics of the elements that have determined tourism in the last twenty years (based on qualitative research). The main features of tourism in the Tatra that are now being observed are popularisation, commercialisation, decline of some traditional ways of thinking about mountaineering and practicing it as well as changes within the ethos and its peculiar community (or rather disappearance of them both). In this context very important are also some environmental issues, such as devastation of the natural ecosystem and expansion of urban practices deeper and deeper into the Tatra National Park. Last but not least one other issue touched upon in the paper is the ‘touristic’ knowledge and skills that are now very rare among the tourist who visit the Tatra, which also leads to the decline of the ethos.
Artykuł porusza zagadnienie specyfiki turystyki tatrzańskiej i etosu turysty w realiach postępujących zmian cywilizacyjnych i kulturowych. Zawiera szkic teoretyczny dekonstruujący pojęcie „etos” w odniesieniu do eksploracji turystycznej przestrzeni Tatr oraz opartą na badaniach jakościowych charakterystykę elementów współcześnie ją konstytuujących, a także ich przemian w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad. Jedną z głównych cech turystyki uprawianej na terenie Tatr jest jej umasowienie, swoista komercjalizacja, postępujący zanik pewnych tatrzańskich tradycji oraz przekształcenia (a raczej odchodzenie) owego tworzącego się latami etosu i wynikającej zeń wspólnotowości. W tym kontekście pojawiają się również głosy dotyczące coraz szybszej dewastacji tatrzańskiego środowiska przyrodniczego i wdzierania się praktyk miejskich na obszary górskie (ekspansja Zakopanego) oraz niechęci olbrzymiej rzeszy turystów tatrzańskich do nabywania wiedzy i umiejętności determinujących istnienie etosu.
The security of workers of social services is one of the most important issues determining the quality of services provided by the social assistance and integration system. It belongs to the catalog of basic human needs. Additionally, in the professional sphere, it serves as a regulator of interpersonal relations. It identifies social relationships of the type of social worker – the user (recipient of benefits and services of social assistance and integration). The ethos and identity of the social service belong to the so-called group of invisible instruments. They condition the safety of this professional group. In this regard, they also serve as an analytical tool that refers to the factorial theory of the security of workers of social services.
Bezpieczeństwo pracowników służb społecznych jest jedną z najważniejszych kwestii warunkujących jakość usług systemu pomocy i integracji społecznej, należy bowiem do katalogu podstawowych potrzeb człowieka. W sferze zawodowej pełni również funkcję regulatora relacji interpersonalnych, ponieważ określa relacje społeczne typu pracownik służby społecznej – użytkownik (odbiorca świadczeń i usług systemu pomocy i integracji społecznej). Ethos i tożsamość służby społecznej należą do tzw. grupy niewidzialnych instrumentów warunkujących bezpieczeństwo tej grupy zawodowej. W tych rozważaniach pełnią one dodatkowo rolę narzędzi analizy, która nawiązuje do czynnikowej teorii bezpieczeństwa pracowników służb społecznych.
Hegemonic political discourse is currently manufactured according to the modes of interaction, but also, and perhaps primarily, according to the identity of the actors involved (Patrick Charaudeau 2005). Apprehended from this point of view, this type of discourse seems to reveal much more its communication mechanisms, namely the discursive tactic, than the strength of its content. Indeed, the discursive tactic relies on the use of manifold strategies, among which persuasive strategies introduced in the discourse through the rhetorical figures appear to play a preponderant role. However, it is important to note that the aforementioned figures, being intertwined with the effects of pathos and ethos, which substitute for the values of truth, are supposed to stir the hearts of its receivers. In this paper, we are going to focus principally on the discursive ethos of the speaker considered here as a discursive means enabling the sender of the message to build an image of oneself. In conformity with the hypothesis that, in the discourse of Nicolas Sarkozy constituting the object of our study based on a corpus encompassing a dozen public speeches by the president (or approximately 65,000 words), some ethos of identification stem from the social affectation to become a central element of the discursive tactic implemented in the discourse analyzed. In other words, Sarkozy’s discourse, with its range of language instruments, seems to create the imaginaries which, through a process of irrational identification, will enable its receivers to intermingle their identity with the speaker’s, and therefore to get thrilled to a gust of adhesion to his political discourse.
D’après Patrick Charaudeau (2005), le discours politique qualifié d’hégémonique se fabrique actuellement selon les modes d’interaction, mais aussi, et peut-être principalement, selon l’identité des acteurs qui s’y trouvent impliqués. Appréhendé selon ce point de vue, ce type de discours paraît dévoiler beaucoup plus les mécanismes de communication, à savoir les procédés de sa mise en scène, que la teneur de son propos. En effet, la mise en scène discursive s’appuie sur le recours à diverses stratégies, dont les stratégies persuasives introduites dans le discours à travers les figures rhétoriques semblent jouer un rôle prépondérant. Or, il importe de faire remarquer qu’à ces dernières viennent s’ajouter les effets de pathos et d’ethos qui, tout en finissant par tenir lieu de valeurs de vérité, sont censés remuer les coeurs de ses récepteurs. Dans cet article, nous nous pencherons essentiellement sur l’ethos discursif de l’orateur qui sera considéré ici comme l’un des moyens discursifs permettant à l’émetteur du discours de construire une image de soi. En accord avec l’hypothèse que, dans le discours de Nicolas Sarkozy constituant l’objet de notre étude basée sur un corpus englobant une dizaine d’interventions publiques du président (soit 65 000 mots environ), certains ethos d’identification relèvent de l’affectif social pour devenir ainsi un élément central de la mise en scène du discours examiné. En d’autres termes, le discours sarkozien, avec son éventail d’instruments langagiers, semble chercher à se créer des imaginaires qui, par le biais d’un processus d’identification irrationnel, permettront à ses récepteurs de fondre leur identité dans la sienne et, par conséquent, de se laisser emporter par un élan d’adhésion à sa parole politique.
This article focuses on the notion of ethos of famous YouTubers from France and aims to highlight the construction of identity that takes place in the speech acts opening and closing their communication. The nature of these acts on YouTube’s generic scene requires, on the one hand, to question their ritualistic function and, on the other hand, an analysis of the stereotyping of strategies. These points of view allow us to understand the language mechanism of the emblematic figures of French YouTube channels as well as the interpersonal relationship established by their activity.
Cet article s’articule autour de la notion de l’ethos des youtubeurs célèbres de France et vise à mettre en lumière la construction identitaire qui se réalise dans les actes de langage ouvrant et clôturant leur communication. La nature de ces actes dans la scène générique de YouTube nécessite une interrogation sur leur fonction rituelle, d’une part, et une analyse du stéréotypage des stratégies, d’autre part. Ces points de vue permettent de comprendre le mécanisme langagier des figures emblématiques des chaînes YouTube françaises ainsi que la relation interpersonnelle établie par leur activité.
The purpose of the paper is to analyze a discourse (via the ethos and pathos concepts) published by the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy to defend his friend Dominique Strauss-Kahn when the DSK sex affair appeared on May 2011. This analysis presents how persuasive discourse, while defending the accused (DSK), becomes a tool used to create the image of the defendant of the accused (BHL as the intellectualist that fights for social justice). This strongly emphasized ethos creates natural imbalance – the one that talks become more important than the one who is the subject of his speech. This effect is strengthened by the emotional impact – pathos is built upon the feeling of indignation.
Content available remote On Virtue in the Context of Sport
Sport with its long and rich history is and always has been a complex phenomenon of culture, this marvellous world of objectified human spirit, the environment of man's consciousness and its deep dreams and ideals. So, key elements of sport are not limited to the games themselves, but encompass also a strong ethos consisting of a system of values and models of comportment, personal development and human perfection, frequently expressed in philosophical terms. In ancient Greece, philosophical reflection on sport was directly related to anthropology and focused on the human's whole physical, psychical and spiritual prowess and its improvement. Similar cohesion of the sport idea, philosophy and anthropology is also present in de Coubertin's heritage with its special emphasis on pedagogy. Sport carries a huge educational potential as a tool for shaping man on the somatic, mental, emotional, moral and social levels. But contemporary sport itself is infected by pathologies (actually, first signals of them were present in antiquity), which leads to violating the rule of fair play, to doping, commercialisation of sporting achievements and treating them in an instrumental manner, to the reification of sportsmen and treating the records as an ultimate fetish. In view of such phenomena, the most appropriate and effective reaction seems to take up a reference to classical ideals of the sport ethos and their incessant reinforcement in the process of nowadays education and human self-understanding. In ancient Greece, the philosophy of sport was a complementary element of the whole phenomenon, serving as its idealistic final touch, while today it is increasingly used as a preliminary condition for the practice of sport and is indispensable for a continuation and harmonious development of its tradition. Therefore, the anamnesis of cultural sources of sport is not only of historic character but also, and primarily, has a therapeutic dimension. So, it seems worthwhile and justified to return, restore and reclaim some ancient philosophical ideals that once constituted the base of Greek sport in its great connection with anthropology, a general view of human potential in physical movement. The presented text examines the concept of virtue in ancient sport and philosophy and compares it with contemporary, especially postmodern philosophical (with references to Zygmunt Bauman and Wolfgang Welsch) understanding of human prowess, well-being and beauty.
The values and patterns of behavior of officers of the pre-war State Police find their reference in today’s rules of professional ethics for both policemen and officers in charge of public security and order. It is not without significance for today’s Police that the duty of an officer of the State Police to take control, both in the service and in private life, with the commandments that confirmed him in need to help those in need. Appealing to the values that are the foundation of the service is combined with the knowledge of the basic terms used in ethics. Determining whether the values raised in today’s service are not alien to police officers justifies the scientific exploration of the problem area in the title of the study. The article presents partial results of a survey carried out at the Police Academy in Szczytno on a group of policemen studying or undertaking vocational training, which refer to the issue discussed. Their goal was to determine, among others knowledge of the principles of professional ethics in force in the Police and the sources of their knowledge about these principles. In addition, the article attempts to diagnose standards that Polish policemen are guided by, among others by indicating the state of their knowledge in terms of attitudes and values that they should follow in their daily service.
Content available Teachers’ ethos today: expectations and opinions
The type of qualification and the extent of professional practice are important elements in the appraisal of a professional. However, these categories are too narrow to characterise a particular teacher. That is why this paper presents a study on teachers’ ethos carried out in 2014. It was conducted among the group of 132 teachers and 123 parents with the use of questionnaires on paper or online. The main purpose of the study was to determine if ethos is still present on the list of social requirements for teachers, and whether its perception has changed in the course of time. The results revealed high levels of familiarity with the term among the respondents as well as the gradual decline of the value of ethos in the work of teachers.
Content available remote Kultura w świetle amerykańskiej antropologii współczesności
tom 97
The paper addresses one of the claims shared within the American anthropology of the contemporary developed by Paul Rabinow, George E. Marcus, James Faubion and Tobias Rees. The claim in question is that there is no need to appeal to culture as a bounded whole so that it vanishes as an object of study. It is possible and desirable, however, to maintain the cultural as a particular plane of the contemporary. The anthropologists in question claim to use a new way to describe the contemporary. They therefore propose the technological vocabulary including terms like “apparatus”, “assemblage” and “contraption” to present the eventful and interrelated but disjoined nature of the realm studied, where modernity clashes with other sorts of ethos. The author of the paper understands the anthropologists’ moves but guesses they are not consistent. It is not only unnecessary to do away with something that can still be useful. If one maintains the cultural while erasing culture, then how can one find the conceptual foundation of the former? And if this foundation is lost, why to stick to the cultural? He therefore formulates an original view according to which culture is a set of the propositional attitudes that is changeable and possibly abstracted from a carrier. Such an entity is free to join and disjoin one with another, and make both the groups and individuals identify themselves in motion. Such a move is to propose an alternative vocabulary which not only allows one to analyse the contemporary in a flexible way but also to save a precious tool called culture.
Geht man davon aus, dass es zwischen Glauben und Vemunft und damit auch zwischen dem menschlichen und dem biblischen Denken keinen Widerspruch geben kann, da Gott die Welt als geordneten Kosmos geschaffen und gut eingerichtet hat, dann sollte sich das menschliche Leben sowohl auf die Moralität als auch auf das Recht als die zwei den Menschen sein personales Sein ordnende Prinzipien stutzen. Da auf diesem Fundament sowohl die Wahrheit im theoretischen Bereich als auch das Gute im praktischen Bereich aufgebaut ist, besteht die Mission der Universität darin, den Menschen in der Tomaszów Lubelski-Region zu helfen, ihr personales Sein an der Wahrheit und dem Guten auszurichten, damit sie zu echten „Einwohnem“ werden, die fähig sind, nach den großen, durch die christliche Lehre inspirierten Idealen ihre Lebenspraxis zu gestalten. Vor allem geht es um einen immer vollkommeneren Erwerb des personalen Selbstbewusstseins durch die ständige Vervollkommnung des moralisch- rechtlichen Bewusstseins, um so zu einer immer vollkommeneren Gestaltung des geistig- materiellen Daseins des Menschen als personales Wesen zu gelangen.
Project titled ‘Polonia Restituta. The Decalogue for Poland on the 100th Anniversary of Independence’ is intended by its authors – the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Council for Social Affairs of the Polish Episcopal Conference – as a thought about the future of our Homeland and State, about ‘how Poland should look like’. It should be a thought from a clearly defined perspective of Catholic social science, that is a theo-logic perspective. The Minister explains: we need ‘an in-depth reflection on where we are going to and what for, what values should accompany our collective life, what values we should use as the basis to restructure our state’. And later: since ‘the role of the Catholic church is unique and incomparable with any other institution in our history’, consequently, ‘here and now, we will examine Poland through the prism of its teaching, which directed the generations of our ancestors.’ ‘Thinking Homeland … Civic virtues and patriotism on the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland’ is one of the ‘commandments’ of the ‘Decalogue for Poland’ under elaboration, i.e. one out of ten segments of theo-logic thinking (the thought guided by the logics of social science derived from the science of God) and understanding of the phenomenon of Poland itself. The sub-title clearly specifies further that the subject of the said thought shall be a conjunction of civic virtues (= a set of attitudes resulting from the bonds joining a person and a state) and patriotism (= according to John Paul II: ‘love for everything relating to homeland’, a moral virtue of love to Homeland). And the questions like: how do they relate to each other, whether they are directly or inversely proportional to each other, what ethical/social spaces do they share and which ones are separate for them? etc. Whereas, the two-word title (being the title of Karol Wojtyła’s poem) enables, and – what is more: suggests, inclines – to provide the thought in the light of teaching of our great fellow citizen and compatriot, the saint Pope. Thus: what John Paul II tries to tell us about what is patriotic and what is civic and about the interrelationship, threats and perspectives between these two aspects? And what – this is the most important question – from his theo-logic thought in this subject could become ‘deca-logic’ (in the perspective of liability and morality) for Poland, for its conversion, good and future? Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II does not differentiate clearly (he does not formulate strict definitions, does not make differences) between patriotism and civic virtues. The fundamental string of his thought and teaching in this respect is directed towards in-depth understanding and description of patriotism, which leads to civic ethos (the so-called civic virtues, arete politike, that is, a set of attitudes which show concern about the common good, namely, the state). He presents these in several genealogical layers of his works and teaching: within the poetic layer (here, in particular, in his poem titled Thinking Homeland… of 1974), within the essayistic layer (here, in particular, in Memory and Identity, written in 1993 and 2005) and within the preacher’s and lecturer’s layer (here, for instance, in homilies and speeches made during pilgrimages to Poland, but not only in these cases, also in some speeches concerning the issue in question, among others, during his famous speech in the Paris-based seat of UNESCO in 1980). The poem Thinking Homeland…, a text exceptionally dense in terms of language and content, published five years after its creation, already during the pontificate, under a nick name, contains several splendid and well-known phrases of Wojtyła: ‘When I think: Homeland, then I express myself and put down my roots’; ‘Is it possible for history to flow against the current of consciences?’’ ‘the liturgy of history’. Fragments of Memory and Identity constitute its essayistic development and interpretation. It is in this work where John Paul II explains fundamental content of his theology of patriotism/civic virtues, homeland and nation, their history and culture. In short: Homeland is a heritage, a resource of goods (strictly interrelated spiritual and material values, culture and land) received ‘after ancestors’. The teaching of Christ includes the most in-depth elements of theological vision of the homeland – it ‘opens the notion of homeland towards eschatology and eternity, but by no means deprives it of its earthly content (!). Patriotism means the ‘love for homeland’, an internal attitude (pietas) and a moral virtue, falling within the scope of the 4th commandment of the Decalogue. Both homeland and nation have got their own theological roots and existential reference to the mystery of creation and – similarly as in case of a family – they constitute ‘natural communities’ (nature of a man is of social character; a nation ‘is not a fruit of an ordinary agreement’) and ‘remain realities that cannot be replaced’ (!). What is more to say and describe in more detail in this subject: ‘You cannot […] replace a nation with a state’, ‘the more you cannot convert the nation into the so-called democratic society’. The Pope reaches for Christology also in this case: ‘The mystery of personification, the foundation of the Church, belongs to the theology of nation’ and gives it proper justification and inalienability, direction and depth. Theology and theo-logics of homeland and nation, as well as a theological reflection over relationships between ‘man – nation– homeland – state – civic virtues’, protects the whole difficult, complicated conglomeration, exposed to vagueness and distortions against mistakes and their existential consequences (sometimes with terrible results), such as, on the one side eradication and orphanage, and on the other side, a nationalism (‘so as the inalienable function of the nation will not degenerate into nationalism’). Calling for the ‘”Jagiellonian” dimension of Polish identity’, the Pope writes that ‘Polish identity is, in fact, a multiplicity and pluralism, not parochialism and confinement’. At the same time, he defends the – nowadays attacked – strive for protection and development of the ‘nation’s identity’ against its dispersion in transnational and cosmopolitan structures. He does so through the category of culture, crediting it with fundamental significance in his theological thought concerning the nation and state (thus, also the patriotism and civic virtues). During his speech in the seat of UNESCO, he mentioned: ‘The nation is such a great community of people who are joined together with various bonds, but, above all, with culture. The nation exists ‘because of its culture’ and ‘for its culture’. […] There is a basic sovereignty of the society, expressed in the culture of nation. Simultaneously, it is the sovereignty through which a man becomes parallelly the most sovereign.’ He said a terrific thing about his experience of papal service: ‘with my experience of the history of my homeland, with my increasing experience of the value of nation, I was not a stranger for the people I met. On the contrary, my experience of homeland facilitated, to great extent, my contacts with people and nations on all the continents.’ Consequently, the basic conclusion from ‘thinking: Homeland’: when, in the Christian, ecclesiastically moderated space, ‘I express myself and put down my roots’ into what is native and national, then the process (and attitudes co-creating it) serves what is universal for all humans, transnational, universal, eternal. Strengthening of (arousing, developing and cleansing) patriotism constitutes the best way to strengthening of (arousing, developing and cleansing) virtues and civic attitudes. Let us emphasise it: both require protection – patriotism need protection against demons of nationalisms, civic virtues – against emptiness of a liberal state, where the nomo-, bureau-, and technocracy cannot defend the panegoism and atrophy of virtues. ‘When I think: Homeland, I’m looking for the way’ – wrote Wojtyła forty-four years ago. The way runs through the Baptism of Poland, teaches. The one dating back to more than a thousand years and the one, in which all subsequent generations should cleanse themselves. The Baptism will save Independent Poland and its citizens, it will bring the future to both the Homeland and State. The Baptism will put down its and their roots in the redemptive God’s mysteries of creation, personification and love.
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