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The phenomenon of joint attention is, on the interpretation of Tomasello’s evolutionary-anthropological school, one of the main keys to the understanding of the distinction between man and other animals. This conception has had a strong influence on some contemporary philosophical attempts to capture the difference between man and animal. The article draws attention to radically different empirical theory that is arising from the latest discoveries in the field of comparative psychology and the ethology of primates which show that all the aspects of joint attention can be found in our closest animal relations. From the considerations presented it follows that if philosophy wishes to meaningfully contribute to actual interdisciplinary debate about the nature of the relation between man and animal, it should conduct itself in an informed way and with, at least, a basic grounding in the latest state of empirical research.
Content available Od etologii zwierząt do ekologii człowieka
The title "From the ethology of animals to human ecology" acknowledges both the theories of evolution developed in numerous scientific fields of science, and the academic achievements of Konrad Lorenz and his partners, the development of which are shown through the order of studies they published, from the scope of classical ethology and the row of humanities, to philosophy and human ecology. Lorenz conducted an ethological examination of human culture, thereby uncovering its biological bases, its dynamics, social pathologies and means for overcoming them. Thanks to this Lorenz gained an insight into the character of the crisis of contemporary civilization, described and diagnosed it, presented the causes and proposed a cure. Lorenz recommended mobilizing efforts to create an ecological ethos for those surviving on Earth. Today it isn't possible to predict the future of Homo sapiens on our planet, however we have a duty to prepare for our struggle to survive. It is not only about survival, but to the preservation of the human way of life. This is a matter of biological and spiritual survival. Therefore, Lorenz's ethological humanism takes on the mantle of a new 'evolutionary humanism".
Groups of living creatures are often faced with searching for resources and choosing between one or more alternatives of resource site. Such a process is connected either with calm food acquirement or looking for a safe place to hide from danger. The question is, what kind of criteria are taken into consideration and what induces the collective decision, when all individuals in a swarm are equal. This paper identifies a simple mechanism of shelter selection by cockroach herd, whereby an emergent decision is made with limited information and without centralization of information processing or comparison of available solutions. The mechanism leads to the optimal benefit for both a group and an individual. The proposed model activates swarm self-organization and is independent of species, therefore, a possible application to human crowd control has been studied.
Content available Nie-ludzkie emocje
This article is a review of Frans de Waal's book Mama's Lust Hugs. Animal Emotions and what They Tell Us about Ourselves, which was released in Polnad in 2019. The book deals with the problem of animal emotionality. One of the conclusions reached by the author and which was emphasized in the review is the thesis that there is no such thing as unique human emotions that animals would not have. Emotions are universal; they are shared both by humans and animals. The review noted that although the book is interesting, it is not new in terms of content, because it deals with issues that de Waal wrote about many times in his earlier publications. On the other hand, thanks to the collection and inclusion in one book of the issues related to emotionality in animals, the publication can be a good starting point for reflection not only on animals (their emotionality and rights), but also on humans and their place in the world. It puts the reader in facing the question of human nature. For this reason, what has been tried to show in the review, Frans de Waal's book is a good example of how scientific issues lead to philosophical reflections.
Content available remote Reinforcement Learning with Approximation Spaces
This paper introduces a rough set approach to reinforcement learning by swarms of cooperating agents. The problem considered in this paper is how to guide reinforcement learning based on knowledge of acceptable behavior patterns. This is made possible by considering behavior patterns of swarms in the context of approximation spaces. Rough set theory introduced by Zdzisaw Pawlak in the early 1980s provides a ground for deriving pattern-based rewards within approximation spaces. Both conventional and approximation space-based forms of reinforcement comparison and the actor-critic method as well as two forms of the off-policy Monte Carlo learning control method are investigated in this article. The study of swarm behavior by collections of biologically-inspired bots is carried out in the context of an artificial ecosystem testbed. This ecosystem has an ethological basis that makes it possible to observe and explain the behavior of biological organisms that carries over into the study of reinforcement learning by interacting robotic devices. The results of ecosystem experiments with six forms of reinforcement learning are given. The contribution of this article is the presentation of several viable alternatives to conventional reinforcement learning methods defined in the context of approximation spaces.
The problem considered in this article is how to detect and measure resemblances between swarm behaviours. The solution to this problem stems from an extension of recent work on tolerance near sets and image correspondence. Instead of considering feature extraction from subimages in digital images, we compare swarm behaviours by considering feature extraction from subsets of tuples of feature-values representing the behaviour of observed swarms of organisms. Thanks to recent work on the foundations of near sets, it is possible to formulate a rigorous approach to measuring the extent that swarm behaviours resemble each other. Fundamental to this approach is what is known as a recent description-based set intersection, a set containing objects with matching or almost the same descriptions extracted from objects contained in pairs of disjoint sets. Implicit in this work is a new approach to comparing information tables representing N. Tinbergen’s ethology (study of animal behaviour) and direct result of recent work on what is known as rough ethology. Included in this article is a comparison of recent nearness measures that includes a new form of F. Hausdorff’s distance measure. The contribution of this article is a tolerance near set approach to measuring the degree of resemblance between swarm behaviours.
This article critically discusses the ethological and ethical-empirical perspectives concerning the reflection on morality within the Lvov-Warsaw School. Focusing on Maria Ossowska’s research we highlight the tendency of ethological analysis to annihilate the specificity of moral normativity (moral imperativeness), as well as the ambiguity of Ossowska’s conclusions and her predilection for emotivism. Similarly, an examination of Tadeusz Czezowski’s views reveals a propension to argue for the scientific (empirical) status of axiological and deontic standards, which can be regarded as true or false statements. In conclusion, Maria Ossowska’s and Tadeusz Czezowski’s model of normativity is compared with the moral imperativeness available at the level of experimental moral philosophy.
Artykuł krytycznie eksplikuje perspektywę etologiczną i etyczno-empiryczną refleksji nad moralnością, które pojawiają się w ramach szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej. Poprzez odwołanie się do badań Marii Ossowskiej wyeksponowana zostaje skłonność analiz etologicznych do anihilacji specyfiki normatywności moralnej (imperatywności moralnej), jak również niejednoznaczność wniosków samej Marii Ossowskiej i jej predylekcja ku emotywizmowi. Eksploracja myśli Tadeusza Czeżowskiego natomiast odsłania naukowy (empiryczny) status norm aksjologicznych i deontycznych, które mogą być uznawane za zdania prawdziwe bądź fałszywe. Finalnie model normatywności Marii Ossowskiej i Tadeusza Czeżowskiego zostaje skonfrontowany z imperatywnością moralną dostępną na poziomie doświadczalnej 'datum morale'.
Flower visiting insects attract by the flowers colour, shape, size and fragrance as pollinator. This is a mutual relationship between flowers and insects. The present study aims to know behavioural response or ethology of flower visiting insect in relation to particular flower and/or probable atmospheric changes in two managed parks, Kolkata, India. The study areas were selected as per heavily-populated neighborhoods, nearby office buildings, nearby roads and continuous vehicular movements, human interactions as visitors. The study was carried out at 2 sampling stations viz (i) Elliot park and (ii) Agri-Horticulture Society. The flower species were selected viz. Helianthus annuus (sunflower), Petunia sp. (petunia) and Buganvilia spectabilis (Buganvilia) planting above mentioned areas because these species are more common among other species. In each flower, behavioural response or ethology of visiting insects were studied by visual observation and total 10 flowers of each species were observed randomly. The present results clearly indicate that various insects were majorly showed foraging and feeding behaviour and only mating behaviour was found in two species. This study is a preliminary assessment of flower visiting insects’ ethology but further researches are needed in relation to pollination efficiencies of flower visiting insects in the particular flower and air pollution load nearby area by using instruments. It was concluded that insect visitors are showing foraging and feeding behavior but only two species were showed mating behaviour, which may be due to the vehicular air pollution because two parks are located nearby roads and continuous vehicular movements were observed.
Eusociality is the most successful animal social system on earth. It is found in many social insects, a few crustacean species, and only three vertebrates: two African naked mole rats and human beings. Eusociality, so unusual for a vertebrate, is one of main factors leading to human beings becoming the most successful land vertebrate on earth by almost any measure. We are also unique in being the only land vertebrate with religions. Could the two be related? This article will present evidence, illustrated primarily with Judaism and Christianity, that these two seemingly unrelated social systems – eusociality and religion – that correlate temporally in our evolution, are possibly related. Evidence will also be presented that a (mostly) non-reproducing exemplar caste of celibate clergy was a eusocial-facilitating aspect of religion in western social evolution.
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Artykuł omawia badania realizowane od 2019 roku przez Koło Naukowe Historii Architektury i Urbanistyki. Dotyczyły one analizy formy, dokonywanej z tzw. krytycznego dystansu percepcji. Założenia metody wynikają z ewolucjonizmu estetycznego. Oto one, w hasłowym skrócie: Egzystencjalne wyzwania dnia codziennego, powtarzające się przez tysiące pokoleń homo sapiens doskonaliły ludzkie oko. Nasi odlegli w czasie przodkowie, napotykając nieznaną formę-postać, zwłaszcza żywą, musieli natychmiast odgadnąć potencjalny skutek spotkania z nią, wykryć bezpośrednie zagrożenia. W tych częstych, krytycznych dla przetrwania sytuacjach kluczowe było odczytanie zarówno potencji, jak i intencji napotkanego osobnika: oszacowanie tak cech anatomicznych i siły, jak i jego „nastroju” - gotowości do podjęcia działań wrogich lub przyjaznych. Ta odruchowa ocena musi być dokonywana w porę, z takiego dystansu, który pozwalałby jeszcze na ucieczkę, gdyby zamiary osobnika okazały się nieprzyjazne, a on sam dysponował przy tym niezbędną do ich realizacji siłą. Etologia określa ten krytyczny dystans mianem szczątkowej odległości ucieczki. To do niego dopasowała się w toku ewolucji anatomia ludzkiego oka, formując nasze pole widzenia jako system stref. Każda z nich jednocześnie wyodrębnia odpowiednie fragmenty obserwowanej formy, automatycznie łączone przez interpretujący mózg w znaczącą całość. Ten atawistyczny mechanizm rozkładu formy na siatkówce oka jest fundamentem percepcji, podstawą estetyki uniwersalnej. Teza badawcza: Wielka Teoria Estetyczna starożytnej Grecji usankcjonowała powyższy mechanizm implicite w formach harmonijnych. Składają się one z takich części, które - analizowane z dystansu krytycznego - czytelnie zapełniają poszczególne strefy pola widzenia, nie wywołując niepokoju. Są to formy „dobre”: bezpieczne, wzmacniające poczucie harmonii bytu: potwierdzające przeczucie piękna, które już „tkwi w oku patrzącego”. To nakładanie się obrazu właśnie widzianego na obraz oczekiwany (w przygotowanych nań strefach oka) wywołuje rezonans estetyczny - odczucie piękna, scalenia, jedni. Dowód na prawdziwość stawianej tezy nie został tu wyprowadzony ze sposobu, w jaki obraz z zewnątrz powstaje w oku, rzutowany i skupiany na jego siatkówce. Dowód wynika z analizy procesu odwrotnego: procesu „rzutowania od oka na zewnątrz”, więc sposobu, w jaki piękno formy, tkwiące pod powiekami artysty podlega projekcji - uzewnętrznieniu, materializując się w inkarnacjach plastycznych, czy architektonicznych. Prezentowany materiał znajduje się w archiwum Sekcji.
The article discusses research carried out since 2019 by the Scientific Club [PHI], WAPP. It concernes the analysis of form, made from the so-called critical perception distance. The assumptions of the method result from aesthetic evolutionism. Here they are, in short: The existential challenges of everyday life, repeated for thousands of generations of homo sapiens, perfected the human eye. Our ancestors distant in time, faced with an unknown form, especially a living form, had to immediately detect threats resulting from the meeting. In these frequent, critical for the survival situations, it was crucial to read both the potency and the intentions of the form met: assess both anatomical features and strength, and his "mood" - readiness to take hostile or friendly actions. This assessment must be made in time, from such a distance that would still allow escape if the intentions of the individual turn out to be hostile, and he himself has the necessary strength to implement them. Ethology refers to this critical distance as the residual distance of escape. In the course of evolution anatomy of the human eye has adapted to this distance, forming our field of view as a system of zones. Each of them simultaneously extracts appropriate fragments of the observed form, automatically combined by the interpreting brain into a meaningful whole. This atavistic mechanism of the decomposition of the form on the retina of the eye is the foundation of perception, the basis of universal aesthetics. Thesis of the research: The Great Aesthetic Theory sanctioned the above mechanism implicitly in harmonious forms. They consist of parts which - when analyzed from a critical distance - clearly fill individual zones of the field of view without causing anxiety. These are "good" forms: safe, strengthening the sense of harmony of being: confirming the sense of beauty that is already "in the eye of the beholder". This overlapping of the image just seen with the expected image (in the eye zones prepared for it) causes an aesthetic resonance - a feeling of beauty. The evidence for the truth of the thesis put forward here has not been derived from the way in which the external image is created in the eye, projected and focused on its retina. The proof results from the analysis of the reverse process: the process of "projection from the eye outwards", thus the way in which the beauty of the form hidden under the artist's eyelids is projected - externalized, materializing in artistic or architectural incarnations. The presented material is in the archives of the Club [PHI].
Artykuł ukazuje przedstawienie ludzkiej natury przez Rogera Scrutona na tle prac polskiego etologa Jerzego Chmurzyńskiego. Analiza filozoficzna Scrutona i metodologiczny kompozycjonizm Chmurzyńskiego prowadzą obu autorów do zbieżnych wniosków, będących w opozycji do redukcjonistycznego podejścia socjobiologii. Pokazują, że natura człowieka jest wynikiem ewolucji biologicznej, która doprowadziła do poziomu rozwoju niedostępnego nawet dla najbardziej rozwiniętych zwierząt. Ludzie niepodlegają wyłącznie imperatywom biologicznym, posiadają wolną wolę, a wraz z nią etykę i estetykę. Istota ludzka jest osobą, której nie da się opisać wyłącznie w kategoriach biologicznych. Praca niniejsza ukazuje, że wizja człowieczeństwa Scrutona zyskuje dodatkową argumentację w postaci wniosków Chmurzyńskiego formułowanych na podstawie osiągnięć etologii klasycznej.
The article presents Scruton and Chmurzyński's views on human nature. Scruton's philosophical analysis and Chmurzyński's methodological compositionism in ethology lead the authors to similar conclusions, in opposition to the reductionist approach of sociobiology. The authors underline that the human being - as a result of biological evolution - has achieved the level unattainable even for most advanced animals. Humanity takes structure of behaviour, in which fulfilling biological imperatives is not suficient, as there appears space for free will with ethics and aesthetics. A human being is a person who cannot be described only in biological terms. This shows that the vision of humanity presented by Scruton gains a new argument in the form of classical ethology research and conclusions formulated on the basis of it by Chmurzyński.
Artykuł przedstawia poglądy „twórcy etologii” Konrada Lorenza na temat powstania kultury. Kluczowym pojęciem jest fulguracja, która stanowi podstawową kategorię filozoficzną autora. Pojęcie to opisuje naturę procesu powstania czegoś wcześniej nieistniejącego. Autor, przyjmując paradygmat ewolucyjny K. Lorenz, ukazuje filogenetyczne źródła zaistnienia tego fenomenu w historii organicznego stawania się. Określa również wstępne potrzebne do integracji zdolności powstałych w wyniku filogenezy w nową jakość, którą stanowi ludzka kultura, podlegająca dalszej filogenezie i nowym mechanizmom rozwoju ludzkiego ducha. Opisany w ten sposób proces uczłowieczenia rozgranicza pomiędzy tym, co ludzkie i tym, co zwierzęce, i daje narzędzia do poznania, co w strukturze naszego zachowania wynika z dziedzictwa biologicznego, a co podlega prawom rozwoju kultury. Konrad Lorenz traktuje kulturę jako system żywy i bada ją metodami biologicznymi; ukazuje przy tym zagrożenia ludzkiej kultury i proponuje środki zapobiegające tym zagrożeniom.
The article presents the views of Konrad Zacharias Lorenz, the ‘creator of ethology’, on the origins of culture. The key term is ‘fulguration’, which is the basic philosophical category of the author. This term depicts the nature of the process during which something that has not existed before comes into being (in standard English its meaning is different, from Latin fulgur, ‘lightning’). Accepting the evolutionary paradigm Lorenz reveals the phylogenetic sources of the coming into existence of that phenomenon in the history of organic emergence. He also defines the preliminary (requirements) that were indispensable for integrating the abilities resulting from phylogeny into a new quality: the human culture, liable for further phylogeny and new mechanisms of the development of the human spirit. The humanising process described in that way distinguishes between what is human and what is animal, and supplies instruments to discern what – in the structure of our behaviour – results from our biological heritage and what is subject to the cultural development. Lorenz treats culture as a living system and studies it with biological methods, showing the threats of human culture and proposes measures to prevent them.
The article presents the human act from an ethical and ethological point of view. This is very important due to the area of freedom attributed to man because you can talk about freedom only in the context of the human act. Following a contribution of ethology towards ethics is presented by discussing inherited and acquired behaviors and aggression, which is the main theme of the book "Das sogenannte Böse" by K. Lorenz. Finally this article discusses the area of freedom attributed to man.
Artykuł przedstawia akt ludzki z punktu widzenia etycznego i etologicznego. Jest to bardzo ważne ze względu na obszar wolności przypisany człowiekowi, ponieważ o wolności można mówić tylko w kontekście ludzkiego czynu. Następnie przedstawiono wkład etologii w etykę poprzez omówienie zachowań dziedzicznych i nabytych oraz agresji, która jest głównym tematem książki "Das sogenannte Böse" K. Lorenza. Wreszcie artykuł omawia obszar wolności przypisanej człowiekowi.
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