In the Renaissance period, being a “humanist” meant graduating from a philosophi-cal faculty and teaching the collection of disciplines necessary to become a university student. In this view, the humanist is the man of the unaccomplished higher education, or, a school teacher. Neither his status, nor the status of the disciplines he taught was high. Over time the situation changed. Studying ancient languages opened a whole world of the disappeared civilization, obvious ancestors to the Renaissance; a concep-tion of humanitarian-historical cognition was founded. The Renaissance was the first to formulate a problem of comprehension—of the historical epochs passed, of the texts based on other (alien) experience and different mentality. In the context of unique sin-gularity the concepts of fate and biography were overestimated. The thesis of micro- and macrocosm unity was revived. The humanists have created a new translation of the Holy Writ; as a result, the sense of many rite ceremonies of liturgy became clearer. Historicism and criticism have brought a new type of thinking and a new system of values in the long run. Humanistic values constructed the first system that had no need in religious foundation, and its relation with Christianity was not logical, but historical. All this, though well known, gains quite other sense today. The world becomes more and more complicated and multicultural. A post-secular, polio-confessional socium comes to replace the secular society. The former needs a new experience, as unique as that of Renaissance humanitarians.
Celem badania było pokazanie sposobu użycia wyrazów feminizm, feministka i feminista w dyskursie konserwatywnym i feministycznym na podstawie analizy danych z wybranych tekstów wytwarzanych przez te dwa środowiska. Do badania zakwalifikowano wybrane teksty z Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego, artykuły z portali,, listy Episkopatu oraz wybrane teksty z blogów feministycznych i prasy feministycznej. Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, z jakimi intencjami i w jakich celach użytkownicy języka z dwóch opozycyjnych względem siebie środowisk posługują się tytułowymi pojęciami.
The main goal of the paper is to present the usage of the words “feminism” and “feminist” (male and female) in the conservative and feministic discourse based on the analysis of data from texts produced by these different social groups. Selected texts from the National Corpus of Polish, articles from the website and, samples of bishops’ letters to the congregation, comments and statements from feminist press and feminist blogs were qualified for the research. The author tries to answer the question: To what purpose and with what intention do language users from opposite environments use the terms “feminism” and „feminist”?
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