W artykule zaproponowano skuteczne sposoby na zmniejszanie błędu estymacji momentu bezwładności. Zdefiniowano podstawowe przyczyny powstawania błędu. Podano warunki pracy silnika, w których estymacja momentu bezwładności jest najbardziej korzystna. Zaproponowano oryginalny układ rafinacji wyników estymacji pozwalający na zredukowanie względnego procentowego błędu estymacji do wartości poniżej promila.
The effective ways to reduce the error of estimation of the moment of inertia were proposed in this paper. The basic reasons causing error are defined. The motor operation conditions are defined, in which estimation of the moment of inertia is the most advantageous. An original system for refining the estimation results was proposed. New system allows for reducing the relative percentage estimation error of moment of inertia to values below a promil.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of measuring errors on the accuracy of diffusion coefficient estimation as dependent on the method used. The estimation was based on a numerical solution of the inverse function, and inverse problem solving. The analysis concerned results of convective drying of faba bean seeds. The seeds, with an initial moisture content M0=0.240 kgwater/kgdb were dried at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. The results obtained in the study show that the method based on inverse problem solving is more effective at extreme moisture levels (Θ ≈ 0 and Θ ≈ Θk). This method, used for simulating successive replications, enables to acquire information not only on estimated values of the diffusion coefficient and measuring errors, but also on their distribution.
Przedstawiono zasady geostatystycznego modelowania struktury zróżnicowania i geostatystycznej oceny średnich wartości parametrów złożowych przy zastosowaniu procedury krigingu. Na przykładach polskich złóż eksploatowanych metodą podziemną (Zn-Pb, Cu-Ag) zilustrowano podstawowe ograniczenia i bariery uzyskiwania dokładniejszych oszacowań wielkości parametrów. Skomentowano wpływ takich czynników, jak jakość danych podstawowych, rozmieszczenie próbek w złożu i ich usytuowanie względem bloków obliczeniowych, wielkość bloków obliczeniowych, zmienność lokalna, występowanie próbek huraganowych, niejednorodność złoża. Stwierdzono, iż istotne polepszenie oceny na etapie rozpoznania górniczego możliwe jest jedynie przez zagęszczenie układu sieci wyrobisk górniczych w złożu (co ze względów ekonomicznych jest praktycznie nierealne) i w mniejszym stopniu przez obniżenie błędów opróbowania i analiz chemicznych pobranych próbek
The principles of geostatistical modelling and estimation of deposit parameters such as: ore grade, thickness and accumulation were outlined. The basic limitations of the improvement of estimation quality with the application of kriging procedure were reviewed and illustrated by examples from the Zn-Pb and Cu-Ag Polish ore deposits. The main factors affecting the reliability of estimates were taken into account: quality of available data, small-scale (local) variability, sampling pattern, sample location in relation to estimated mining blocks, size of blocks, occurrence of outliers, heterogeneity of deposits. It was found, that significant improvement of deposit parameters estimation can be achieved by changing of sampling pattern and cutting the additional mine workings through the estimated block. However, it seems to be unrealistic because of economic and technical reasons. Only small improvement of parameters estimation can be expected from decreasing the errors associated with sampling and assaying procedures
This paper was elaborated in order to estimate suspended sediment in Isser watershed located in North-West of Algeria. Power functions models by least squares regression were developed to establish rating curves. In total, 2026 pairs of instantaneous water discharge (Q) and instantaneous suspended sediment concentration (C) from the period 1988–1989 to 2003–2004 were used. In order to reveal the temporal impact, four subdivision data are elaborated: all, annual, seasonal and monthly scales. Better estimation of the total suspended sediment yield was obtained by application of the power linear model in monthly division data (-0.16%). When considering efficiency, both models with seasonal scale offered coefficients in order of 0.95%. The approach of correction for models did not improve accuracy of the estimation. The results have indicated for the 16 years of the available data, that the Isser watershed has drained a total of 194.37 million m3 of water and 1.4 million tons of suspended sediments, with a specific degradation of 77 tons/km2/year.
One of the most perspective directions of aircraft engine development is related to implementing adaptive automatic electronic control systems (ACS). The significant elements of these systems are algorithms of matching of mathematical models to actual performances of the engine. These adaptive models are used directly in control algorithms and are a combination of static and dynamic sub-models. This work considers the dynamic sub-models formation using the Least Square method (LSM) on a base of the engine parameters that are measured in-flight. While implementing this function in the (ACS), the problem of checking the sufficiency of the used information for ensuring the required precision of the model arises. We must do this checking a priori (to determine a set of operation modes, the shape of the engine test impact and volume of recorded information) and a posteriori. Equations of the engine models are considered. Relations are derived that determine the precision of parameters of these models’ estimation depending on the precision of measurement, the composition of the engine power ratings, and durability of observations, at a stepwise change of fuel flow. We present these relations in non-dimensional coordinates that make them universal and ready for application to any turboshaft engine.
Least squares (LS) estimation is one of the most important tools in geodetic data analysis, However, its prevailing use is not often complemented by an objective view of its rudiments, Within the standard formalism of LS estimation theory there are actually several paradoxical and curious issues which are seldom explicitly formulated. The aim of this expository paper is to present some of these issues and to discuss their implications for geodetic data analysis and parameter estimation problems, In the first part of the paper, an alternative view of the statistical principles that are traditionally linked to LS estimation is given. Particularly, we show that the property of unbiasedness for the ordinary LS estimators can be replaced with a different, yet equivalent, constraint which implies that the numerical range of the unknown parameters is boundless. In the second part of the paper, the shortcomings of the LS method are exposed from a purely algebraic perspective, without employing any concepts from the probabilistic/statistical framework of estimation theory, In particular, it is explained that what is 'least' in least squares is certainly not the errors in the estimated model parameters, and that in every LS-based inversion of a linear model there exists a critical trade-off between the Euclidean norms of the parameter estimation errors and the adjusted residuals
Estymacja metodą najmniejszych kwadratów (LS) jest jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi w analizowaniu danych geodezyjnych. Jednakże powszechne korzystanie z tej metody nie zawsze idzie w parze z pelnym uświadomieniem sobie jej podstaw. W standardowym formalizmie teorii estymacji LS w rzeczywistości istnieje kilka paradoksalnych i osobliwych zagadnień rzadko formułowanych wprost. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie niektórych z tych zagadnień i przedyskutowanie ich konsekwencji w analizie danych geodezyjnych oraz problematyce estymacji parametrów. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiony jest alternatywny pogląd na podstawy statystyczne, które są tradycyjnie łączone z estymacją LS. W szczególności pokazano, że właściwość nieobciążoności dla zwykłych estymatorów LS może być zastąpiona przez inne, równoważne jej uwarunkowanie, które powoduje, że zakres numeryczny nieznanych parametrów jest nieograniczony. W drugiej części pracy przedstawiono wady metody LS z czysto algebraicznego punktu widzenia, bez uwzględnienia pojęć z zakresu probabilistycznego/statystycznego teorii estymacji. W szczególności wyjaśnione zostało, do czego odnosi się 'najmniejszy' (Ieast) w metodzie najmniej szych kwadratów. Z pewnością nie odnosi się do błędów wyznaczanych parametrów modelu. Ponadto stwierdzono, że w kazdej inwersji modelu liniowego opartej na metodzie LS istnieje krytyczna zamiana pomiędzy normami euklidesowymi blędów wyznaczanych parametrów i wyrównanych residuów.
To determine the accuracy of radio-tracking estimates of activity and distances walked by European bison Bison bonasus (Linnaeus, 1758), we observed bison while simultaneously conducting radio-tracking in the Białowieża Forest (Poland). Single radio-tracking estimates often did not represent the actual activity of the bison, but the mean time spent active calculated from radio-tracking and direct observations did not differ significantly. Radio-tracking provided overestimates of the distances walked by bison when the animals walked between 0 and 25 m and underestimated the distances walked by bison if they walked further than 25 m in a radio-tracking interval. Activity was best estimated when radio-trackers were between 200 and 300 m from the bison. The mean activity calculated with a sampling interval of 15 min needed about 8 days of radio-tracking and the mean of distances walked about 35 tracking days to stabilise. We concluded that collars without activity sensors can measure the mean activity of bison but cannot represent the length of their activity bouts or the type of their activity and that our radio-tracking estimates of distances walked by bison needed to be corrected before further analyses.
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Procesowi projektowania oczyszczalni ścieków, na jego różnych etapach, nierozłącznie towarzyszy proces podejmowania decyzji - począwszy od przyjęcia miarodajnych danych wyjściowych, kończąc na wyborze optymalnego wariantu rozwiązań techniczno-technologicznych. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano różne metody statystycznej analizy i oceny zgromadzonych danych wyjściowych charakteryzująych ścieki dopływające do oczyszczalni. Celem analizy jest ustalenie miarodajnych parametrów projektowych z jak najmniejszym błędem oszacowania. Rozważania teoretyczne zostały poparte przykładami praktycznego zastosowania przedstawionych w referacie metod i technik statystycznych. Do weryfikacji uzyskanych wyników wykorzystano model symulacyjny dopływu ścieków do oczyszczalni, stosujący metodę Monte-Carlo. Prezentowana praca jest wynikiem badań prowadzonych przez autora w ramach pracy statutowej S/WBiIŚ/22/08 realizowanej w Katedrze Systemów Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Białostockiej.
In the process of designing wastewater treatment plant engineer very often has to deal with decision-making problems, starting from selection of reliable computational parameters for technological calculations and ending with accepance of optimum designing variant. In the paper, various statistical methods that can be used in the analysis and evaluation of preliminary data describing inflow to the wastewater treatment plant are presented. Aim of this analysis is to estimate the most accurate design parameters. For the verification of research results Monte-Carlo simulation was used. Presented work is part of research grant S/WBiIŚ/22/08 from Bialystok University of Technology.
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Principal component analysis (PCA) based on L1-norm has drawn growing interest in recent years. It is especially popular in the machine learning and pattern recognition communities for its robustness to outliers. Although optimal algorithms for L1-norm maximization exist, they have very high computational complexity and can be used for evaluation purposes only. In practice, only approximate techniques have been considered so far. Currently, the most popular method is the bit-flipping technique, where the L1-norm maximization is viewed as a combinatorial problem over the binary field. Recently, we proposed exhaustive, but faster algorithm based on two-dimensional Jacobi rotations that also offer high accuracy. In this paper, we develop a novel variant of this method that uses three-dimensional rotations and quaternion algebra. Our experiments show that the proposed approach offers higher accuracy than other approximate algorithms, but at the expense of the additional computational cost. However, for large datasets, the cost is still lower than that of the bit-flipping technique.
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