Full title: The catalogue of directories and schematisms of the female and male religious orders from the area of historical lands of the Polish Republic in the years 1690-2008 in the collection of the Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, ‘ABMK’ 100 (2013), pp. 55-179. Errata of the major errors in the text
Pełny tytuł: Katalog rubrycel i schematyzmów zakonów męskich i żeńskich z obszaru historycznych ziem Rzeczypospolitej za lata 1690-2008 w zbiorze Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, „ABMK” 100 (2013), s. 55-179. Errata ważniejszych omyłek w tekście
The source of discussion in the article are lists of errors, included in publications from the second half of the eighteenth century, detailing mistakes identified in print and the corrections, and addressed to the future readers of these statements, written by printers, publishers, and authors. These two interconnected elements are characterised in the article as contributing to the front matter and end matter of literary and scholarly works, as well as to the structure of a book, and as an important symptom of entering works into circulation. After a discussion of the formal traits of the errata in books of the bygone era, the types and frequency of printing mistakes collected in the errata are explored, in conjunction with an attempt at determining the likely consequences of those errors, which were not included, on the reading of the texts. In the next part of the article, the focus is on the statements made to the readers in relation to the printing errors. The article also explores the source material as one of the elements of publishing practice, changing with time and subject to modernisation, which should also be acknowledged in contemporary editions of historical works.
Ewangeliarz archangielski z 1092 roku jest jednym z najważniejszych źródeł w badaniach wschodniosłowiańskiej tradycji rękopiśmiennej. Był publikowany dwukrotnie: w 1912 (faksymile) i 1997 roku. Drugie wydanie (edycja tekstu) nie było wierne oryginałowi. Jej pierwsza trudno dostępna errata została opublikowana w roku 1998 (po japońsku), druga w 2012 (i 2013) roku. Niestety, w tych dwóch publikacjach nie zostały wymienione wszystkie niedokładności między edycją tekstu Ewangeliarza archangielskiego i jego oryginałem. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera tylko nieścisłości opuszczone w drugiej erracie z 2012 (i 2013) roku.
The Archangelsk Gospel from the year 1092 is one of the most important sources for research of the east Slavonic manuscript tradition. It was published twice: in the year 1912 (facsimile) and 1997. The second edition (with edited text) wasn’t faithful to its original. Its first errata, hardly accessible, was published in 1998 (in Japanese) and second in 2012 (and 2013).Unfortunately these two publications didn’t enumerate all discrepancies between the edition of Archangelsk Gospel in 1997 and its original. This article mentions only the inaccuracies that weren’t published at errata form 2012 (and 2013).
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