The hydrodynamics of a dyeing machine affects the exchange mechanisms between a textile material and the liquid medium to a large extent. Namely, the transfer of dyes and chemicals from the dyeing liquor and the release of non-bonded substances during subsequent rinsing steps can be altered by relative movement between phases. Such aspects have not been investigated thoroughly, although the typical approach of chemical engineering can offer a relevant contribution in this view. As a practical result, important benefits may follow in various operations of the dyeing process, aimed at optimising the equipment use or saving resources, in particular water. The attention of this study was focused on hank-dyeing machinery, since this production demands a considerable amount of water due to the large liquor ratios. The experimental study was carried out at a textile industry facility by operating on two units of equipment at significantly different scales. The rinsing operation was monitored by sampling the liquid at several positions along the vertical direction of the liquor: colour, conductivity and other chemical properties were measured in order to devise an optimal production policy aimed at saving water. A mathematical model of the equipment, based on a simple hydrodynamic hypothesis and proper mass balances, was proposed, and its outputs were compared with the experimental results. Both practical considerations and the theoretical analysis suggest that water requirement during rinsing can be halved by modifying the procedure without affecting the final quality of products.
Przedstawiono najnowsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie techniki termalnej w aspekcie wykorzystania ich w diagnostyce urządzeń. Zdaniem autorów przełom wieków rozpoczął nową erę w technologii systemów zobrazowania termalnego, jak i ich dostępności. Kamery termowizyjne zostały zminiaturyzowane, są bardzo łatwe w użyciu i tworzą wysokiej rozdzielczości obraz w czasie rzeczywistym. Pomiary termowizyjne możemy wykonać z bezpiecznej odległości, nawet gdy urządzenie jest pod obciążeniem. Dzięki tym zaletom kamera termowizyjna jest idealnym narzędziem do prowadzenia przeglądów technicznych urządzeń.
The article deals with the latest developments in the thermal technology used for equipment diagnosis. According to the authors, the turn of the century started a new age of the technology of the thermal imaging systems and their availability. Infrared cameras have been significantly miniaturized, are easy to use and create high resolution real-time image. Thermal measurements can be done from a safe distance, even if the equipment is under load. These features make a thermal camera a perfect tool for technical condition monitoring.
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