It can be taken for granted that the names of Polish companies quite clearly indicate the era in which they operate. Enterprises were called differently in the years 1944-1970, when marketing was considered both as an obstacle and economically not necessary. In 1971- 1989, the naming of Polish companies was something intermediate between recognition of marketing principles and bureaucratic principles of a centrally planned economy. After 1990, many Polish companies try to be as similar as possible to Western fashions, with particular emphasis on the Anglo-Saxon circle. They often give up the attractions of regionalism.
The article is dedicated to the Svetlana Alexievich literary works in the cultural and social context of our time. As the writer has recognized, she writes about the end of the epoch which was called homo sovieticus. She paid a great attention to the traumatic experience regardless of to whom it belongs: to the Soviet servants or theirs victims – the ones who were repressed and called dissidents. Humanistic pathos is one of the main features of Svetlana Alexievich’s writings. It overestimates the value of individuality and private life in the contemporary society.
Autor rozważa twórczość Swietłany Aleksijewicz w szerokim cywilizacyjno-kulturowym kontekście naszego czasu. Sama pisarka przynaje, że obrazuje koniec epoki homo sovieticus. Jej uwagę przyciąga przede wszystkim doświadczenie istoty traumatycznej z tamtej epoki, niezależnie od tego, czy pochodzi od osób będących czynnymi budowniczymi systemu sowieckiego, czy też od tych, którzy od niego cierpieli, represjonowanych i dysydentów. Całokształt twórczości Swietłany Aleksijewicz charakteryzuje patos humanistyczny, nacelowany na rewaloryzację indywidualności i prywatności we współczesnym społeczeństwie.
The article dedicated to the Svetlana Aleksievich literary works in the cultural and social context of our time. As writer has recognized, she writes about the end of the epoch which was called homo sovieticus. She paid a great attention to the traumatic experience and doesn’t matter whom it belongs: to the soviet servants or theirs victims – that ones who was repressed and called as dissidents. Humanistic pathos is one of the main feature of Svetlana Aleksievich’s writings. It overestimates the value of individuality and private life in the contemporary society.
Автор рассматривает творчество Светланы Алексиевич в широком цивилизационно-культурном контексте нашего времени. Сама писательница признает, что изображает конец эпохи homo sovieticus. Ее внимание привлекает прежде всего травматический опыт этой эпохи, независимо от того, кому он принадлежит: активным созидателям советской системы или пострадавшим от нее, репрессированным и диссидентам. В целом для творчества Светланы Алексиевич характерен пафос гуманизма, нацеленный на возвращение ценности индивидуального и частного в современном обществе.
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