The article examines the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the environmental imperative formation and its impact on the marketing concept transformation in the context of business globalization of the digital society. The periodization of the main trends and stages of the societal marketing of interaction is shown, the modern tendency of a mass shift in marketing towards the greening of business and the ecological positioning of goods and services, the development of environmentally oriented consumers segment in the context of social responsibility of business formation is emphasized. The essential characteristics of environmental marketing are revealed, approaches to its classification, based on the goals of the tasks of economic entities, are structured, which makes it possible to fully reveal the essence of the environmental imperative of modern societal marketing of interaction. Environmental marketing tools, which are aimed at creating competitive advantages, as well as promoting environmental initiatives were specified and structured.
The article presents an analysis of the role of environmental awareness in the education of economists for sustainable development. Principles of efficient environmental education are characterised. An attempt to put these principles into practice on the example of a training course in the subject of Environmental Marketing and Consumption Models carried out at the specialisation of Management of Quality and the Environment at the University of Economy in Wrocław is presented.
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Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedmiotową i funkcjonalną identyfikację komunikacji ekologicznej, rozumianej jako medialny proces przekazu informacji na temat środowiska, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem interdyscyplinarnego zakresu pojęcia, oraz przybliżenie czytelnikowi tej rozprzestrzenionej w krajach wysokorozwiniętych dziedziny komunikacji publicznej. Ze względu na ograniczony zasób polskojęzycznych publikacji naukowych na ten temat praca opiera się przede wszystkim na źródłach zagranicznych, w tym szczególnie na niemiecko- i anglojęzycznej literaturze przedmiotu oraz dokumentacji źródłowej.
The following article targets environmental communication, understood as a mass-mediated process of information exchange on environmental issues. It describes this type of public communication, giving insight in its subject and functions and at the same time trying to incorporate an interdisciplinary scope of the investigated field. Beginning with the precis of the thematic knowledge in Poland and the world, the text goes on analysing the origin, history, practice and scientific status quo of environmental communication. Additionally, the author attempts to give outlook at the prospective development of the phenomenon, according to the present trends in this sector in Western Europe and the anticipated trends in the communicative branch in general. Due to the lack of Polish publications on the topic, the article is based primarily on English and German sources. Last but not least, it aims at promotion of the investigated issue that plays a vital role in environmental management processes and yet has so long been scientifically neglected in Poland.
The article considers theoretical and methodological approaches to managing environmental marketing based on an entrepreneurial management model. The state is a social institution that is obliged to regulate the nature of the use of natural resources as a public good, and the most effective, in this case, are the methods of direct regulation. The introduction of economic mechanisms in combination with administrative ones is the only possible solution to environmental and economic problems. New economy opens unlimited opportunities for business. Business space, technology, processes and business models are becoming more complex. This is due to the fact that new features are added frequently and rarely removed. The dimensions of the business space are increasing all the time, increasing the complexity and creating attractive opportunities for those who have learned to successfully navigate and move forward in a new environment. Surviving in these conditions – are not the strongest and not the most intelligent, but the most quickly adapting to change. In the new rapidly changing economy, a special place is given to environmental management.
Marketing społeczny to proces tworzenia, komunikowania i dostarczania wartości klientom w sposób, który uwzględnia ich oczekiwania społeczne, ekologiczne i etyczne. Jego wdrożenie wymaga od przedsiębiorstwa analizy kierunków rozwoju rynków, identyfikacji segmentów, dla których korzyści społeczne i ekologiczne są ważne, oraz uwzględnienia ich w procesach kreowania i dostarczania nabywcom oczekiwanych przez nich wartości. Wzrost zainteresowania nabywców problemami społecznymi i środowiskowymi sprawia, że od producentów (sprzedawców) oczekują etycznych zachowań, dobrej jakości bezpiecznych dla życia i zdrowia produktów, ekologicznych opakowań, rzetelnych informacji, uczciwej reklamy i jasnych procedur reklamacyjnych, a także potrafią skutecznie przeciwstawiać się nieetycznym praktykom przedsiębiorstw (np. przez bojkot produktów). Zmiany zachowań rynkowych konsumentów wymuszają na przedsiębiorstwach wzbogacenie oferty rynkowej o dodatkowe korzyści społeczne i stają się najważniejszym inicjatorem wdrażania społecznej orientacji marketingowej. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcje trzech form marketingu społecznego: marketing ekologiczny, marketing związany z dobroczynnością, marketing sponsorski. Wymienione formy omówiono, prezentując docelowe segmenty nabywców, korzyści dla przedsiębiorstwa i różnych grup jego interesariuszy. Zwrócono również uwagę na potrzebę uwzględniania w marketingu społecznym działań reaktywnych na krytykę marketingu, budujących jego wizerunek w społeczeństwie. Rozważania oparto na studiach literatury i wynikach badań prowadzonych przez KPMG, FOB oraz prezentowanych w różnych opracowaniach naukowych.
Social marketing is the process of creation, communication and delivery of value to customers in a way that takes into account their social, environmental and ethical expectations. Its implementation requires from the company to perform an analysis of the markets development directions, an identification of segments, for which the social and ecological benefits are important, and their inclusion in the processes of creating and delivering the expected values to the customers. Customers’ increased interest in social and environmental problems is the reason why ethical behaviour is expected from manufacturers (sellers), as well as good quality of products that are safe for life and health, eco-friendly packaging, reliable information, fair advertising and plain complaint procedures. The customers are also able to effectively oppose to unethical business practices (e.g. by boycotting products). The changing market behaviour of consumers enforces companies to enrich the market offer with additional social benefits and becomes the most important initiator of social marketing orientation implementation. The article describes the concepts of three forms of social marketing: ecological marketing, charityrelated marketing, and sponsorship marketing. These forms are discussed by presenting the target customer segments and the benefits for the company and various groups of its stakeholders. Attention is also drawn to the need to include in the social marketing the actions reactive to criticism of marketing, which build its image in society. The reflections were based on the study of literature and the results of research carried out by KPMG, FOB, and presented in a variety of scientific studies.
Purpose: Identifying the impact of consumers’ awareness concerning eco-labelling on their pro-ecological market behavior. Design/methodology/approach: A critical and comparative literature review was chosen as a research method. Findings: Most of the results found in the literature confirm that awareness concerning eco-labelling positively impacts consumers’ pro-ecological behavior. Generally the findings indicate that eco-labelling is often worthwhile because it enhances the business rationale for delivering products with eco-components. Research implications: The change in consumer awareness in the area of eco-labelling leads to the change of consumer behavior towards ecological products. Hence the use of eco-labels can be an important marketing tool in shaping consumer behavior on the market. Practical implications: The findings indicate that eco-labelling is worthwhile as it enhances the business rationale for delivering products with eco-components. Originality/value: The identification, estimation and evaluation of the model of direct relation between consumer awareness concerning eco-labelling and consumer pro-ecological behavior on the market.
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