The author’s motivation for undertaking this research was his own anxieties; anxieties arising from the global ecological and environmental emergency. The aim of my research was to determine young people’s awareness of the climate emergency and their agency (possible actions) related to remedying this phenomenon. In conducting the research, a mixed quantitative and qualitative strategy was used with an online survey, thus examining the opinions of the respondents. The text analyses the answers to questions eliciting opinions on the climate and environmental emergency (a term used in one of the European Parliament’s relevant resolutions), with particular regard to the possibility of stopping the aforementioned crisis. Respondents were primary and secondary pupils, and university students. Among the conclusions, the following should be singled out: 90.3% of respondents agree that we are dealing with an ecological and environmental emergency, but only 12.5% believe that we will stop the crisis, while 29.8% do not, and 57.7% do not know. Most importantly, the analysis of young people’s statements reveals the pessimistic nature of their opinions, revealing the fading hope of remedying the emergency. In combination with the literature review, this sends an alarming message about the need to act not only to deal with the crisis but also in the field of information addressed to all social groups. In summary, there is evident fear that predictions of disaster may turn out to be self-fulfilling prophecies (as defined by Robert K. Merton). The demonstrated ability of young people to influence politicians offers us a hope that we might prevent such a disaster. For such action to succeed, it needs to take place both inside and outside of schools and universities.
The depreciation of values, combined with the expansion of agriculture, industry and the economy, results in the erosion of existing protection mechanisms, as well as commodification and dominance of economic factors. The increasing degradation of the natural environment reveals an increasing number of areas requiring urgent and coordinated protection. The aim of the article is to present the innovative concept of green courts, which are creating a new architecture of modern environmental law. In the considerations, it is indicated that ‘green’ courts at a national level open the way to formulate new legal institutions, facilitate more effective the enforcement of environmental law, and solve legal disputes with alternative adjudicative processes. The article discusses environmental justice based on the example of India and New Zealand, which are among the first countries in the world to have developed an innovative judicial structure and environmental case law. The dogmatic method plays an essential role in the analysis of legal norms concerning the protection of environment, as well as in determining their content and scope. The source materials originate from various legal orders, and diverse cultural and geographical regions. Therefore, in order to discuss the indicated issues, it is necessary to use the comparative method, and thus complete the arguments of a dogmatic and legal nature. In order to present the origins and evolution of law in the scope concerning ‘green’ courts, the historical and legal method is used (temporal retrospection). The considerations emphasize the role of specialist ‘green’ courts in maintaining a balance between the economy, the development of society, and protecting the environmental wellbeing by shifting the focus of jurisprudence to the environmental domain. The article highlights the role of the application and interpretation of environmental norms from an ethical and intergenerational perspective.
Artykuł jest próbą przeglądu podstawowych koncepcji etycznych w ich historycznym i merytorycznym rozwoju w kontekście środowiska i wiedzy o środowisku. Próbuje również odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy istnieje różnica między etyką tradycyjną a etyką środowiskową. Wykorzystywana jest metoda porównawczo-historyczna, która uwzględnia niektóre klasyczne koncepcje etyczne i ich interpretację związaną ze środowiskiem. Analizowane są również koncepcje myślicieli klasycznych i współczesnych uczonych. Autorzy zastanawiają się, czy koncepcje te należy uzupełnić o nowe treści w tym zakresie, czy też przeformułować pod kątem moralnego znaczenia nie tylko dla społeczności ludzkiej, ale także dla wszystkich istot pozaludzkich. Artykuł porusza kwestie pochodzenia moralności, a także niektóre koncepcje dotyczące statusu moralnego postaw wśród naczelnych. Ważniejsze wnioski są takie, że dla rozwoju etyk i wiedzy o środowisku potrzebna jest ich współpraca w celu wyjaśnienia i ukształtowania świadomości moralnej, nowego typu etosu, który nie pozwala na obojętność człowieka wobec środowiska, a rozważania moralne powinny zawierać nie tylko recepty na należyte zachowanie człowieka w społeczeństwie ludzkim, ale także zobowiązania wobec istot pozaludzkich.
The article is an attempt to review some basic ethical concepts in their historical and substantive development, within the context of the environment and environmental knowledge. It also tries to answer the question whether there is a difference between traditional and environmental ethics. The comparative-historical method is used, which considers some classical ethical concepts and their interpretations related to the environment. The concepts of classical and modern scientists are also analyzed. The authors consider whether these concepts should be supplemented with new content in this area or should be reformulated in terms of moral relevance not only for the human community, but also for all non-human inhabitants of the environment. The article explores issues about the origin of morality, as well as some ideas about the moral status of attitudes among primates. More important conclusions are that ethics and environmental knowledge must be developed in cooperation in order to explain and form moral consciousness, a new type of ethos that does not allow indifference to the environment in human interaction with it, and that moral considerations should contain not only prescriptions for due human behavior in human society, but also obligations to non-human inhabitants of nature or to the environment.
This article presents the account of justice presented by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si'. It also shows the continuity of teaching successive popes in the context of linking social issues and environmental issues; extending the scope of the concept of justice for all creation; and presenting intergenerational character of justice. The study also shows Christian inspiration of eco-justice and compliance of justice approach presented in the encyclical to contemporary ecophilosophical works. It seems that the best term for the papal concept of justice is „integral eco-justice”.
Artykuł ten ukazuje ujęcie sprawiedliwości zaprezentowane przez papieża Franciszka w encyklice Laudato Si'. Zwraca uwagę na ciągłość nauczania kolejnych papieży w kontekście łączenia kwestii społecznej i kwestii środowiskowej, rozszerzenia zakresu przedmiotowego koncepcji sprawiedliwości na całe stworzenie oraz ukazanie międzypokoleniowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Opracowanie to ukazuje ponadto chrześcijańskie inspiracje koncepcji ekosprawiedliwości oraz zgodność ujęcia sprawiedliwości przedstawionego w encyklice ze współczesną myślą ekofilozoficzną. Wydaje się, że najlepszym określeniem tej koncepcji jest „integralna ekosprawiedliwość”.
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The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive view of ecocriticism, utilizing the metaphor of waves to depict its development and reflect on changes in its key concepts, milestones and methodological approaches. This relatively young, interdisciplinary discipline enhances literary research by seeking to understand the complex relationship between literature, nature and the environment. It transforms ways of reading literary texts by setting them in environmental contexts, addressing their ecological dimension, exploring and subverting dualism.
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