Everywhere where there is need for identification and measurement of indeterminacy of the distributions studied we can talk about entropy. The need to measure the degree of diversity occurs in studies on numerous systems, processes and phenomena, in particular in studies on socioeconomic phenomena. That is why in studies on those phenomena the measures or models defined on grounds of the information theory are used increasingly often. The paper presents categorization of notions and characteristics of the entropy of a discrete random variable. In addition to Shannon’s entropy, the Rényi’s and Tsallis entropies were applied for studies on the properties of distributions in case of probabilities of the random variables. The notion of entropy stemming from thermodynamics found application in many fields of sciences. Shannon’s entropy was defined on the grounds of the information theory, the Rényi’s entropy is the result of generalization of the Kolmogorov-Nagumo average while the Tsallis entropy is a certain function of Rényi’s entropy. The present paper unifies these approaches by presenting one general model of concentration measure that applies Rényi’s entropy.
O entropii można mówić wszędzie tam, gdzie istnieje potrzeba rozpoznania i zmierzenia nieokreśloności badanych rozkładów zmiennych losowych. Potrzeba zmierzenia stopnia koncentracji występuje w badaniu wielu systemów, procesów czy zjawisk, w szczególności w badaniu zjawisk społeczno-ekonomicznych. Właśnie dlatego w badaniu tychże zjawisk coraz częściej wykorzystuje się miary zdefiniowane na gruncie teorii informacji. W artykule zaprezentowano pojęcia i własności entropii zmiennej losowej dyskretnej. Wykorzystano entropię Shannona wraz z jej uogólnieniami (entropią Rényiego i Tsallisa) do badania własności rozkładów prawdopodobieństw dyskretnych zmiennych losowych. Wskazano ponadto na liczne związki miar koncentracji dyskretnego rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa z entropią. W artykule zaproponowano miarę umożliwiającą ocenę stopnia koncentracji dyskretnego rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa będącą funkcją entropii Rényiego.
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Flooding is one of the most frequently occurring natural hazards worldwide. Mapping and assessment of possible flood hazards are critical components of the evaluation and mitigation of flood risk. In this study, six flood-related indices, i.e., slope, elevation, distance to discharge channel, runof volume, street-drainage network intersection, index of the development and persistence of the drainage network (IDPR), were used to assess the flood hazard. The entropy weighting method was used for assigning the weights to flood-related indices and combining them to prepare urban food hazard mapping in Hamadan city. The produced map showed that nearly 20% of the study area (14.7 km2 ) corresponded to very high susceptibility to flooding, 19.4% (143 km2 ) to high susceptibility and 20.3%, 20.7% and 19.6% regard the moderate, low and very low susceptibility to flooding, respectively. Finally, two methods were used to evaluate the accuracy of the produced food susceptibility map. The frst method is related to assessing the behavior of the map by making and propagating error in foodrelated indices and used model (entropy weighting method), and the second method is superimposing method. The results showed that by making and propagation of error, the behavior of producing food susceptibility mapping, the produced map has a robust behavior either in ranking importance of flood-related indices and percentage of food susceptibility areas. On the other hand, regarding the result of the superimposing method, the accuracy of the flood susceptibility map was 72%, which also suggests an acceptable result.
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