The paper shows the results of the research on competencies, including assessment of acquisition of ten entrepreneurial competencies specified within the Reaching Lost Generation (RLG) project. The competencies developed among participants are classified to broadly describe the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of the eight key competencies in the European education system. In Poland, competency assessment was based on the observation of participants in the two selected schools-partners of the RLG project. The target group were students of final grades of upper secondary schools, who were preparing for the matriculation exam and had serious problems in choosing their educational and career path, and had a weak sense of mastery of entrepreneurial competencies. The assessment of acquired competencies was based on the observation tasks carried out during the initial and final evaluation. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the level of acquired competencies of the participants after completing the course of workshops for all tested ten competencies has increased significantly among both groups analysed, as well as in most individual cases. In addition to that, self-assessment of workshop participants was conducted. With the help of a questionnaire, the workshop participants assessed their acquisition of given competencies. The results of participants self-evaluation also show an increase in acquired competencies, although they are not as vast and clear as in the case of the assessment done by the observers, which may indicate a high sense of responsibility and prudence in the self-assessment among workshop participants. The conducted research can be a starting point for further studies and analysis of the process of developing entrepreneurial competencies among students of different types of schools and teaching profiles, especially showing the process and methods of acquisition of skills necessary for finding an attractive profession in the rapidly changing labour market. Nevertheless, the results of the pilot studies conducted during the test phase of the project indicate the usefulness of the proposed tools, both regarding the assessment of the level and the development of entrepreneurial competencies in the training practice.
Artykuł omawia kulturowe uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości. Wyniki zaprezentowane w niniejszym tekście oparte są na badaniach przeprowadzonych wśród wietnamskich przedsiębiorców w Polsce. Główną zastosowaną metodą były wywiady częściowo strukturalizowane. Autorki poddały analizie typologie kultur narodowych najbardziej popularne na gruncie nauk o zarządzaniu (Hofstede, 2000; Hall, 1976; Gesteland, 1999; Hampden-Turner i Trompenaars, 1998; Kluckhohn i Strodtbeck, 1961; Schwartz, 1994) i wyróżniły najważniejsze, ich zdaniem, wymiary mające wpływ na postawy i kompetencje przedsiębiorcze (Glinka i Gudkova, 2011). Stosownie do zaprezentowanych wymiarów zostały scharakteryzowane kultura wietnamska (na podstawie analizy literaturowej) oraz kultura wietnamskich imigrantów (na podstawie wyników badań). Ostatecznie zestawiono wyniki analiz literaturowych oraz badań w celu pokazania wpływu uwarunkowań kulturowych na kompetencje przedsiębiorcze badanej społeczności. Wyniki zaprezentowane w tekście są częścią jeszcze nieukończonych badań.
The paper focuses on the cultural approach to entrepreneurship. The results were developed on the basis of the study of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in Poland. The authors analyzed different typologies of national cultures popular on the ground of management theory (Hofstede, 2000; Hall, 1976; Gesteland, 1999; Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1998; Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961; Schwartz, 1994) and highlighted the most important, in their opinion, dimensions which have influence on entrepreneurial attitude and competences (Glinka, Gudkova, 2011). Vietnamese culture was described according to these dimensions. Further, picture of Vietnamese culture from the literature was compared to the description of Vietnamese entrepreneurs culture from the research. The results were compared and analyzed in order to present how culture determines entrepreneurial competencies of studied community. The text describes the research which is still in progress.
Development of each enterprise depends on external factors related to the company’s environment as well as internal ones inherent in the company. The article presents theoretical concepts of internal factors of enterprise development, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competences. Based on research, development factors of small and middle size enterprises operating in the food industry were reviewed showing specific factors for this industry
Rozwój każdego przedsiębiorstwa zależy od czynników zewnętrznych związanych z otoczeniem firmy oraz wewnętrznych. W artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne koncepcje związane z wewnętrznymi czynnikami rozwoju przedsiębiorstw, przedsiębiorczością i kompetencjami przedsiębiorczymi. Dokonano przeglądu badań opisujących czynniki rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw działających w branży spożywczej i określono charakterystyczne dla tego przemysłu grupy tych czynników
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