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tom nr 6
Od przedsiębiorstw deklarujących stosowanie koncepcji CSR zaczęto wymagać dowodów świadczących o tym, że działania związane z odpowiedzialnym prowadzeniem działalności są przez nie faktycznie podejmowane. Potrzeba ta powstała zapewne w wyniku powszechnie występujących rozbieżności pomiędzy deklaracjami głoszonymi przez przedsiębiorców, a ich rzeczywistym postępowaniem. Dlatego też, wraz z upowszechnianiem się koncepcji CSR, stworzone zostały rozmaite wytyczne i standardy, których celem jest wspieranie implementacji koncepcji CSR w organizacjach, a także jej rozwój na poziomie strategicznym i operacyjnym. W konsekwencji zwiększyła się liczba organizacji, które zaczęły stosować standardy wspomagające realizację zasad koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw, takie jak: – norma SA8000, – norma AA1000, – normy ISO serii 14000, – Program Ekozarządzania i Audytów Środowiskowych (EMAS), – Wytyczne OECD dla przedsiębiorstw wielonarodowych, – inicjatywa Global Compact, – indeksy Dow Jones Sustainability Group (DJSGI), – indeks FTSE4Good, – wytyczne zrównoważonego raportowania. Wymienione standardy przedstawiono poniżej.
tom Nr 49
Development of innovation strategies is an essential step to set in motion a system of behaviorus and stimuli which can accelerate innovativeness in established economic structures. Cooperation, on the other hand, supports innovative activity as it leads to specialization and can be a distribution channel for the transfer of knowledge. Without any changes in development strategy of the economy, or raising outlays on R&D, it is impossible to maintain the present tangible infrastructure or keep research staff, not to mention the need to develop those resources.
The aim of this paper is to examine regional differences in innovation activities of Polish enterprises in 2004-2010 on the basis of statistical data published by the CSO. The survey covered such issues as: expenditures on innovation activities (level and structure), the share of innovation-active enterprises, the types of innovations, as well as the objectives and effects of innovation policy. The analysis shows that: the level of innovativeness of the Polish economy is still underdeveloped, the innovation structure is wrong (companies allocate most of their funds in the purchase of fixed assets, and only about 10% on R&D), Polish companies are selling too few (and ever fewer) innovative products. The disparities between the expenditure on innovative activities in different voivodeships are significant. Three groups of voivodeships can be distinguished – highly innovative (Lower Silesian, Masovian, Pomeranian, Silesian), moderately innovative, and poorly innovative (Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, Warmian-Masurian, Lubush, Opolskie and West Pomeranian). In addition, the disparities between the most and least innovative voivodeships are increasing.
tom Nr 36
A company must raise sufficient capital to supply its long-terms needs for fixed--assets investments, and it must do so at the Iovest possible cost. An enterprise can derive its capital from two sources: 1) from debet by - borowing long-term funds in the market, and 2) from equity by issuance of common or preferred stock, or by retaining and accruing earning. The mix of long-term debt and equity is referred to as the firm's capital structure. This structure eis partly determined by, and it strongly influences the per-share profitability of the firm. Mangements can ascertain the costs of the different means of long-term capital provision. But it any qiven case the decission to choose debt or equity is influenced by factors other than cost. What method a firm uses to reach its important capital investment decisions will ultimately depend on the circumstances. Managements therefore need techniques by which to compare the relative mertis of alternative choices so as to reach the best decision.
tom Nr 36
Autor basing oneself on the theory of contractor and his functions shows their meaning for different models are working in the firms.
In the environment of contemporary enterprises there appear number of changes that create new conditions of functioning. Increasing complexity of mentioned environment, growing speed of changes and increase of changes intensity make the enterprises necessary to adjust themselves permanently to the requirements of the environment. The answer for these changes has to be the flexibility of the enterprises. The issue of enterprises' flexibility is supposed to be considered on many various dimensions, for instance: on the dimension of aims, resources or organizational structures. Present paper is supposed, in very broad outlines, to present the issue of flexibility and intellectual capital on the chosen modern models of enterprises, such as virtual, intelligent and learning enterprises.
Market environment forces the increase of efficiency in companies existence. It is based on proper, effective use of sources and each enterprise has to reach and hold the competition advantage to exist. The changes in world economy, presence of Poland in EU, and what is related with that, the necessity to equal with aggressive, competitive European companies, forces companies in Poland to deep and brave restructuring activities. But restructuring is an expensive process, both in finance and social dimension. That's why restructuring works have to be undertaken when the company still has necessary funds, and not when is already close to bankruptcy. Those issues are mentioned in this paper, as important for all companies irrespective of the size, trade, and mostly appearing unexpected for managers.
tom Nr 48, t. 2
Taking investment decision is inseparably connected with assessment current and fiiture conditions of realization. The process of this assessment is madę in the uncer-tainty and risk conditions. The infrastructural investments that are realized with using the public private partnership mechanism are concerned with the same rules. Risk should betaken by the partner who can manage with it better. When the private sector is taking someof the project risk it will also expect remuneration proportional to the level of risk itwill bear. This is the reason why identiflcation, sharing and mitigation of risk should be taken into consideration because of the project effectiveness.The role of risk management is identification of risk sources and types, its evaluation and devising preventive strategies. Such identification allows for efHcient control of the investment process, and reduces the unwanted side effects. The complete elimination of risk from the investment process is not possible, despite using the most sophisticated and modern preventive methods. The price of a risk depends on its type, and projects with higher risk factor ought to offer higher return ratę then so called "safe investments".
Content available remote Rachunek kosztów pracy w przedsiębiorstwie
tom Z.4
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję uzupełniającego rachunku kosztów pracy, prowadzonego równolegle do rachunku kosztów przedsiębiorstwa. Potrzeba prowadzenia takiego rachunku wynika stąd, że zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi wymaga odpowiednich, często bardzo szczegółowych informacji, których nie zapewnia rachunek kosztów przed-siębiorstwa. Z ewidencji kosztów przedsiębiorstwa, prowadzonej według układu rodza-jowego można uzyskać jedynie informacje dotyczące ogólnych kwot wynagrodzeń oraz świadczeń na rzecz pracowników, co jest niewystarczające na potrzeby zarządzania zaso-bami ludzkimi.
The paper presents an offer of a complementary work costs account held parallel to a cost ac-count of an enterprise. A need for such an account results from the fact that management of human resources requires adequate, very often detailed, information which cannot be provided by a cost account of an enterprise. Cost recording, kept according to the generic system, can only provide information concerning general quotas of remuneration and benefits for workers, which is insufficient for the needs to manage human resources.
The study presents the legal and organizational basis of providing assistance for enterprises in order to enhance their competitiveness and to create positive structural changes. Also assistance programs and priorities of support in financing between 2014 and 2020 were exposed. Moreover, in this paper, several points of view on public assistance and priorities to support in selected areas of the economy based on the example of Podkarpackie voivodeship were showed
Content available remote Crisis of the enterprise development: essence and methodology on investigation
tom z. 19
Theoretical bases of development of crisis on an enterprise in the article are considered. There are some analyses of the external lines of the crisis development phase. The conducted analysis allowed to offer the mechanism of anticrisis management, as bases of effective development of enterprise.
W pracy rozpatrywane są podstawy kryzysu rozwoju przedsiębiorczości. Przedstawiono i przeanalizowano fazy rozwojowe takiego kryzysu. Zaprezentowana w pracy metodologia badawcza pozwala na znajdowanie antykryzysowych przedsięwzięć na bazie efektywnego rozwoju przedsiębiorczości.
Content available What innovation and technology transfer really mean?
tom Vol. 2, No. 2
New technologies, innovation, and technology transfer - these are very popular phrases nowadays, especially in terms of the European Union policies of investing in advanced technologies or scientific and industrial collaboration. They are so commonly used that became rather slogans, catchwords than scientific terms. But do we really know what they mean?
The year 2009 was announced as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. To mark the occasion, the author decided to present her thoughts on the subject. The individual parts of her article are devoted to such aspects as the nature of creativity, creativity vs. creative thinking, stimuli and hindrances to creativity, creativity and knowledge as the keys to success, etc.
Content available remote Organizacyjne aspekty realizacji procesu motywowania w przedsiębiorstwie
tom Z. 11
W artykule przedstawiono model procesu motywacyjnego, który stał się podstawą badań empirycznych prowadzonych w przedsiębiorstwach zlokalizowanych na terenie naszego kraju. Stwierdzono występowanie niedostatków, dotyczących głównie wymiaru przedmiotowego organizacji procesu motywowania. Uznano, że owe nieprawidłowości można traktować jako rezerwy skuteczności działań motywacyjnych, których uruchamianie wymaga wprowadzania określonych modyfikacji. W ten sposób wskazano podstawowe kierunki zmian w dziedzinie kształtowania motywacji pracowniczej w przedsiębiorstwach.
The paper presents the model of motivating process, which became a basis of empirical research in enterprises situated on a terrain of our country. The occurrence of shortages related mainly the objective dimension of organization motivating process were affirmed. It was recognized, that these irregularities might be treated as an effectiveness of motivation operations reserves, which require initiation of definite modifications. In view of the circumstances, the basic directions of changes in the field of shaping employee motivation were presented.
Content available remote Przedsiębiorczość jako inkubator rozwoju regionalnego
tom Z. 11
W założeniach przedsiębiorczość stanowi swoisty "inkubator" obliczony na aktywizację wszelkich zasobów, czego skutkiem jest rozwój regionu, a tym samym poprawa warunków życia mieszkańców. Procesy przedsiębiorcze determinuje otoczenie lokalne, czyli samorządy terytorialne oraz instytucje otoczenia biznesu. Od ich inwencji zależy dynamika i tempo rozwoju szczególnie małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na bazie inicjatywności oddolnej. Strategia innowacji natomiast powinna stanowić ogniwo łączące cele europejskiej, krajowej i regionalnej polityki z instytucjami oraz potencjałem rozwojowym regionu. Na treść artykułu składają się: - mechanizmy przedsiębiorczości w rozwoju społeczeństw, - uwarunkowania i kierunki rozwoju regionalnego /czynniki rozwoju regionu, marketing regionalny/, - instytucje wspierania przedsiębiorczości /zadania instytucji przedsiębiorczości, instytucje rynku pracy, inkubatory przedsiębiorczości, ośrodki innowacyjności/, Celem artykułu jest wykazanie przedsiębiorczości jako mechanizmu generującego aktywizację potencjału ekonomicznego i społecznego regionu na bazie inwencji oddolnej oraz innowacji władz samorządowych i zasad gospodarki rynkowej.
Originally, entrepreneurship serves as an incubator which is to make use of all the resources resulting in region development and, at the same time, in improvement of living conditions of its inhabitants. Entrepreneurial processes are determined by local governments as well as business institutions. Dynamics and speed of their development (mainly of small and medium size enterprises) depends on their invention. Innovation strategy should link aims of european, national and regional politics with the institutions and developmental potential of a region. The article discusses the following: - entrepreneurial mechanisms in the development of societes - conditions and directions of regional development /factors of regional development, regional marketing/, - institutions supporting entrepreneurship /tasks of entrepreneurship institutions, job market institutions, entrepreneurship incubators, innovation centers/ Objective of the article is to show entrepreneurship as a mechanism which generates increase in economic and social potential of a region on the basis of local governments' innovation as well as the rules of market economy.
tom nr 8
Burzliwy okres reform oznacza m in. odejście od biurokratycznego, silnie scentralizowanego zarządzania do kierowania i zarządzania w gospodarce opartej na wolnym rynku i konieczności walki z konkurencją o najlepsze zaspokojenie zmieniajacych się stale potrzeb klientów.
Content available remote Competitive Processes on Foreign Markets and the Intelligent Enterprise
The aim of this paper is to indicate the competitive processes on foreign markets and define the essence and position of the intelligent enterprise. The premises of competitiveness were indicated as the basis of deliberations, while subsequently the significance of knowledge in enterprises was indicated which in terms of their strategies are aimed at the achievement of the status of intelligent enterprises. Furthermore, a statistical analysis of the functioning of enterprises on foreign markets has been carried out in the context of the activities of enterprises in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness, barriers to activities and the forms of safeguarding against currency rate risk, while also forms of supporting the activities of enterprises on the part of banks. With this aim in mind, elements of mathematical statistics were applied, as well as an analysis of co-dependencies.
The main goal of this article is to present how to obtain European funds for companies from tourism sector. The paper describes the practical principles that will help in the effective preparation of project documentation, the basic principles of programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and financial control in applying for a funds from the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Programme.
tom Nr 38
Relationships between an enterprise and other economic units are of a complex nature. They are multidimensional and have numerous aspects and facets. The changing environment defines the complexity of the modern relationships between the enterprise and the other economic units. The following five groups of relationships have been discusded: -enterprise-household -enterprise-other enterprises -enterprise-authorities -enterprise-financial institutions -enterprise-units of economic democracy (e.g. political parties, trade unions, business associations, customer associations etc.).
tom Nr 41
The article presents economical factors describing the marketing position of brewery companies. It takes into consideration both macro-and microeconomic factors of company as wellas ist gurrouding ervironment. The article shows some factors like: konwledge, information end intelectual capital.
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