Podano ogólną charakterystykę efektywności nauczania realizowanego przez współczesny system szkolnictwa. Wskazano na czynniki wpływające na degradację etosu inżyniera, wywołane przez liberalną politykę władz ministerialnych i samorządowych wobec niektórych szkół. Opisano negatywne skutki wprowadzania takich reform edukacji, które nie przewidują stosowania wyraźnych kryteriów umożliwiających egzekwowanie realizacji zadań kształcenia pod względami ilościowymi i jakościowymi.
General effectiveness characteristics of contemporary education system has been given. Factors influencing degradation of engineer ethos have been indicated, caused by liberal politics of ministerial and local authorities towards some schools. Negative effects have been described of introducing such education reforms that don't use clear criteria which would allow to enforce implementation of qualitative and quantitative educational tasks.
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was established in 1941 during the Dutch colonial rule as the first mechanical engineering program in Indonesia. The Master's Degree program in mechanical engineering was added to the Study Program much later in 1987. Both programs (Sarjana and Master's Degree Programs) have been awarded an 'A' grade from the Indonesian National Accreditation Board/Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN). However, over the years participation in the Master's Degree program has been low, with an average of less than 20 students per year. The stringent application requirements to enter the program and the lucrative salary packages offered by the industries might be the most common reasons why people refrain from pursuing a Master's Degree that requires them to spend a 1.5 to 3 years of study time. Since 2008, two new approaches have been introduced into the Master's Degree program. First, the Fasttrack Program, which allows high-achieving students to accomplish both the Sarjana and Master's Degree programs in 5 years. The other is called Credit Earning Activity (CEA), which allows industrial employees to attend the Master's Degree program without having to retire or take a leave from their work. This paper discusses the experiences and lessons learned from 25 years of administering the Master's Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering at ITB. Several efforts have been made to improve the quality of the program.
Education concerning computer tools for the future engineers is present at the universities for over 40 years and since every student of engineering faculties (not only computer engineering) obtains knowledge of computer applications and data processing tools. We are often asked why do we teach IT if the computer is commonly used and every student is well acknowledged with its applications. New problem arises as the students use computers, but do not understand its meaning in their future work. There is a gap between everyday thinking of computer application and real needs for the engineer. The aim of the presented analysis is to discuss how to fill this gap and prepare syllabus to gain students interest and present them with understanding of the tools they are about to use in their work.