Robust statistical regression is a regression which is insensitive to so called excess observations, due to measurement errors or non-typical observations. Various coefficients selection criteria - such as minimization of the weighted sum of squared deviations, minimization of the sum of residuals absolute values, minimization of the median of squared residuals - are used to determine the robust regression equation for discrete data. Similarly, in the case of regression with interval data various methods are used to determine the robust regression equation, e.g. the multi criteria programming. In the paper a method of constructing a robust linear regression for interval data is proposed, which makes use of the multi criteria programming, in which the median criterion is proposed as the robustness criterion. We propose a procedure for arriving at the final interval regression (using various models) and apply this procedure to constructing an interval regression model for electricity load in a Polish city.
Celem badań była ocena ekonomiczna i energetyczna przyjętych wariantów technologii uprawy roli. Do badań przyjęto sześć wariantów technologii przygotowania gleby do siewu. Istotą badanych technologii było zastępowanie pługa podorywkowego broną talerzową i kultywatorem oraz pługa zagonowego głęboszem. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań obliczono wydajność eksploatacyjną, zużycie paliwa oraz nakłady pracy i energii agregatów wykorzystanych do uprawy roli. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że wskazane jest zastępowanie pługa lemieszowego innymi narzędziami spulchniającymi glebę, co skraca czas między przygotowaniem gleby do siewu i siewem oraz zmniejsza koszty, nakłady pracy i energii oraz zużycie paliwa.
The objective of the research was the economical and energetic evaluation of the adopted variants of arable land cultivation technology. Six variants of technologies for preparing the soil to sowing were adopted in the research. The core of the tested technologies was replacing a first ploughing plough with a disk harrow and a cultivator and a non-reversible plough with a depth plough. Following the research carried, the usage capacity was calculated, as well as the fuel consumption plus workloads and energy loads of the aggregates used for soil cultivation. The research carried revealed that it is advisable to replace a share plough with other soil cultivating tools, which shortens the time between preparing the soil for sowing and the sowing itself and decreases the costs, workload and energy loads as well as fuel consumption.
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