Introduction: The results of national and international studies demonstrate the relationship of consumption of cola-type beverages by adolescents with increased dependence on other psychoactive substances, such as alcohol or tobacco. Aim: To assess the relationship between consumption of cola and functional drinks (energy and isotonic drinks) and other stimulants including coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes in a group of high school students. Material & methods: 120 students (16–17 years) attending upper secondary school in Lesko participated in the survey. The anonymous questionnaire collected data on frequency of consumption of selected products and beverages (FFQ), including functional beverages. To assess the differences between groups the Mann-Whitney U-test was appplied, while the relationship between variables was analyzed using the Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) at statistical significance level α=0.05. Results: The results showed that sugar beverages such as cola (soft drink), were consumed most frequently by young people (2.50±0.92). Of functional beverages, respondents choose energy drinks more often (2.07±0.87) than isotonic beverages (1.66±0.76). Among female respondents, a positive correlation between the consumption of energy drinks and cola drinks was found (rs=0.34, p=0.0001). Girls who smoke cigarettes reported consuming energy drinks significantly more often (p=0.0212) than non-smokers. The frequency of consumption of caffeinated beverages (cola and energizing drinks) in the surveyed group had no correlation with consumption of alcoholic beverages and tea. Conclusion: Excessive intake of caffeine by young people may lead to increased use of other stimulants. This indicates a need for quantitative data on consumption of caffeinated beverages by adolescents.
Energy drinks (EDs) are caffeinated drinks marketed as energy and performance boosters and commonly used by athletes worldwide. They are widely used among youth and university students, with limited research about their consumption among physically active persons. Objectives: This study aims to assess ED consumption among physically active persons in Lebanon, the association between ED use and the participants’ general characteristics, and to explore the predictors of ED use among them. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted over three months, targeting 384 physically active persons from 8 gyms across Lebanon. Results: The prevalence of ED consumption was 49.2%, namely to boost energy (68.2%) and stimulate awakeness (19.3%). Around 20% used EDs during workouts, and 15.8% used them before it. Females had 59% lower odds of ED consumption than males (OR 0.41, 95% CI 0.19-0.89), while older participants had 4.74 times higher odds of ED use (OR 4.74, 95% CI 1.16-19.3). Waterpipe smokers and alcohol consumption had 3.68 and 2.28 times higher odds of ED use than non-users. Among other sports, those doing weightlifting had significantly higher odds of ED consumption than others (OR 2.61, 95% CI 1.30-5.25). Conclusion: The predictors of ED consumption should be considered for better-informed decisions and effective awareness campaigns.
W 2014 r. przeprowadzono badania, których celem było uzyskanie informacji na temat sposobu odżywiania, jakości spożywanych posiłków oraz preferencji wybranej grupy młodzieży uczącej się w szkołach wyższych na różnych kierunkach. Przebadano grupę 100 studentów ankietą zawierającą 20 pytań zamkniętych jednokrotnego wyboru i 2 pytań wielokrotnego wyboru. Największym błędem żywieniowym popełnianym przez respondentów jest nieregularność spożywania posiłków a posiłkiem pomijanym jest śniadanie. Studenci spożywają zbyt dużo białka zwierzęcego a zbyt mało owoców i warzyw. Ponad to piją dużo słodzonych, sztucznie barwionych napojów oraz napojów energetycznych. Nieprawidłowości w żywieniu respondentów świadczą o braku wiedzy z zakresu zasad zdrowego odżywiania.
In 2014 years was carried out research aimed at obtaining information on diet, quality of meals and the preferences a select group of young people studying at universities in different fields of study. Studied a group of 100 students questionnaire containing 20 closed questions and 2 single choice multiple-choice questions.The biggest mistake nutrition committed by the respondenta is the irregularity of meals and meal overlooked is the breakfast. Students consume too much animal protein and too little fruit and vegetables. Above it a drink a lot of sugary, artificially colored drinks, and energy drinks. Irregularities in the nutrition of the respondents indicate a lack of knowledge of the principles of healthy eating.
W ostatnich latach na świecie, w tym w Polsce, dynamicznie wzrasta spożycie napojów energetyzujących. Swoją popularność zawdzięczają one zawartości biologicznie aktywnych substancji, które wpływają na funkcjonowanie organizmu, np. poprawiają nastrój lub wytrzymałość fizyczną, zmniejszają senność czy znoszą zmęczenie. Do najczęściej stosowanych należą: kofeina, guarana, tauryna, gorzka pomarańcza, żeń-szeń (ginseng), glukuronolakton, inozytol i L-karnityna. Substancje te stają się istotnymi składnikami diety z powodu zwiększonego spożycia napojów energetyzujących. W artykule przedstawiono potencjalne korzyści, ale również zagrożenia zdrowotne wynikające z konsumpcji napojów energetyzujących. W Polsce napoje energetyzujące zostały uznane za środki spożywcze specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego.
Consumption of energy drinks has been rapidly risen in the recent years in the world, including Poland. Their popularity is due to the content of biologically active substances that affect the functioning of the human body, i.a., by improving mood or physical endurance, reducing sleepiness or abolishing tiredness. The most commonly used substances are: caffeine, guarana, taurine, bitter orange, ginseng, glucuronolactone, inositol and L-carnitine. These substances become essential components of the diet due to increasing consumption of energy drinks. Potential benefits and health risks resulting from the consumption of energy drinks are presented in the article. In Poland energy drinks have been considered as foods for particular nutritional use.
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Przebadano 25 napojów energetycznych pod kątem zawartości w nich kofeiny, tauryny, substancji słodzących, konserwantów i witamin z grupy B. Analizy wykonano techniką wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej. Znajomość składu chemicznego oraz możliwych reakcji między poszczególnymi składnikami tych napojów mogą stanowić podstawę oceny ich wpływu na organizm człowieka.
Twenty-five com. energy drinks were analyzed for contents of caffeine, sugar and sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin), B6, B8 and B12 vitamins and preservative (BzONa) by high performance liq. chromatog. Caffeine was identified in 23 drinks and its content was 0–37.16 mg/100 mL of drink. The sugars were detected in 20 samples, while aspartame and saccharin in 2 samples in concns. of 141.9 and 100.03 μg/mL, resp. The concn. of BzONa was below the detection limit of the method used.
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