Assuming an active role of language in profiling the reality of a given discourse, the article presents characteristic discursive practices used by the media related to the German New Right when referring to the migration crisis and refugees. Based on the DIMEAN model, the online magazines of Junge Freiheit and Compact were analyzed accordingly.
This article concerns enemy image construction in post-Cold War presidential foreign policy crisis rhetoric. It identifies the elements of President Donald J. Trump’s enemy imagery in the 2019-2020 Persian Gulf crisis. The analysis is based on Robert L. Ivie’s concept of savagery and John R. Butler’s and Jason A. Edward’s typology of savage imagery. The article makes a claim that Trump represented Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani as a modern savage to justify the US’ taking military action to eliminate the enemy. A close reading of the president’s language is followed by a discussion of the implications of his choices for the American convention of foreign policy crisis rhetoric.
Artykuł dotyczy wizerunku wroga w retoryce amerykańskich prezydentów w sytuacjach międzynarodowych kryzysów. Analizuje on obraz irańskiego generała Qassema Soleimaniego zawarty w wypowiedziach prezydenta Donalda J. Trumpa w trakcie kryzysu w Zatoce Perskiej w styczniu 2020 roku. Narzędziami analizy są koncepcje Roberta L. Iviego: topos barbarzyństwa oraz Johna R. Butlera i Jasona A. Edwarda: topos barbarzyńcy prymitywnego i współczesnego. W artykule postawiono tezę, że Trump przedstawił Soleimaniego jako współczesnego barbarzyńcę, aby uzasadnić decyzję o siłowym wyeliminowaniu wroga. Analiza wypowiedzi prezydenta jest wstępem do dyskusji o konsekwencjach wyborów retorycznych dla konwencji retoryki kryzysu.
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Article concentrates mainly on the period before the Armenian genocide of 1915–1916, when the negative stereotype of the Turk as an ancestral enemy had not yet been so firmly ingrained as today. I am operating on the assumption that this stereotype, today presented as at least 900 years old and vigorously supported by Armenian propaganda, dates in reality from the early 20th century, probably originally concerning the category of Muslims in general and later the ethnic category of Kurds. I am looking for support for my hypothesis about the originally non-ethnically motivated image of the Muslim or of the economically defined category of the Kurd (nomad) with respect to the perception of Armenian authors in the texts of Armenian chronicles from the 16th till 18th centuries from the region of Van. Armenians there constituted the most populous minority in the Ottoman Empire while living in an extremely multicultural environment. The chronicles show a great variety of attitudes towards the category of Muslims and Heretics generally depending on the author, and they also provide an interesting anthropological excursion into the life of the local population.
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