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In this study, the diversity of endophytic and epiphytic fungi communities was evaluated and compared from healthy, symptomless and green leaves of the medicinal plant Ziziphus lotus (wild jujube) growing in Northern Algeria. Culture-based methods were used to isolate the endophytes and epiphytes. Morphological and molecular analyses were applied for identification of the fungi taxa. Both communities of the phylloplane of Ziziphus lotus differed in size and composition. Out of all 52 species, 19 were identified as epiphytic fungi and 45 as endophytes with 12 species shared by the two communities (Aspergillus costaricaensis, A. tubingensis, Aureobasidium sp., Cladosporium asperlatum, C. halotolerans, C. limoniforme, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. desertorum, P. flavigenum, P. momoii, Stemphylium sp. and Trichothecium crotonigenum). The two communities were found to be moderately similar (Sørensen similarity index = 0.37). Higher diversity values were found in endophytic community compared to epiphytic community: Shannon's diversity index H' (3.29 vs 1.83), Simpson diversity index C' (0.94 vs 0.74), species richness (3.06 vs 0.46) and species evenness (0.86 vs 0.62). Additionally, the correlation matrix was generated for the identification of possible interactions between different fungi.
Introduction and aim. Viral infections stand to be among the most devastating diseases globally. Though significant efforts have been made in research and drug development against viral infections, the search for safe, affordable and effective vaccines against the current ravaging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is still on. This is because already approved vaccines still need improvement. This review draws the attention of researchers on the potentials of bioactive substances from endophytes against the novel coronaviruses. Material and methods. This assessment was made using references of articles published in English peer reviewed journals indexed in PubMed and Google Scholars databases up to June, 2022. The following key words were used; ‘coronaviruses’, ‘Endophytes’, ‘Endophytes and viral infections, ‘Endophytes and COVID-19, ‘SARS-CoV’. Analysis of the literature. In-silico, in-vitro and in-vivo studies revealed that natural compounds from endophytes showed antiviral activities against various human coronavirus, including HCoV 229E and a norovirus surrogate, the feline coronavirus FCV F9, COVID-19, Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), SARSCoV-2 Mpro, among others. Conclusion. This finding calls for researchers to also focus on endophytes, as part of drugs development in the bid to finding possible solution in combating the devastating COVID-19, an emerging situation.
Introduction: Similar bioactive metabolites are obtainable from host plants as well as the endophytic fungi residing in them. Objective: The aim of the study is to isolate the major compound(s) from the endophytic fungus residing in Nypa fruticans Wurmb, Arecaceae family. Methods: Purification of the ethyl acetate extract of the isolated endophytic fungus was performed by employing different chromatographic techniques and structural elucidation of the isolated compound was carried out using UV and NMR spectroscopic methods. Results: Cichorin A was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of the solid rice cultures of Pestalotiopsis sp., isolated from N. fruticans, collected in Nigeria. Conclusions: This compound is being isolated for the first time from a fungus; it is commonly isolated from the plant Cichorium intybus L. (Compositae).
Wstęp: Z roślin – gospodarzy oraz z ich endofitycznych grzybów można otrzymać podobne aktywne metabolity. Cel: Celem prowadzonych badań było wyizolowanie głównego związku/związków z endofitów grzybowych zasiedlających nipę krzewinkową (palmę krzaczastą) Nypa fruticans Wurmb (Arecaceae). Metody: Oczyszczenie ekstraktu z izolowanych endofitów grzybowych, otrzymanego za pomocą octanu etylu, przeprowadzono za pomocą różnych technik chromatograficznych . Wyjaśnienie struktury wyizolowanego związku przeprowadzono metodą spektoskopii NMR. Wyniki: Z ekstraktu (otrzymanego za pomocą octanu etylu) z kultur Pestalotiopsis sp. (izolowanych z N. fruticans z Nigerii), hodowanych na pożywkach stałych ryżowych, otrzymano cychorynę A. Wnioski: Związek ten, powszechnie izolowany z rośliny Cichorium intybus L. (Compositae), po raz pierwszy został wyizolowany z grzybów.
Biological method is considered as eco-friendly and reliable process for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNps) in the field of nanotechnology due to its tremendous applications in various fields. In this study we have isolated a total of twelve endophytic fungi from leaves of Curcuma longa (turmeric) and Catharanthus roseus out of which six endophytic fungi showed their ability to synthesized AgNps from silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution which splits into a positive silver ion (Ag+) and a negative nitrate ion (NO3 -) in order to turn the silver ions into solid silver (Agº). Of the six positive endophytic fungi VRD2 showed good and encouraging results and was identified as Penicillium spinulosum VRD2. UV-Visible Spectroscopy confirms the AgNps showing maximum peak at 425nm implying the bioreduction of AgNO3. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) revealed the particle are spherical and well dispersed without agglomeration size ranging from 25- 30nm.
Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is an important agricultural grass in Europe and North America, but there is little research into the occurrence and abundance of fungal endophyte species associated with this grass. The aim of this study was to identify fungal endophytes living within P. pratense and to determine if additional moisture applied during the growing season increases the diversity of endophytic fungi. We studied 58 isolates obtained from surface-sterilised blades of 60 P. pratense plants collected from Rõka Free Air Humidity Manipulation experimental plots (FAHM), Estonia. Morphological and molecular methods were used for isolate identification. As a result, 45 strains from 10 different taxa were identified, all belonging to Ascomycota. Five species were found to be new to P. pratense.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad mikoflorą endofityczną w żywych igłach Pinus silvestris, nie wykazujących objawów chorobowych. Częstotliwość zasiedlania igieł przez grzyby podano w zależności od wieku drzew, wieku igieł, usytuowania igieł w koronie drzew i pory roku.
The study material consisted of living symptomless needles of P. sylvestris collected in 2-year-old and 13-year-old stands in the В rynek management unit during three terms: September 1989, November 1989 and March 1990, In 13-year-old stand ten needles of the 1-st and ten of the 2-nd year were collected in the lower and upper part of the crown of six trees. In 2-year-old stand two primary needles were collected from each of the 30 1-year-old seedlings originating from natural regeneration, and the same number of needles of the 1 -st year from 30 2-year-old seedlings originating from artificial regeneration by direct seeding. In total, 1080 needles were utilized in the study. Needle surface disinfection was accomplished using sublimate or natrium hypochlorite. After disinfection each needle was divided into six even length sections (6480 needle sections in total) and placed on malt agar in Petri dishes. In 2-year-old stand rate of infection was 73.9% of needles, while that in 13-year-old stand 87.4%. In total 2622 cultures of fungi were isolated, among which 45 species of fungi were identified. The following six species were characterized by high frequency of occurrence: Anthostomella formosa, Cenangium ferruginosum, Cyclaneusma minus, Lophodermium pinastri, Lophodermium seditiosum and Sclerophoma pythiophila (tab. 1). Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium spp., Epicoccum nigrum and Sclerophoma pythiophila were isolated more frequently from the needles disinfected with sublimate then from the needles disinfected with natrium hypochlorite (tab. 1), In 13-year-old stand the infection rate of the 2-nd year needles was by about 20% higher than the infection rate of the 1-st year needles (tab. 2). Needle colonization frequency depended on that, whether they were situated in the lower or upper part of the tree crown (fig. 1). For most fungi no preference for a specific needle section, e.g. base, the middle, or apex, was observed (tab. 3).
Fungal entomopathogens can naturally regulate populations of various insects. The entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Bals.- Criv.) Vuill. is also able to endophytically colonize different plants. Endophytic colonization by entomopathogens may provide a source of indirect interactions between fungi and insects and has been associated with the ability of the fungus to control insect pests. The tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is considered one of the most devastating pests of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and its difficult control is due to its miner habit, short life cycle, and high reproductive capacity. The aims of this study were: (i) to use three different techniques, i.e. leaf spraying, seed immersion and root dipping, for the endophytic inoculation of B. bassiana in tomato plants; and (ii) to assess the effect of B. bassiana on tomato leaf consumption and mortality of T. absoluta after inoculation. The percentage of colonization by B. bassiana was assessed 7, 14 and 28 days after inoculation. All inoculation techniques employed allowed the recovery of B. bassiana, although our results showed significant differences between techniques. Leaf spraying was the most effective, with the highest percentage of colonization recorded 7 days after inoculation. We also evaluated (i) the effect on the mortality of T. absoluta by direct contact with conidia of B. bassiana, and (ii) the effect on tomato leaf consumption and mortality by indirect contact through ingestion of inoculated plant tissues with B. bassiana. Mortality bioassays showed that B. bassiana infected T. absoluta, either by direct contact or indirectly, via ingestion of inoculated tomato leaves. Direct contact showed a higher percentage of mortality and a lower median survival time (MST) than indirect contact. Significant differences in the mortality percentages of T. absoluta after exposure with B. bassiana were found among the treatments and the control. Our results suggest that the endophytic inoculation of B. bassiana in tomato crops provides the basis for further investigation, which should focus on the virulence of the endophytic B. bassiana against T. absoluta.
Due to increasing demand of medicinal plants (MPs), quality and safety more attention to the plant health should be paid. Among herb pathogens, especially fungi cause serious diseases in these plants decreasing yield and quality of herbal raw material. Some species, i.e. Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp. are known as mycotoxin producers. Paradoxically, self-treatment with herbal raw material can expose the patient to mycotoxin activity. In tissues of some MPs species, asymptomatically endophytic fungi residue. It is known that they are able to influence a biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in their host plant or produce biologically active compounds. Until recently these microorganisms have been neglected as a component of MPs, the reason why there have unexplored bioactivity and biodiversity. The paper presents an overview of herbal plants that are used in the treatment of nervous system diseases. Pathogenic fungi that infect these plants are described. It focused mainly on species producing harmful mycotoxins. The publication presents a list of these mycotoxins and a brief description of their effects on human health. The second part of this article provides information on the occurrence of endophytic fungi in herbal plants and their effects on human health. Coexistence of fungi and medicinal plants is not fully understood but can be crucial to ensure health and safety of patients with neurological diseases and mental disorders.
Ze względu na stały wzrost zapotrzebowania na jakość i bezpieczeństwo roślin zielarskich, należałoby zwrócić większą uwagę na ich zdrowotność. Wśród patogenów roślin zielarskich, szczególnie grzyby powodują poważne choroby, zmniejszając plon i jakość surowców roślinnych. Niektóre gatunki Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp. znane są jako producenci toksycznych metabolitów. Paradoksalnie ludzie próbujący leczyć się samodzielnie (używając surowców zielarskich), mogą być narażeni na działanie tych mykotoksyn. W tkankach niektórych roślin zielarskich występują (bezobjawowo) pozostałości grzybów endofitycznych. Wiadomo, że mają one zdolność wywierania wpływu na biosyntezę wtórnych metabolitów rośliny żywicielskiej lub wytwarzają związki biologicznie czynne. Do niedawna te mikroorganizmy były przeoczane jako „składnik” roślin zielarskich, co spowodowało, że nadal są polem niezbadanej bioaktywności i bioróżnorodności. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd roślin zielarskich stosowanych w leczeniu chorób układu nerwowego. Opisano grzyby patogeniczne dla tych roślin. Skupiono się głównie na gatunkach biosyntetyzujących szkodliwe mykotoksyny. Publikacja obejmuje listę tych mykotoksyn oraz krótki opis ich wpływu na zdrowie człowieka. Druga część artykułu dostarcza informacji o występowaniu grzybów endofitycznych w roślinach zielarskich i wpływie endofitów na zdrowie człowieka. Współistnienie grzybów i roślin leczniczych nie jest w pełni zrozumiane, a może być bardzo istotne dla zapewnienia zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa pacjentów z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi i psychicznymi.
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