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Radiotherapy was used as a stand-alone therapeutic modality in 155 patients with endometrial cancer, treated at the Cracow Branch of the Center of Oncology since 1988 thru 1999. In these patients surgical excision was impossible due to far-advanced cancer (clinical stages III and IV) (n=50), severe comorbidity and poor performance status (n=105). In this patient population, 50 persons in clinical stage I received intracavitary brachytherapy, while the remaining 105 patients in clinical stages II, III and IVA received external beam irradiation followed by intracavitary brachytherapy. In the entire group (n=155), cumulative symptom-free 5 year survival rate was 51% (n=79). In relation to tumour grade, 5 year symptom- free survival rate was 70.3% in patients with well differentiated tumour, 43.5% in those with intermediate- grade tumour and only 20% in persons with poorly differentiated cancer. In patients with stage I endometrial cancer, symptom-free 5 year survival rate was 82% (n=41/50); in clinical stage II – 54.5% (30/55), in clinical stages III and IVA – 16% (8/50). Multivariate Cox analysis revealed that independent prognostic factors were clinical stage and tumour grade. Cure rates were 82%, 54.4% and 16% in clinical stages I, II and III/IVA, respectively. Symptom-free 5-year survival rates were 70.3%, 43.5% and 20% in well-differentiated, intermediate- and poorly-differentiated tumours, respectively. Severe late complications of radiotherapy (3rd and 4th degree) developed in 3.5% of patients.
W latach 1988-1999 w krakowskim Oddziale Centrum Onkologii (COOK) leczono pierwotnie napromienianiem 155 chorych na raka endometrium (RE), u których niemożliwe było wykonanie zabiegu operacyjnego z powodu zbyt dużego zaawansowania raka (stopnie III i IV) (50 chorych), ciężkich chorób towarzyszących i złego stanu sprawności (105 chorych). U 50 chorych na RE w I stopniu zaawansowania zastosowano wyłącznie brachyterapię dojamową, u pozostałych 105 (stopnie II, III i IVA) brachyterapię dojamową skojarzono z uprzednią teleradioterapią. Spośród 155 chorych badanej grupy 79 pacjentek (51%) przeżyło 5 lat bez objawów nowotworu. Pięć lat bez objawów nowotworu przeżyło 70,3% chorych na wysoko zróżnicowanego, 43,5% na średnio zróżnicowanego i 20% na nisko zróżnicowanego raka. Spośród 50 chorych na raka w I stopniu zaawansowania 5 lat bez objawów choroby przeżyło 41 (82%) pacjentów, spośród 55 chorych na raka w II stopniu zaawansowania - 30 (54,5%), a spośród 50 chorych na raka w stopniach III i IVA - tylko 8 (16%). W wielocechowej analizie Coksa niezależnymi czynnikami prognostycznymi były zaawansowanie kliniczne i stopień zróżnicowania raka. Wyleczono 82% chorych na RE w I stopniu zaawansowania, 54,5% w II stopniu i tylko 16% w stopniach III i IVA. Pięć lat bez objawów nowotworu przeżyło odpowiednio 70,3%, 43,5% i 20% chorych na wysoko, średnio i nisko zróżnicowanego raka. Odległe, ciężkie powikłania (stopnie 3. i 4.) radioterapii wystąpiły jedynie u 3,5% chorych.
Both epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF) play an important physiological role in the processes of proliferation and differentiation of several different cell types. However, the expression profiles of these factors in domestic bitches endometrium are still poorly recognized. The aim of the present study was to identify and analyze the differential expression of these factors in various stages of the estrus cycle. Endometrial tissue from proestrus (n=17), estrus (n=10), day 10 diestrus (n=15), day 35 diestrus (n=18) and anestrus (n=25) was collected soon after ovariohysterectomy. Total RNA was isolated from the endometrium by means of Chomczyński and Sacchi method, treated by DNase I, and reverse- transcribed into cDNA. Quantitative analysis of EGF, TGFβ1, TGFβ2, and TGFβ3 cDNA was performed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). EGF expression in canine endometrium was increased in the estrus stage as compared to proestrus (P<0.05), day 10 diestrus (P<0.05), day 35 diestrus (P<0.01) and anestrus (P<0.001). We also found the differences in EGF expression between day 10 and day 35 of estrus as well as between day 35 of estrus with anestrus (P<0.05, P<0.01, respectively). The TGFf1 transcript contents were also higher in estrus as compared to other stages (P<0.01). The TGFβ2 and TGFβ3 in the estrus stage was increased compared to proestrus, day 10 diestrus, day 35 diestrus and anestrus (P<0.05). We proved that expression of EGF and TGFβ transcript isoforms is related to the phase of estrus in bitches and therefore may be regulated by specific hormone concentrations during these periods. Our results confirm the hypothesis that these growth factors play a role in the regulation of biochemical changes in the endometrial tissues during the estrus cycle.
The endometrium of women with endometriosis has a different expression of cytokines, angiogenic and hormonal factors compared to healthy women. Endometriosis is a disease occurring mostly in women at a reproductive age with a frequency of 7–10%. Despite many studies and hypotheses on the pathogenesis of the disease, marker specific to endometriosis has not yet been detected. Thus, laparoscopy remains the gold standard in the diagnosis, particularly in the case of peritoneal form that cannot be visualized by means of an ultrasound test. Other forms of endometriosis – ovarian (chocolate cysts) and deep infiltrating – can be identified in an ultrasound test. Scientists are currently searching for markers that in a specific combination would ensure maximum sensitivity and specificity of the non-invasive detection of endometriosis, even at early stages. The article presents selected factors, such as interleukin 8, vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, nerve growth factor, detected in the endometrium, which can be a potential diagnostic target. Diagnoses made at the level of endometrium would facilitate the identification of endometriosis and would significantly reduce costs associated with the necessity to conduct laparoscopy.
Endometrium pacjentek z endometriozą charakteryzuje się inną ekspresją cytokin, czynników angiogennych i hormonalnych niż u kobiet zdrowych. Endometrioza występuje głównie u kobiet w wieku reprodukcyjnym, z częstością około 7–10%. Mimo wielu badań i hipotez dotyczących patogenezy nie wykryto dotychczas swoistego markera dla endometriozy. Złotym standardem diagnostycznym, zwłaszcza w przypadku postaci otrzewnowej, której nie udaje się uwidocznić w badaniu ultrasonograficznym, pozostaje laparoskopia. Inne formy endometriozy – jajnikową (torbiele czekoladowe) i głęboko naciekającą – można rozpoznać w badaniu ultrasonograficznym. Obecnie poszukuje się markerów, które w określonej kombinacji zapewniłyby maksymalną czułość i swoistość nieinwazyjnego wykrywania endometriozy, nawet we wczesnych stadiach. Czułość oznaczeń wykonywanych z krwi nie jest niestety satysfakcjonująca w odniesieniu do otrzewnowej postaci choroby. W artykule zaprezentowano potencjalne cele diagnostyczne – wybrane czynniki wykrywane w endometrium, czyli interleukinę 8, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego, płytkopochodny czynnik wzrostu i czynnik wzrostu nerwów. Pobranie endometrium do badań jest łatwe i może być wykonywane ambulatoryjnie. Diagnozowanie z poziomu endometrium ułatwiłoby rozpoznawanie endometriozy i znacząco zmniejszyło koszty związane z koniecznością przeprowadzania laparoskopii.
Introduction: The presence of metallothionein in both the endometrium and decidua is associated with the resis- tance of both endometrial and decidual cells to immune-mediated apoptosis. Consequently, the aim of the pres- ent study has been to typify metallothionein immunoreactivity within the molar lesions of both the patients who were treated with surgery alone and those who were also given chemotherapy. Methods: We analyzed the immu- noreactivity of metallothionein in both the trophoblast and decidual cells derived from patients on whom curet- tage was performed due to a diagnosis of complete molar pregnancy. These patients were then divided into two subgroups according to whether or not they required chemotherapy following the surgical procedure. Results: We observed a statistically significantly lower metallothionein immunoreactivity levels within the trophoblast cells derived from the complete hydatidiform mole patients who had had surgery alone in comparison to the levels found in those patients for whom surgery was followed by chemotherapy. Conclusion: Resistance to apoptosis linked with metallothionein intracellular immunoreactivity may influence the clinical course of hydatidiform mole.
Wprowadzenie: Obecność metalotioneiny w endometrium i doczesnej, czynnika antyapoptotycznego, jest zwią- zana z opornością na apoptozę zarówno komórek endometrium, jak i komórek doczesnej zależną od aktywności komórek układu odpornościowego. Celem niniejszego badania była ocena immunoreaktywności metalotioneiny w ogniskach zaśniadu u pacjentek leczonych wyłącznie operacyjnie i u chorych, u których dodatkowo zastosowa- no chemioterapię. Metoda: Analizowano immunoreaktywność metalotioneiny zarówno w komórkach trofoblastu, jak i w komórkach błony doczesnej uzyskanych w wyniku łyżeczkowania jamy macicy przeprowadzonego z powo- du rozpoznania ciąży zaśniadowej całkowitej. Pacjentki podzielono na dwie podgrupy: chorych, które wymaga- ły dodatkowej chemioterapii po zabiegu operacyjnym, oraz chorych, u których takiego leczenia nie zastosowano. Wyniki: Stwierdzono statystycznie znamienny niższy poziom immunoreaktywności metalotioneiny w obrębie ko- mórek trofoblastu pochodzących od pacjentek z zaśniadem groniastym całkowitym leczonych wyłącznie operacyj- nie w porównaniu z pacjentkami, u których leczenie operacyjne uzupełniono chemioterapią. Wniosek: Oporność na apoptozę może zależeć od wewnątrzkomórkowej obecności metalotioneiny, co prawdopodobnie ma wpływ na przebieg kliniczny zaśniadu groniastego.
Glandular cystic hyperplasia of endometrium/pyometra complex (GCHE-PC) in bitches is a disease which presents several diagnostic and prognostic challenges. The complex pathological process and systemic manifestations of the disease, the potential need for emergency treatment and the owner's desire to maintain the breeding performance of the bitch, are all factors that should be taken into consideration. This review aimed at conducting a thorough diagnostic plan in order to achieve several parameters related to the monitoring and the subsequent treatment of cystic glandular hyperplasia of endometrium pyometra complex. Detailed information on the history and the clinical findings of sick bitches facilitated making an initial selection into two groups: those referred for surgical treatment and those referred for medical treatment. This selection was further clarified by ultrasonographic imaging procedure. USG was found to be an accurate diagnostic tool because of its high level of correlation to patho-anatomical findings. USG facilitates distinguishing densities of the uterine content, internal uterine wall structures and uterine wall thickness.In this study it was found to be a valuable tool in determining the ideal treatment programme and estimating the prognosis for each given case. Ultrasonography proved to be more precise and conclusive than roentgenology in determining the type and location of the pathological process and the extent of the lesion. This review recommends the most potent antibiotics that may be used either concurrently with prostaglandin therapy or in cases when emergency treatment is indicated in bitches with advanced GCHE-PC.
We have studied in the porcine endometrium the expression of oxytocin receptor (OTR) mRNA and the effect of progesterone (P₄) on oxytocin/oxytocin receptor (OT/OTR) function concerning intracellular Ca²⁺mobilisation ([Ca²⁺]i), prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and E2 (PGE2; PG) secretion. Tissue was taken from cyclic and early pregnant pigs (days 14-16). A higher expression of OTR mRNA (P<0.05) was observed in the endometrium of cyclic than pregnant pigs. The stimulatory (P<0.05) effect of OT (10⁻⁷ M) on [Ca²⁺]i mobilisation was noticed within 15-60 s and 30-60 s in endometrial stromal cells of cyclic and pregnant pigs, respectively. In the presence of P₄ (10⁻⁵ M) basal and OT-stimulated [Ca²⁺]i concentrations decreased in stromal cells during luteolysis and pregnancy. In stromal cells P₄ delayed mobilisation of [Ca²⁺]i in response to OT by 15 s during luteolysis and had no effect during pregnancy. In cyclic and pregnant epithelial cells OT stimulated mobilisation of [Ca²⁺]i in 45 s and 60 s, respectively. Oxytocin increased (P<0.05) PGF2α secretion during luteolysis and pregnancy and PGE2 during luteolysis from endometrial slices. Progesterone did not inhibit this stimulatory effect. During luteolysis OT increased (P<0.05) PGF2α in epithelial and stromal cells and PGE2 secretion in epithelial cells. In the presence of P₄ this effect of OT was reduced only in stromal cyclic cells (6 h culture). The presence of P₄ decreased the effect of OT on [Ca²⁺]i mobilisation only in stromal cells. We found that, in most conditions, P₄ did not inhibit the OT-stimulated secretion of PG in the porcine endometrium.
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