L’ana-catafora è la più « giovane » tra le relazioni diaforiche, dopo l’anafora e la catafora, che combina le caratteristiche formali e funzionali delle sue maggiori sorelle endoforiche. Con il presente contributo si propone di identificare e descrivere la relazione diaforica in questione, ricorrendo a vari parametri tassonomici (tra i quali la direzione del vettore, la forma dell’espressione diaforica, la forma del cotesto o il campo, la portata, il modo di donazione del referente e la coreferenzialità o meno tra diaforizzante e diaforizzato); ciò allo scopo di misurare il potenziale dei pronomi dimostrativi italiani questo e quello, variabili e invariabili, e di determinare il dimostrativo più produttivo nella mediazione delle relazioni ana-cataforiche. Le osservazioni di natura tipologica e le conseguenti conclusioni sono basate sul lavoro analitico condotto sul materiale linguistico estratto dal subcorpus Generale 1 dei corpora NUNC, testimoni di tendenze evolutive osservabili nell’italiano scritto / parlato, adoperato da utenti di diversi gruppi di discussione presenti in Rete.
The ana-cataphora is the “youngest” among diaphoric relations, after anaphora and cataphora, and combines characteristics of its “older” endophoric relatives.The present paper identifies and describes this diaphoric relation by using various taxonomic parameters (vector, diaphoric expression, cotext or field, scope, referent identification manner, coreferentiality) in order to measure the potential of the demonstratives in question and to determine the most productive demonstrative form as an ana-cataphoric catalyst. Observations, remarks and conclusions are based on the analysis of research data extracted from the subcorpus Generale 1 of NUNC corpora, reflecting evolutionary tendencies observable in spoken/written Italian, used in discussion groups of the global network.
Artykuł dotyczy „najmłodszej” spośród relacji diaforycznych, po anaforze i kataforze, łączącej w sobie cechy dwóch pozostałych — ana-katafory. Celem pracy jest identyfikacja i opis tego typu relacji za pomocą różnorodnych kategorii taksonomicznych, zmierzenie potencjału analizowanych zaimków i wyłonienie formy najbardziej produktywnej w realizacji relacji ana-kataforycznych oraz ich ilościowe porównanie z częstotliwością występowania pozostałych relacji diaforycznych. Obserwacje i wnioski są oparte o pracę analityczną przeprowadzoną na korpusie NUNC Generale 1, będącym zapisem komunikacji użytkowników grup dyskusyjnych w sieci.
The article deals with coreference relations in Czech and their classification based on the classification of reference types. First, we define the notion of coreference, putting stress on the distinction between coreference and endophora. Then the scheme of reference and coreference used in the annotation of the coreferential relations in the Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT) is presented, where two types of coreferential relations are applied: the type SPEC and the type GEN. Analyzing several examples, we argue that this scheme is not capable of describing more complicated reference relations, which results especially from the too broad definition of the type GEN. Hence we suggest an alternative classification of the types of reference, employing two independent criteria: the criterion of genericity and the criterion of specificity, so that four types of reference are established: specific individual, non-specific individual, specific generic and non-specific generic. We deal with each of these four types in detail, and finally, we show how this classification can be used when capturing coreference relations in text.
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