Introduction and aim. Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) associated with cirrhosis of the liver is a neuropsychiatric syndrome, with symptoms ranging from barely detectable changes to deep coma. It frequently occurs in the form of episodes and relapses and can be triggered by external factors. HE severity is graded according to the West Haven criteria. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the ever-important and often key role of electroencephalography in the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy, even in today’s era of increasingly advanced diagnostic methods. Description of the case. A 57-year-old patient, professionally active at the time, was admitted to the hospital’s Neurology Department on an emergency basis due to difficulties with standing and moving, orientation disorders and limb tremor. Conclusion. While HE pathogenesis is multifactorial, the most important factors include increased brain exposure to ammonia, intestinal dysbiosis, and endotoxemia inducing a systemic inflammatory response. Patient observation, blood laboratory tests, neuropsychological tests and neurophysiological tests (EEG and evoked potentials) play an important role in establishing the diagnosis. Treatment and secondary prevention of hepatic encephalopathy include elimination of triggers and reduction of ammonia production and improvement of its metabolism.
Ifosfamide is a cytostatic drug commonly used in chemotherapy. One of the common adverse effects resulting from the treatment with ifosfamide is encephalopathy. This paper describes a case study of a 64-year-old patient who suffered from a full-blown encephalopathy as a result of chemotherapy administered during the treatment of fibrosarcoma of the femur. It provides a hypothesis of the mechanism behind toxic effects of ifosfamide on the central nervous system and elaborates on a number of documented ways of preventing aforementioned complications.
Il ruolo dei periti nei processi di nullità del matrimonio, specialmente instruiti dal titolo indicato nel can. 1095, esige le indagini psicologiche delle persone con le perturbazioni con l’encefalopatia.Nel loro studio gli autori presentano e commentano i tre casi dei vizi di personalità causati dalla lesione del sistema nervoso centale.
From the analysis of the cases for the annulment of a marriage result that encephalopathy as a personality disorder causes a serious lack of discretionary judgment concerning the essential matrimonial rights and obligations mutually given and accepted (can. 1095 CIC No. 2 of 1983) and the inability of people to take up and fulfill the essential obligations of marriage (can. 1095 CIC No. 3 of 1983). In the judgments of ecclesiastical tribunals Judging College, opinions can be found which point to a defective functioning of personality traits, in this specific case of encephalopathic personality, which is a consequence of damage to the central nervous system. Disturbed encephalopthic personality does not always automatically lead to the inability of people to take the essential obligations of marriage, yet its impact on the psyche and consequently the ability to make a covenant marriage is quite significant as evidenced by studies of psychiatric and religious processes. This article presents decisions of the ecclesiastical courts which show that the disturbances caused by encephalopathy result in the inability to create positive and lasting marriages. In addition, people with this type of personality were not able to give valid consent, despite the declared willingness to persevere in marriage and made promises to change their current behavior.
Sleep disorders occur in people who suffer from liver cirrhosis, this usually involves a change in the rhythm of melatonin secretion and its metabolism. Delayed sleep phase syndrome does not always correlate with the degree of liver damage, indicating the involvement of other factors in its pathogenesis. The aim of the study was to estimate the correlation between the night secretion of the serotonin and melatonin and the degree of sleep disorders. There were 60 patients with liver cirrhosis and 30 healthy subjects (control group) included in the study. Compared to the control group, in the first stage of hepatic encephalopathy (according to West Haven Scale) at 2 o’clock a.m. a low serum melatonin level was observed (57.5±10.2 pg/mL and 41.2±9.4 pg/mL, p<0.05) and even lower concentration of serotonin (171.2±45.0 and 108.4±29.3 μg/mL, p<0.01). These results negatively correlated with the degree of sleep disorders. The obtained results indicate that in patients with liver cirrhosis the changes in the homeostasis of both serotonin and melatonin occur, which can cause sleep disorders.
U osób z marskością wątroby występują zaburzenia snu, co zwykle wiąże się ze zmianą rytmu wydzielania melatoniny i jej metabolizmu. Zespół opóźnionej fazy snu nie zawsze koreluje ze stopniem uszkodzenia wątroby, co wskazuje na udział innych czynników w jego patogenezie. Celem badania było określenie zależności między nocnym wydzielaniem serotoniny i melatoniny a stopniem zaburzeń snu. Do badań włączono 60 osób z marskością wątroby (grupa badana) i 30 osób zdrowych (grupa kontrolna). W porównaniu do grupy kontrolnej, u chorych z pierwszym stopniem encefalopatii wątrobowej (wg skali West Haven) o godzinie 2:00 stwierdzono niższe stężenie melatoniny w surowicy (odpowiednio 57,5±10,2 pg/mL i 41,2±9,4 pg/mL, p<0,05), zaś u osób z drugim stopniem encefalopatii - niższe stężenie serotoniny (odpowiednio 171,2±45,0 i 108,4±29,3
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