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nr 4
Nowadays, human resource management and development is becoming more significant due to the fact that a man has gained a new place and a new role in all social processes and in their management. The sheer employees' characteristics, i.e., demographic factors, besides the organisational factors, have a certain influence in this area. By adequate understanding of both demographic factors and their influence, it is possible to apply measures to make the employees satisfied and motivated. This paper points out such influences on the employees' satisfaction and motivation. Also, the interaction of certain demographic factors is presented, such as the professional qualification, years of working experience and age, onto employees perceiving satisfaction and motivation and onto respective consequences. In order to determine the employee satisfaction and motivation, the responses from the employees to questions divided into six groups (material conditions, security, acceptance and social component, respect and status, self-confirmation and loyalty), were used. The research was done on a set of 328 employees in the telecommunications sector in Serbia.
The article discussed the costs and benefits of employment for a specified period from the perspective of employers, employees and government. In conclusion, questions are raised about the optimal level of government regulation of the labour market, particularly in relation to employment for a specified period.
tom 1(21)
The process of communication accompanies every human being all the time. Communication in the organization makes up the issue which is very often raised in the subject literature. The authors pay special attention to its importance and influence which it can wield upon the operation and functioning of every organization. The adequate course of communication, without major disturbances, enables more efficient accomplishment of tasks, it builds up relations between employees and management, it also makes the workers be more engaged in their work. This study presents the problems relating to the essence and significance of communication within an organization. Various forms of communication are presented while being connected with mistakes which take place in the process of communication in the organization. Moreover, the basic mistakes, disturbances and barriers are discussed in the context of this so important issues for the organization.
nr 1
Culture today is undoubtedly a factor of a company’s success. Whether known or less known, organizational culture and management companies support efforts to increase efficiency, effectiveness and market competitiveness. Improvement, diversification and training are important goals of strategic importance and a prerequisite to put into practice the principles of medium and long-term sustainable development. At a time when economies of scale can decide which vehicle manufacturers can stay or disappear on the market, our paper aims to analyze the organizational and managerial culture in the SC Automobile Dacia SA, as it results from a questionnaire administered to its employees
tom 48
nr 1
Background: In this paper, the effects of four groups of factors on organizational performance are examined. Those are human resource management (HRM) policies and practices, financial and business indicators, location, and firm characteristics. A review of selected literature confirmed that a similar set of factors, through its positive effects on boosting organizational performance, may significantly improve competitive advantage of firms. Methods: An empirical analysis using firm-level data is conducted on the sample of enterprises operating in Serbia. A microeconometric approach is employed in order to specify and estimate empirical models. Two statistical models are applied. The ordered probit model is used for investigating organizational performance and the standard binary probit model for examining the decision of a firm to integrate the human resource development (HRD) department into its organizational structure. The goodness of fit measures confirmed the statistical reliability of estimated models. Results: Estimation results revealed that optimization of the number of employees, sales and revenues, firm age, increased market demand and competitive environment, as well as the ‘right decisions’ of the top management have significantly positive effects on boosting organizational performance. Significance of on-the-job training for boosting organizational performance was not empirically supported. In the same group of factors are firm size, industry and region. An auxiliary model shown that large- and medium-sized firms, firms with high level of revenues, privately owned, foreign and those located in or near to the capital city are more likely to have HRD departments. Conclusions: This paper provides a survey of the theoretical literature and explains empirical findings that are relevant for understanding to what extent on-the-job training, managing human resource, as well as some other internal and external organizational and financial factors are important for enhancing competitive advantage of firms.
nr 3(47)
In the proposed draft position the author claims that Article 32 para. 1 of the Act on Foreign Service, in so far as it deprives the members of foreign service employed as auxiliary staff of the right to a separate remuneration or time off in exchange for work performed beyond normal working hours, is incompatible with the constitutional principle of equal protection of property rights and the principle of proportionality. He points out that covering of those employed in non-clerical positions under the special regime of increased availability to perform work is justified within in the scope of regulatory discretion of the legislator. However, it requires the introduction of a proper mechanism to compensate for the work performed. Moreover, according to the author, proceedings in relation to the remaining scope of examination of constitutionality of Article 32 para. 1 of the above-mentioned Act should be discontinued due to the inadmissibility of rendering the judgment.
When and how will one country take care of its workers who are left due to their injury, illness, death or old age without ability to care for their existence, and who contributed most of their life as tax payers. The role of the social system is just that. Social systems of intergenerational solidarity operate for decades in all European countries, regardless of their political and economic structure and level of development. Number of employees within a pension system is dependent on many factors, but it is also independent compared to the category of pensioners and possibilities of functioning of the pension system. The total number of beneficiaries directly derived from the number of employees in some earlier period, while the possibility of pension payments vary depending on the current number of workers. Some categories may behave differently in relation to the total number of employed in an economic system, but the functioning of the pension system is depending on this indicator. In Serbia, for years the number of deaths exceeded the number of births, large-scale migration of citizens, the progress of medical science as a factor of increased life expectancy of people, higher rates of unemployment, longer years of service until retirement and some other less significant factors influenced the disproportion in the number of employees in relation to the number of pensioners. This resulted in a very poor state of the pension system and caused the question of its future functioning. A social problem is getting more difficult to resolve, in quality and quantitative terms, because its main source of inflow of funds is in constant decline while expenditures are increased.
nr 3(193)
W artykule, na bazie studiów literaturowych i badań własnych, przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą odpowiedzialności społecznej przedsiębiorstw wobec pracowników na przykładzie działającego w Polsce banku transnarodowego. Wskazano, że pracownicy stanowią najważniejszą grupę interesariuszy dla przedsiębiorstwa. Dokonano także analizy warunków pracy oraz zadowolenia pracowników z pracy.
The article deals with the issues of corporate social responsibility towards employees on the example of a transnational bank operating in Poland. The issue is presented on the basis of literature studies and own research. It has been pointed out that employees constitute the most important group of stakeholders for enterprises. Moreover, the working conditions and employees’ satisfaction with the work has been analyzed.
tom R. 79, nr 12
Praca precyzuje położenie papierni Fraszka [15] i lata jej funkcjonowania [1, 2]. Podaje także nieznane w literaturze przedmiotu trudności finansowe czerpalni papieru oraz wielkość produkcji [7 ,8, 15]. Na podstawie nowych materiałów źródłowych określono okres największej aktywności produkcyjnej Fraszki [2]. Przywołano również pracowników zakładu (35 osób), niewymienianych w dotychczasowych publikacjach [2]. Do opracowania tematu posłużyły źródła rękopiśmienne [1, 2], kartograficzne [9, 15], drukowane [6-9], opracowanie archiwalne [14] oraz współczesne opracowania historyków papiernictwa [3, 4, 11-13].
The work specifies the location of the Fraszka paper mill [15] and the years of its operation [1,2]. It also reports the financial difficulties of paper mills and the production volume, unknown in the literature on the subject [7,8,15]. Based on new source materials, the period of Fraszka's greatest production activity was determined [2]. Employees of the plant in (35 people), not mentioned in previous publications [2], were also mentioned. To develop the topic, handwritten sources [1,2], cartographic [9,15], printed [6-9], historical studies [15] and contemporary studies by papermaking historians [3,4,11-13] were used.
In recent times, contracting has become very important in all types of companies, whether corporate, large, small, etc., thus, it is very important to identify the behavior of employees before hiring them. Through training constant on the part of the company can successfully perform their duties and achieve organizational goals, which is obtained through the development of skills, which are related to the type of behavior, attitude and motivation that a person has to perform a task, and this situation prevails both nationally and internationally. The objective of this work is to perform a comparison and analysis of the necessary competencies of future collaborators between Mexican and foreign companies. An exploratory descriptive analysis was made of the most outstanding companies in the business world, chosen according to the ranking of best companies to work. This research was conducted through secondary sources in order to investigate the competences from a qualitative approach. As a result, it can be observed that foreign companies require that employees have more preparation regarding competences than Mexican ones, even if the candidates have the same academic degree.
Zatrudnienie jest ważnym aspektem funkcjonowania we wszystkich typach firm, zarówno korporacyjnych, dużych, małych itp., dlatego bardzo ważne jest zidentyfikowanie zachowań pracowników przed ich zatrudnieniem, a następnie powinien być kontynuowany przez stały trening ze strony firmy. Celem tej pracy jest porównanie i analiza niezbędnych kompetencji przyszłych współpracowników między firmami meksykańskimi i zagranicznymi. Przeprowadzono eksploracyjną analizę opisową znanych firm w świecie biznesu, wybranych według rankingu najlepszych firm: badania te przeprowadzono, korzystając ze źródeł wtórnych, w celu zbadania kompetencji przy zastosowaniu podejścia jakościowego. W rezultacie można zaobserwować, że firmy zagraniczne wymagają, aby pracownicy mieli więcej przygotowania w odniesieniu do kompetencji niż meksykańscy, nawet jeśli kandydaci mają taki sam stopień naukowy.
The aim of the article is to recognise the interests of employees in PKP SA companies and to determine the rank of these interests due to the motivational potential which lies in their implementation. This was conducted thorough studies of literature on the subject as well as empirical studies with the use of a questionnaire. Based on the review of the literature, the interests were divided into two groups: those protected by law and those that are partly or completely within the competence of the employer. Non-managerial staff (495 persons) were offered a second interest group for assessment. The motivational potential was determined by comparing the value that employees assign to particular interests with the perceived level of their implementation. High-value interests, whose degree of implementation the respondents rated the lowest were considered to be those with motivational potential; these are (in descending order): transparent rules of promotion, pay adequate to duties, equal treatment in employment, good working atmosphere, employment protection, safe working conditions.
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie interesów pracowników w spółkach PKP SA oraz ustalenie rangi tych interesów ze względu na potencjał motywacyjny, który tkwi w ich realizacji. Przeprowadzono studia literatury przedmiotu oraz badania empiryczne z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety. Na podstawie przeglądu piśmiennictwa podzielono interesy na dwie grupy: chronione prawem oraz te pozostające częściowo bądź całkowicie w gestii pracodawcy. Pracownikom niepełniącym funkcji kierowniczych (495 osób) przedstawiono do oceny drugą grupę interesów. Potencjał motywacyjny ustalano, porównując wartość, jaką pracownicy przypisują poszczególnym interesom z odczuwanym poziomem ich realizacji. Interesy o wysokiej wartości, których stopień realizacji respondenci ocenili najniżej, uznano za te, które mają potencjał motywacyjny. Są to (malejąco): przejrzyste reguły awansu, płace adekwatne do obowiązków, równe traktowanie w zatrudnieniu, dobra atmosfera pracy, ochrona zatrudnienia, bezpieczne warunki pracy.
tom Vol. 15, no 2
The paper presents a meta-analysis of the relations between various types of organizational justice and various types of organizational citizenship behaviour. Additionally, the relation between counterproductive workplace behaviour has been tested. The results have confirmed relations between general organizational justice and two types of organizational citizenship behaviour: directed to the individual and directed to the organization. The research has also confirmed the existence of relations between organizational citizenship behaviour generalized and both procedural and interactional justice.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki meta-analizy w zakresie relacji pomiędzy sprawiedliwością organizacyjną (uogólnioną, proceduralną, dystrybutywną i interakcyjną) a różnymi rodzajami zachowań etosowych oraz zachowań przeciwskutecznych w organizacji. Wyniki potwierdziły charakter relacji, jednakże nie wszystkie korelacje miały spodziewane znaczenie statystyczne. Wyniki potwierdziły relację pomiędzy uogólniona sprawiedliwością społeczną oraz dwoma rodzajami zachowań etosowych w organizacji: skierowanymi do współpracowników oraz skierowanymi wobec organizacji. Nie potwierdzono spodziewanej silnej zależności pomiędzy sprawiedliwością organizacyjną dystrybutywną a zachowaniami etosowymi zorientowanymi na organizację. Wskazano natomiast szczególne znaczenie sprawiedliwości interakcyjnej w osiąganiu wydajności indywidualnej pracowników, która wykracza poza role społeczne.
nr 1
The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is based on voluntary responsibility of companies for their operations in economic, social and environmental spheres as well as for ethical behavior. In accounting, it is reflected in the form of social accounting which deals with disclosing information on the organization’s achievements in respect of the CSR concept implementation. During the current economic crisis, company relationships with employees have become the most important of all the issues related to CSR. Additional challenges in this respect are posed by Generation Y comprising the people born after 1980 who enter the labor market. For them, the socially responsible employer is even more important than high earnings. The main aim of this paper is to present the results of the research carried out at the end of 2010 among a group of external students at Cracow University of Economics. The research was conducted one month before the students obtained their Bachelor’s degrees. The survey focused on determining how much knowledge the prospective graduates had about CSR, how important CSR was to them as a criterion for selection of their workplace and how they regarded the inclusion of information on CSR in the framework of the company’s accounting system.
Objectives At least 50% of smokers die prematurely. Those who smoke heavily are at an increased health risk. The purpose of the current report was to evaluate socio-demographic correlates of heavy smoking among employed men and women. Material and Methods Data derive from the representative, household study – the Global Adult Tobacco Survey conducted in Poland over the years 2008–2010. Results Of 14 000 households selected for the survey, 7840 sampled individuals completed the interviews. Among 1189 daily smokers, the rate of heavy smokers was 63.5% in males and 43% in employed females (p < 0.001). The study showed that age and age at the smoking onset were significantly associated with heavy smoking among both genders. Among males and females the heavy smoking rate was the highest in the subjects that started smoking at the age between 14–17 years compared to those who started smoking at the age ≥ 21 years (odds ratio (OR) = 3.3, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2–5.5, p < 0.001 and OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.4–5.3, p < 0.0001, respectively). The men with house rules that prohibited smoking with some exceptions were 2.4 times more likely to be heavy smokers in comparison with those having rules which completely prohibited it (p < 0.01). The men working in workplaces where smoking was prohibited in all indoor areas were at lower odds of heavy smoking relative to those working in areas where smoking was allowed everywhere (OR = 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3–0.9, p < 0.05). Among the men, there was also an association between job features and heavy smoking, which was not observed among the women. Conclusions These findings should be taken into account while developing tobacco control measures addressed to economically active population.
ObjectivesCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had spread worldwide since December 2019 and became a pandemic in March 2020. The diagnosis of an active infection is based on the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from the nasopharyngeal swab specimen. The aim of the current analysis was to assess the usefulness of the rapid serological tests for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections.Material and MethodsThe rapid serological tests detecting IgG/IgM antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 were voluntarily performed in asymptomatic employees of 2 companies. The examination was conducted at the date and time selected online by the study participants. The testing team consisted of 2 nurses collecting the samples and 1 doctor who interpreted the results. Each positive rapid test result was verified by an RT-PCR examination from a nasopharyngeal swab. The testing kits named Vazyme: 2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold-Based) were provided by the employer along with the manual and certificates.ResultsThe overall interest in testing among employees was below the employer’s expectations and reached 30% and 20% in each of the 2 companies, respectively. A total of 516 participants were included in the analysis. Ten positive results of the rapid tests were documented, including 7 for IgM and 3 for IgG antibodies. No positive result was confirmed by the detection of the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 by the RT-PCR examination.ConclusionsHerein, the authors demonstrated the uselessness of rapid serological tests performed in asymptomatic volunteers for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections.
ObjectivesThe banking sector is a branch of the global labor market that is increasingly facing stress. This can have some negative effects on mental and physical health. The aim of the study was to examine the management of stress and the assessment of mental health in 2 European countries.Material and MethodsThe sample comprised 90 (52%) German and 83 (48%) Ukrainian bank employees (BA) (N = 173). To achieve the aim of the study, the following questionnaires were used: the Differential Stress Inventory (DSI), the Inventory for Personality Diagnosis in Situations (IPS) and the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The participants were examined in regard to nationality. Age, gender, senior position and DSI types were considered as covariates.ResultsThere were some significant national differences. The senior position, gender and age alone had little or no influence on the results. In stress management, the German sample showed unfavorable values of DSI and IPS categories. Significantly more German bank employees (10%) were overstressed (DSI type II) compared to Ukrainian ones (3%). Significant differences in stress trigger, stress manifestation and stress stabilization of DSI, and in almost all IPS categories, were found between the bank employees of both countries. More specifically, 20% of the German sample and only 8.8% of the Ukrainian sample reported impaired mental health.ConclusionsBank employees from Germany and Ukraine differed in their perception of stress and behavior in stressful situations, based on the DSI and IPS results; the Germans were shown to perform worse. This is reflected in the higher level of mental health impairment among the Germans, which is demonstrated by the GHQ-12 results. However, there is a need for workplace health promotion and preventive programs for both samples.
nr 2
ObjectivesThe main aim of the presented study was to check the level of perceived dimensions of work according to Peter Warr’s model of wellbeing at work (referred to as the Vitamin Model). The main aim was to verify: a) the non-linear dependency of well-being and the first group of “vitamins” of the model; and b) the linear dependency for the second group of dimensions of work.Material and MethodsThe article presents the results of research conducted in a Polish automotive production company. The Vitamin TAW Questionnaire was used to diagnose the dimensions of work. Well-being was measured using the Satisfaction With Job Scale. The analyzes were carried out on a group of 197 people who took part in the research and represented various departments of the organization.ResultsThe obtained results allow a partial confirmation of the non-linear relationship within the dimensions of the first group (for 3 out of 6 characteristics) and a full confirmation of the linear relationship for all dimensions from the second group.Conclusions: The recommendations arising from the research are universal in character and can be used by managers of various organizations. The results clearly demonstrate the need for reflection, and evidence-based and data driven changes in human resources management, and the creation of positive environment of work.
nr 4
Objectives The first aim of the study reported in this article was to test the factorial structure of job-related affect in a Polish sample. The second aim was to develop the Polish adaptation of the Warr’s job-related affective well-being measure published in 1990, which is designed to assess 4 types of affect at work: anxiety, comfort, depression, enthusiasm. Material and methods A longitudinal study design with 2 measurement times was used for verifying the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the measure. The final sample consisted of 254 Polish employees from different professions. Participants were asked to fill in a set of questionnaires consisting of measures capturing job-related affective well-being, mood, and turnover intention. Results The first step of analysis was to test the theoretically-based structure of the job-related affective well-being measure in a Polish sample. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that a 4-factor model best describes the structure of the measure in comparison to 5 alternative models. Next, reliability of this measure was assessed. All scales achieved good internal consistency and acceptable test-retest reliability after 2 weeks. Finally, the convergent and discriminant validity as well as the criterion and predictive validity of all job-related affective well-being scales was confirmed, based on correlations between job-related affect and mood as well as turnover intention. Conclusions The results suggest that the Polish adaptation of Warr’s job-related affective well-being measure can be used by scientists as well as by practitioners who aim at assessing 4 types of affective well-being at a work context. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(4):429–443
Content available Prewencyjne kontrole trzeźwości pracowników
tom nr 2
Wychodząc naprzeciw uzasadnionym potrzebom pracowników i pracodawców dnia 21 lutego 2023 r. wprowadzono do Kodeksu pracy przepisy dot. prewencyjnej kontroli pracowników na obecność w ich organizmach alkoholu lub środków działających podobnie do alkoholu.
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