Zmierzając do produkcji czystej ekologicznie energii, przeprowadzo głęboką modernizację elektrowni. Wprowadzono pneumatyczny transport, wymieniono urządzenia do odpylania spalin, zmodernizowano kotły i turbiny, wprowadzono własną metodę redukcji emisji tlenków azotu. Zabudowano instalację do odsiarczania spalin metodą mokrą, wapienno-gipsową wg Konsorcjum Megadex S.A. - Deutsche Babcock Anlagen GmbH. Zmniejszono roczną emisję dwutlenku siarki o 38000t, pyłu o 3100 t, HC1 i HF o 85 %. Roczna produkcja gipsu wynosi 90-120 tys.t.
Proceeding towards production of ecologically clean energy a thorough modernisation of the power plant was accomplished. Pneumatic transport simplemented, equipment for dedusting of fuels was exchanged, and turbines were modernised and the new, own, method of nitroden emission reduction was introduced. An installation for desulphurisation of fuels by a wet limestone-gypsum method was constructed according to Megadex S.A. - Deutsche Babcock Anlagen GmbH. Annual emission of sulphur dioxide was reduced by 38000 t, dust by 3100 t, HCL and HF by 85 %. Annual production of gypsum amounts to 90-120 Thos. T.
The demand for a net reduction of carbon dioxide and restrictions on energy efficiency make thermal conversion of biomass a very attractive alternative for energy production. However, sulphur dioxide emissions are of major environmental concern and may lead to an increased corrosion rate of boilers in the absence of sulfatation reactions. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to evaluate the kinetics of formation of sulphur dioxide during switchgrass combustion. Experimental data that records the combustion process and the emission formation versus time, carried out by the National Renewable Energy Institute in Colorado (US), was used to evaluate the kinetic data. The combustion of switchgrass is described sufficiently accurate by the Discrete Particle Method (DPM). It predicts all major processes such as heating-up, pyrolysis, combustion of switchgrass by solving the differential conservation equations for mass and energy. The formation reactions of sulphur dioxide are approximated by an Arrhenius-like expression including a pre-exponential factor and an activation energy. Thus, the results predicted by the Discrete Particle Method were compared to measurements and the kinetic parameters were subsequently corrected by the least square method until the deviation between measurements and predictions was minimised. The determined kinetic data yielded good agreement between experimental data and predictions.
W artykule opisano podstawowe metody redukcji emisji dwutlenku siarki polegające na usuwaniu siarki z paliwa, usuwaniu dwutlenku siarki podczas spalania paliwa oraz oczyszczaniu gazów spalinowych. Opisano zarówno metody klasyczne, polegające na absorpcji dwutlenku siarki w dodatkach alkalicznych, jak też niekonwencjonalne metody polegające na katalizowani reakcji chemicznej w warunkach wyładowania elektrycznego i przez naświetlanie gazów zawierających dwutlenek siarki szybkimi elektronami.
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