This study was to determine the main health-related reasons, age and occupation of those who took early retirement due to total work inability. This was done through an analysis of the data from Poland’s Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) from 2000 and 2001. An analysis of these data showed an increase in the number of certificates confirming total inability to work in people over 40 years old. Over 50% of certificates work were issued to workers in 2 age-groups: 45–49 and 50–54. Diseases of the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue as well as mental and behavioural disorders are the main causes of early inability to work. Approximately 70% of people who obtained certificates confirming total inability to work had blue- and blue-and-white-collar jobs.
Purpose: Is to clarify the content of the category “quality of life”, identify its indicators, as well as to explain the level of quality of life of population, including Ukrainian pensioners and the state of the pension system as its basic financial basis, and also to determine social and economic, value and normative factors that form the quality of life of the elderly people. Design/methodology/approach: The paper uses theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis, formalization, hypothetical-deductive, systematization and generalization, as well as empirical: observation, description, comparison. Findings: The content of the category "quality of life" is specified; the Ukrainian method of determining indicators of quality of life is presented. The socio-economic condition and quality of life of Ukrainians, in particular pensioners, as well as the state of the pension system as a basic factor that forms the basis of their life opportunities are analyzed. Insufficient efficiency of the pension system in Ukraine, absence of effectiveness of private pension funds are substantiated, which limits the ability of retirees to implement such vital values as proper recreation, medical services, cultural and educational development, travel, assistance and support of children and grandchildren. Ways to improve the pension system in Ukraine, including the second (mandatory funded system) and third levels (voluntary private pension provision) are proposed. Research limitations/implications: Perspective areas of further research are the search for ways to implement the elements of the best standards of pension systems of foreign countries, in particular Poland, in the pension system of Ukraine. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used by state institutions to improve the pension system in Ukraine, and thus bring the lives of Ukrainian pensioners closer to European standards. Social implications: The results of the research are of great social importance, as they identify trends in improving the lives of the most vulnerable people in Ukraine - pensioners, most of whom live below the poverty line. Originality/value: The originality of research paper is to determine the socio-economic and value-normative factors that form the quality of life of modern Ukrainian pensioners; in particular, it has been proved that the pension system in Ukraine is imperfect, does not meet European standards, as a result of which almost 60% of pensioners live below the poverty line, as they cannot provide the minimum material and socio-cultural needs; ways to improve pension provision in Ukraine are outlined.
Information and communication technologies (ICT), which are a key element of an information society, are developing rapidly in Poland, although the access to ICT is uneven among different social groups. Pensioners tend to be particularly susceptible to digital exclusion. The aim of the article is to illustrate how the level of digitisation among pensioners changed during the COVID-19 pandemic and to indicate what factors influenced the digitisation of this social group. The study is based on data obtained from 704 respondents from the SHARE Corona Survey 2 panel study conducted by the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) in 2021. The analysis involved the use of the classification tree method constructed on the basis of the CART algorithm. The obtained results indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a direct (personal) demand for products and services to which access by traditional means was limited but possible and easy through electronic means, the intensity of retired people’s use of the internet increased. The key factor in overcoming the motivational barrier to using ICT was the risk to contract the coronavirus, which was a health and life threatening situation. Another motivating factor was the willingness to help other people.
Rozwój technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ang. information and communication technologies – ICT), stanowiących kluczowy element społeczeństwa informacyjnego, przebiega w Polsce intensywnie, ale dostęp do ICT w poszczególnych grupach społecznych jest nierównomierny. Grupą szczególnie narażoną na wykluczenie cyfrowe są emeryci. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zmiany poziomu cyfryzacji emerytów w Polsce w okresie pandemii COVID-19 i wskazanie czynników wpływających na cyfryzację tej grupy społecznej. Wykorzystano dane dotyczące 704 respondentów badania panelowego SHARE Corona Survey 2, przeprowadzonego w 2021 r. przez European Research Infrastructure Consortium. Analizy dokonano przy użyciu metody drzew klasyfikacyjnych skonstruowanych według algorytmu CART. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że w okresie pandemii COVID-19 – czyli w sytuacji wystąpienia bezpośredniego (osobistego) zapotrzebowania na usługi i produkty, do których dostęp drogą tradycyjną jest ograniczony, a możliwy i łatwy drogą elektroniczną – intensywność korzystania z internetu przez emerytów się zwiększyła. Czynnikiem decydującym o przezwyciężeniu bariery motywacyjnej w korzystaniu z ICT była obawa przed zarażeniem się koronawirusem, wiążąca się z zagrożeniem zdrowia i życia. Duże znaczenie miała również chęć niesienia pomocy innym.
Choć w Polsce proces starzenia się społeczeństwa postępuje z pewnym opóźnieniem w porównaniu z innymi krajami UE, jego dynamika będzie się wzmacniać. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano ogólną charakterystykę sytuacji w tym zakresie. Skoncentrowano się jednak na już obserwowanych jego skutkach, jak też konsekwencjach przewidywanych w następnych latach. Są one wielorakie, a analizowano je w dwóch grupach: dotyczących gospodarki (aspekt makroekonomiczny) oraz jednostek (aspekt mikroekonomiczny), wybierając najistotniejsze ich przejawy.
In Poland, the aging process has progressed with some lag compared with other EU countries, its dynamics will strengthen. This paper presents a general description of the situation in this respect. The focus, however, is to observe its effects, as well as those consequences expected in the coming years. They are multiple and analysed in two groups: on the economy (macroeconomic aspects) and on individuals (microeconomic aspects), selecting their most important symptoms.
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