Emergency departments are costly to maintain. They remain open every hour of the year to provide care for those who need it, when they need it. Therefore, emergency departments are a crucial resource for any modern society, and no sensible person would want to close them, despite their cost. However, the view held by many, that the care provided in an emergency department is excessively costly, is just plain wrong. When our doctors’ and our specialty’s performance is viewed objectively, it becomes clear that emergency physicians have become crucial agents of cost savings. Therefore, EPs have earned the right to proudly “re-brand” themselves not as high-cost care providers, but as indispensable, money-savers in any nation’s health care enterprise. If you don’t believe that, continue reading this commentary.
Introduction: The publication presents the issue of aggression addressed to paramedics working in medical emergency teams. Material and methods: The study included 50 paramedics who completed a questionnaire carried out by the authors. The survey was voluntary and anonymous. Results: During 12 months prior to the study, 96% of responders experienced aggression during working in the State Medical Rescue System in Poland. The most frequent form of aggression was verbal aggression. 22% of participants experienced assault and their health was damaged as a result of patient’s aggressive behaviour. However, most of the respondents did not report this fact to the police. Conclusions: An aggression against medical personnel is a significant problem of State Medical Rescue System in Poland. It requires systemic changes as well as an individual support for units affected by this problem.
Wprowadzenie: W publikacji przedstawiona została problematyka agresji skierowanej przeciw ratownikom medycznym pracującym w zespołach ratownictwa medycznego. Materiał i metoda: Badanie przeprowadzono metodą ankietową w grupie 50 ratowników medycznych. Badanie miało charakter dobrowolny i anonimowy. Wyniki: 96% ratowników medycznych uczestniczących w badaniu zadeklarowało, że w ciągu ostatniego roku, w czasie pracy w systemie Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego, spotkało się z agresją. Najczęstszą formą agresji była agresja słowna. U 22% uczestników badania w wyniku agresji doszło do uszczerbku na zdrowiu. Większość ankietowanych nie zgłosiła jednak przypadków agresji policji. Podsumowanie: Zjawisko agresji wobec personelu medycznego jest istotnym problemem Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego w Polsce i wymaga interwencji oraz zmian na poziomie systemowym, a także indywidualnej pomocy osobom dotkniętym tym zjawiskiem.
Objectives Few studies focus on out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the occupational setting. Therefore, this study describes the presence and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) at Belgian workplaces during the period 2012–2014. Material and Methods A self-constructed questionnaire was developed and sent to internal prevention counselors. Results In total, 767 companies filled out the questionnaire. An AED was available in 48.8% of the companies. Presence mainly depended on the number of persons present in the company (both workers and non-workers (e.g., visitors, clients)) and on some occupational cardiovascular risks but was often not based on a well-conducted risk analysis. Training of workers and AED maintenance were provided appropriately. An AED was used for shocking 23 times of which 10 persons survived. Conclusions Acquiring an AED in the occupational setting is seldom based on a well-conducted risk analysis. Therefore, instructions and criteria are needed to come to a rational decision. Furthermore, a registry on AED utilization in the workplace (e.g., with data on long-term survival) should be set up. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(5):603–611
Objectives It is commonly known that ergonomics in emergency medical services (EMS) is very important. Emergency medical services workers are exposed to different conditions and they should perform a variety of tasks. Material and Methods The aim of the work has been to analyze the angular position of elbows and forces generated by the upper limbs during cardiopulmonary resuscitation with and without the CPRmeter based on feedback technology. Ten male paramedics and 10 male non-paramedics, in a kneeling position, performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an Ambu Megacode manikin placed on the ground. Measurements were taken after 1 min and 4 min following the beginning of the trial. The angular position of the elbows was evaluated with a BTS Smart DX 7000 motion capture system. Kistler platforms 9286BA were used for measuring forces. Results In the paramedic group, one statistically significant difference was observed in the mean difference between maximal and minimal right elbow angle in the 1st min without the device vs. the mean difference in the 4th min without the device. In the paramedic group, a 25% force decrease was observed after 4 min of resuscitation in trials without the CPRmeter in comparison to the 1st min. In trials with the CPRmeter, the force parameters were similar in the 1st and 4th min and more stable. No statistically significant differences were noticed in the control group. Conclusions The CPRmeter has influence on the magnitude of the forces applied by the upper limbs and on the optimization of the rescuer effort during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The CPRmeter had no influence on the position of the upper part of the kinematic chain. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):909–916
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The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has resulted in development of novel applications in a multitude of fields, such as in Medicine, to aid medical professionals in clinical diagnosis. Specifically, the field of Emergency Medicine has been of immense interest to researchers, with vast untapped potential for AI solutions to improve operational efficiencies and quality of healthcare. Aside from primary healthcare facilities, the Emergency Department serves as the first line of contact to patients, who often present with varying and undifferentiated symptoms. Several challenges faced by clinicians and patients alike, such as waiting times and diagnostic dilemmas, present opportunities for application of AI solutions. In this paper, we aim to summarise the applications of AI in the field of Emergency Medicine by reviewing recent developments in Emergency Department operations and in the clinical management of patients.
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