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tom Vol. 21
The highly eutrophic lake Burgsee in Bad Salzungen/Thuringia (Abb. 1) was formed by several sinkholes due to tectonic activities. Chemical, physical and biological parameters of lake Burgsee have been examined between 1999 and 2002. The lake water has been treated by an external phosphorus elimination plant (PEP), called Pelicon (Abb. 2), from summer 2000 to fall 2002. The TP content of the water body decreased from 340 kg in 1999 to 60 kg in 2002, abort 751.000 m3 water have been treated during the operation period of Pelicon. After most of the total phosphorus in the pelagial had been eliminated it was to be examined whether the weakly bounded phosphorus complexes in the sediment would be released, but unfortunately there was not enough time to examine that aspect. The water was treated with aluminium salts and iron salts to precipitate the SRP and high levels of hydrogen sulphide. The aluminium concentration in the mixolimnion, i.e. 0-15 m, increased during the project to 78 žg/l, compared to 20 žg/l before the operation of Pelicon. Although Al is described as a toxic agent in fresh waters by several authors, no harmful effects on water organisms could be found nor could have been expected because of the neutral pH range or high Ca loading of lake Burgsee. No distinctive changes in the iron concentrations in the pelagial could be found. Probably there is a correlation between the elimination of about 680 kg hydrogen sulphide and the decrease of the sulphate content.
[ReBr3(py)3]0.42[ReBr2(NO)(py)3]0.58 (1), trans-[ReBr4(OPPh3)2] (2), [ReBr(NO)(dppe)2]Br (3) and orthorhombic polymorph of mer-cis- [Re(NO)Br3(OPPh3)2] (4) complexes have been synthesized by reactions of monoclinic polymorph of mer-cis-[Re(NO)Br3(OPPh3)2] with pyridine, bis(diphenylophosphino) ethane, 2,2_-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline. The NO group in 1 and 4 is coordinated in a linear way. Due to nitrosyl/bromine compositional disorder, the shortening of Re-NO distance [1.68(5) A] and the elongation of N-O bond length [1.38(10) A] are observed in1. The N-O bond length in 4 is extremely short [0.94(1) A], which results probably from steric interactions of two mutually cis OPPh3 molecules and a large discrepancy of Re-O-P angle values.
Content available remote Elimination of finite eigenvalues of the 2D Roesser model by state feedbacks
nr 2
A new problem of decreasing the degree of the closed-loop characteristic polynomial of the 2D Roesser model by a suitable choice of state feedbacks is formulated. Sufficient conditions are established under which it is possible to choose state feedbacks such that the non-zero closed-loop characteristic polynomial has degree zero. A procedure for computation of the feedback gain matrices is presented and illustrated by a numerical example.
tom nr 8
W artykule omówiono najczęściej występujące przyczyny i miejsca zwarć łukowych w układach średnich napięć w energetyce i w przemyśle. Biorąc pod uwagę "naturę" zwarcia łukowego, odniesiono się do kwestii łukoodpor-ności rozdzielnic. Omówiono dostępne sposoby zwiększenia odporności (łukochronności) urządzeń i ochrony personelu eksploatacyjnego. Odniesiono się również do identyfikowania zwarć doziemnych, w następstwie których często powstają zwarcia łukowe.
W większości dotychczasowych rozważań dotyczących eliminacji drgań układów mechanicznych nie uwzględniano dystrybucji energii. Z drugiej strony wiadomo, że zmiana struktury układu mechanicznego (eliminator - dodatkowy obiekt mechaniczny dołączony do układu głównego) pociąga za sobą istotne zmiany w rozdziale energii. Podejście energetyczne w rozwiązaniu tego zadania ma znaczenie czysto praktyczne i wiąże się z trwałością projektowanych układów eliminacji drgań. W pracy przeprowadzono wstępne badania rozkładu energii dla czterech najbardziej znanych eliminatorów drgań: dynamicznego, wiskotycznego, ciernego i uderzeniowego.
This study aims to identify and quantify the economic benefits of eliminating collisions between two transport systems: rail and inland waterway transport. The collision between transport systems is caused here by the obsolete structure of a railway drawbridge, which constitutes an element of the railway line used by freight and passenger transport and is located on the main inland waterway used by inland waterways freight transport. Railway transport results in limitations of inland waterway transport and, vice versa, inland waterways transport blocks railway transport during lifting of the bridge span. In the case of railway transport, the low capacity of the single-track railway bridge constitutes an additional limitation of the development of transportation. There are plans to eliminate the collision in the regional transport system by constructing a new railway bridge in place of the old drawbridge. The effects of the transportation infrastructure improvement were measured directly for both rail and inland water freight systems as well as the result of the interaction between passenger rail and car and bus transport. In order to compare the different types of impact, the effects of different actions were valued in monetary terms. The planned intervention, as investigated here, will lead to reductions in the cost of time of inland waterways freight transport and costs of time of rail passenger and freight transport and a decrease in the external costs of transport. This will make possible transportation services that are both cheaper and more reliable.
tom T. 4, z. 3
Elimination of objects in any database must be based on their earlier sorting. This is one of numerous problems we come across during the process of digital generalization of objects. Obtaining a clear classification of objects usually leads to too extensive development of the domain of descriptive attributes. The author tries to prove that it is useful to make structural regions for the network of linear objects such as roads, rivers or railways for the classification of objects, using the smallest number of attributes. The created classification allows automatic elimination of the network objects. To illustrate the mentioned above issues a fragment of a topographic database was selected. It was the layer of the road network. In the paper, the problem of necessary conditions to form regions is also presented as well as the way of classification of created regions. After making the classification of structural regions of the road network, the process of automatic elimination of regions is presented. It is made by the aggregation with one of the neighboring regions. Elimination through aggregation is based on fully automatic processes and verifiable values of attributes. The carried out process is independent from the situation of objects and the applied software, although it requires application of the accepted model of data.
Roztwór siarczanu cynku stosowany do elektrolitycznego otrzymywania cynku zawiera między innymi, jako zanieczyszczenia, jony chlorkowe. Szkodliwe ich działanie ujawnia się w procesie elektrolizy i przejawia się zwiększoną korozją anod, katod i chłodnic aluminiowych. Eliminacja jonów chlorkowych z roztworu elektrolitu może być zrealizowana poprzez związanie ich w postaci trudnorozpuszczalnego chlorku miedzi(I). Wyniki badań wskazują, że przeprowadzenie skutecznego odchlorowania roztworu siarczanu cynku jest możliwe przy zachowaniu odpowiednego stosunku stężeń jonów Cu2+/Cl-, Zn0/Cu2+ w roztworze, a także utrzymaniu temperatury w przedziale 323-333 K.
Zinc sulphate solution used in electro-winning of zinc contains chloride ions as one of contaminants. Their harmful effect reveals during electrolysis process through increased corrosion of anodes, cathodes and aluminium coolers. The chloride ions can be eliminated from electrolytic solution by binding them into sparingly soluble cuprous chloride(I). The tests have shown that an effective dechlorination of a zinc sulphate solution is possible when suitable ratio of the concentrations of Cu 2+/Cl- and Zn0/Cu2+ ions in a solution is maintained and the temperature is kept within a range of 323-333 K.
Ions of irons, especially ferrous ions may be harmful for living organisms, because they generate reactive oxygen species like O2 •- or •OH. Probability of the risk rises especially in pathological conditions, in which high level of iron is observed. For this reason scientists try to establish new methods that can support organism in eliminating reactive ferrous ions. Nowadays, attention focuses on substances present in plants, especially polyphenols, whose administration prevents oxidative damages in iron overloading. This new approach requires some research on behavior of plant-derived compounds in human organism, within a system containing other biomolecules involved in iron metabolism. The aim of this study has been to investigate the influence of black currant (Ribes nigrum) seed extract, a source of polyphenols, on the activity of ceruloplasmin, an enzyme participating in Fe(II) elimination from blood plasma in human organism. Depletion of Fe(II) caused by ceruloplasmin isolated from healthy blood donors was compared to its decrease in a system containing both ceruloplasmin and the extract. The results have shown that addition of a particular amount of the extract elevates the effectiveness of ceruloplasmin in eliminating Fe(II) from the sample but only under physiological condition (pH 7.4; T 37°C). In a weak acidic solution, addition of the extract does not lead to any change in Fe(II) concentration.
Jony żelaza, szczególnie jony żelazawe Fe(II), ze względu na wysoki potencjał oksydoredukcyjny mają zdolność generowania wolnych rodników, takich jak O2 •- i •OH. W pewnych stanach patologicznych, którym towarzyszy przeładowanie organizmu żelazem, ryzyko pojawienia się wolnych jonów Fe(II) inicjujących wiele procesów wolnorodnikowych jest bardzo prawdopodobne. W tym celu dąży się do opracowania terapii, które w chorobach żelazozależnych wspomogą naturalne mechanizmy usuwania reaktywnych jonów żelaza z organizmu. Ostatnio dużą uwagę poświęca się aktywnym substancjom obecnym w roślinach, szczególnie związkom polifenolowym, ze względu na ich silne właściwości chelatujące. Ten nowy kierunek badań wymaga jednak wnikliwej analizy, która wyjaśni mechanizm współdziałania substancji roślinnych z innymi biomolekułami zaangażowanymi w prawidłowy metabolizm żelaza w organizmie oraz rozstrzygnie o bezpieczeństwie ich stosowania. Celem badań było ustalenie wpływu ekstraktu z pestek porzeczki czarnej (Ribus nigrum), bogatego w związki polifenolowe, na aktywność ludzkiej ceruloplazminy, enzymu uczestniczącego w usuwaniu Fe(II) w organizmie ludzkim. Ubytek Fe(II) obserwowany w obecności ceruloplazminy porównywano z jego ubytkiem w mieszaninie ceruloplazmina-ekstrakt. Stwierdzono, że dodatek ekstraktu podnosi skuteczność ceruloplazminy w eliminowaniu Fe(II) ze środowiska. Istnieje więc przypuszczenie, że związki pochodzenia roślinnego takie jak polifenole mogą wspomagać naturalne mechanizmy eliminowania Fe(II) w organizmie.
Wykorzystanie mikrofal do eliminacji systemów biologicznych jest możliwe i korzystne z ekologicznego punktu widzenia. W przeprowadzonym doświadczeniu pozwoliło wyeliminować rośliny konkurencyjne pozwalając na optymalny rozwój roślin uprawnych. Barierą we wprowadzeniu takiego rozwiązania na skalę przemysłową pozostaje duże zużycie energii w czasie trwania procesu oraz długi czas ekspozycji organizmu na promieniowanie.
The use of microwaves to eliminate biological systems is feasible and beneficial from an environmental point of view. The experiment has demonstrated that microwave radiation helps eradicate competing plants, thereby enabling the optimal growth of cultivated plants. However, the high energy consumption during the process, and the prolonged exposure of the body to the radiation of 0.000158 m/s remain the main barriers to implementing this solution on an industrial scale.
Potassium permaganate has been used since ages for disinfection of water. It is known for oxidation of cell membrane of micro organisms. But the pink colour prevailing after use makes people reject the water on aesthetic grounds. Water samples from bore wells and tap water from public places were collected from different areas of Visakhapatnam. Physio-chemical and microbial analysis analyses of the water samples were carried out. A dose based permaganate treatment of water depending upon number of colony forming units and species of microorganism present in the water was carried out [1,2,5].
tom R. 108, z. 1-Ś
Niezawodność systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę stanowi istotny czynnik zaspokojenia potrzeb odbiorców w zakresie dostawy odpowiedniej ilości wody o jakości zgodnej z wymaganiami prawnymi oraz w dogodnej dla konsumenta porze [2, 3]. dla poprawy niezawodności pracy systemu przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe podejmują wiele przedsięwzięć związanych z remontami i modernizacją istniejącego uzbrojenia. Bardzo ważną kwestią staje się wówczas zgodne z przepisami postępowanie dotyczące sieci, które w ramach podejmowanych działań kwalifikują się do likwidacji. Przy czym ważna jest nie tylko techniczna strona zagadnienia, ale również kwestie formalne wynikające z przepisów podatkowych. Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie wskazówek dla prawidłowego postępowania przy likwidacji środków trwałych, jakimi są odcinki sieci wodociągowej.
Reliability of Water Supply System in an important factor of satisfaction to customers. need for delivery of suficient quantity of high quality water which shoult be also supplied at convenient time [2, 3]. For improving the reliability companies take a number of projects related to the regular repairing and modernisation of existing equipment. It is very important that the procedures concerning the water supply networks, which are classified to the elemination, should obey the rules and only technical problems but also tax regulations shoult be taken into account. The object of the article is to provide guidance for proper conducting the elimination of some sections in water supply system.
Dokonano praktycznej oceny nowej technologii wytwarzania "na zimno'' cienkościennych rur ze stopu 3003, opartej na wyciskaniu na prasie z obustronnie obracaną matrycą (metoda KOBO). Podejmuje także aspekt jakości produktu finalnego, którym jest rura o przekroju owalnym 6,0 x 11,42 mm i ściance 0,35 mm mająca spełniać wysokie wymagania mechaniczne.
Assessment of a new technology for cold fabrication of thin-walled tubes from the 3003 alloy, based on extrusion on a press with a die rotating on both sides (KOBO method), has been made. The aspect of the quality of the final product, which is tube with an oval cross-section of 6.0 x 11.42 mm and with 0.35 mm thick wall, and which should meet high requirements concerning mechanical properties, is also discussed.
Background. Chemical substances, including heavy metals, introduced into aquatic ecosystem can disturb the homeostasis of a habitat. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of cadmium compounds on common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. and to follow the toxicodynamics of cadmium elimination from intoxicated fish once they were transferred to a clean ambience. Materials and Methods. Common carp were given a single intraperitoneal injection of a sub-lethal cadmium dose (10 μg ּkg-1 body weight) to assess their detoxification potential following transfer to uncontaminated habitat. The 60-day experiment was divided into 8 stages during which various organs and tissues of the fish (liver, kidneys, skin, gills, alimentary tract, and muscles) were examined and subjected to assays for cadmium contents at pre-set times. Cadmium was determined with flameless graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) in a ZL 4110 Perkin Elmer spectrometer after wet digestion in concentrated HNO3 in CEM MDS 2000 microwave oven. Results. The fish intoxicated with Cd were sluggish, their responses to light and sound were much slower than those of the control fish. The cadmium level was observed to change with time: after initial cadmium accumulation in the tissues, the xenobiotic was eliminated. The experiment explains changes in the intoxicated carp system during the process of detoxification. The highest biological half-life (t1/2) of cadmium was recorded in the muscles (37 days), the lowest being typical of the liver (3.4 days). Conclusion. During detoxification, cadmium was observed to be redistributed among the organs. Metal elimination rate was depended on organ and varied from 0.001 to 0.006 µgּday-1. A long-term effect of sub-lethal intoxication was an about 10-percentage-point reduction of the fish body weight.
tom 42
nr 2
The kinetics of radioruthenium in rats after repeated contamination with small doses was investigated. Ruthenium-106 was poorly absorbed and rapidly eliminated from the organs and tissues of rats. No specific affinity of Ru-106 for any organ or tissue was observed except for the kidneys, where marked tendency for cumulating was found. It seems that radioruthenium is of less importance for the human and animal health in comparison with radiocaesium and radiostrontium.
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