W jednym z ostatnich numerów "Przeglądu Komunalnego" pisałem skrótowo o inteligentnych aktywnych punktowych elementach odblaskowych, czyli, mówiąc po prostu, o aktywnych kocich oczkach. Teraz, dzięki kontaktom nawiązanym z producentem, firmą Astucia (UK) Ltd., mogę opisać je nieco szerzej. Wbrew nazwie (która jest portugalska i oznacza coś sprytnego), jest to firma na wskroś brytyjska i ma na swoje wyroby brytyjskie i międzynarodowe patenty.
The subject of pedestrian safety is particularly important in Poland, where the risk of mortality is very high compared to other European Union (EU) countries. In Poland, 60% of all killed pedestrians lost their lives at night, mostly away from urban areas. The current article focuses on pedestrians’ compliance with the law requirements of the mandatory use of reflective elements at night in non-urban areas since its introduction in Poland in 2014 based on a data analysis and survey on pedestrians’ attitudes and behaviours. An analysis of pedestrian accidents, fatalities, and serious injuries at night five years before and five years after 2014 showed an improvement in pedestrian safety more in non-urban areas (where the law on reflective elements is obligatory) than in urban areas. This study is the first published work to present comprehensive results from an in-depth national survey about people’s attitudes and behaviours regarding the use of reflective elements. The data were obtained from 600 observed and 400 questioned pedestrians in 2018. Observations from 2018 showed that only 21% of pedestrians respected the obligation to wear reflective elements at night outside urban, even though 46% of respondents declared in questionnaires that they wore such elements. Pedestrians who used reflective devices in non-urban areas at night were mainly young people aged 40 years old or younger. They used reflective clothing (shoes, trousers, backpacks); 79% of observed pedestrians did not wear reflective elements at night according to questionnaires from 2018. More pedestrians (60%) who didn’t use any reflective wore black clothing, which made them not visible to drivers and put them at risk of being killed. A comparison of the data showed a positive change in pedestrians’ attitudes due to this obligation. In 2015 only 35% of respondents knew that the use of reflective elements was obligatory in some situations; in 2018, almost half of them (46%) did. The analysis carried out in the present study indicated that the preventive action of introducing the mandatory use of reflective elements at night by pedestrians outside urban areas has slowly improved the safety of pedestrians and decreased the numbers of accidents, serious injuries, and fatalities. Changes introduced into Polish traffic rules have improved pedestrians’ safety on roads since 2014; however, there is still an immense need to carry on social actions and campaigns promoting the use of reflective elements to educate road users to change pedestrians’ behaviours.
W artykule omówiony został problem dostrzegania pieszego oświetlonego światłami mijania w porze nocnej. Przedstawione zostały wyniki badań dotyczące odległości postrzegania w światłach mijania pieszego nie posiadającego elementu odblaskowego a następnie wyposażonego w pryzmatyczną opaskę odblaskową umieszczoną na przedramieniu. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań odniesiono się również do długości drogi zatrzymania pojazdu przy prędkości maksymalnie dozwolonej administracyjnie w danych warunkach drogowych oraz możliwości uniknięcia wypadku poprzez wykonanie manewru omijania lub zatrzymania pojazdu przed pieszym w oparciu o zmierzone odległości. Uzyskane wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej, która pozwoliła ocenić poprawność wnioskowania na ich podstawie.
The article discusses the issue of the detection of a pedestrian illuminated with the DRL lights during the night time. There were presented the results of the study concerning the distance of perception of the pedestrian without a reflective element, and then, equipped with a prismatic reflective band on the forearm. The study was conducted with the presence of DRL lights. The results of the study were also the basis of the analysis of the stopping distance in the condition of maximum speed allowed administratively and the possibility of avoiding an accident by evading or stopping the vehicle before the pedestrian, based on the measured distances. The obtained results of the study were subjected to statistical analysis, which allowed to assess their correctness of reasoning based on them.
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