The assignment of workloads to production equipment is one category of planning decision for an electronics assembly factory. In practice, line balancing requires not only selecting machines with sufficient placement accuracy and feeder capacity, but also addressing a host of other operational objectives and constraints. Motorola Labs led a multi-year effort to apply mathematical programming to balance a variety of production mix and volume scenarios. By representing the optimization problem as a specially structured, mixed linear-integer program, we were able to incorporate a high degree of reality in the model, simultaneously optimizing fixed setups, handling custom parts, maximizing machine uptime, and mitigating secondary bottlenecks. This paper presents the story of how we developed and deployed a software solution that significantly improved assembly cycle times, setup changeovers, and overall factory productivity, saving the company tens of millions of dollars.
W artykule przedstawiono działalność badawczą w zakresie systemów identyfikacji radiowej, prowadzoną w Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii Instytutu Tele- i Radiotechnicznego w ostatnich latach. Opisano obszary prowadzonych badań nad nowymi rozwiązaniami w zakresie wytwarzania anten identyfikatorów RFID i technik montażu struktury półprzewodnikowej oraz integracji opracowanych identyfikatorów z różnego rodzaju czujnikami narażeń zewnętrznych, mogących znaleźć zastosowanie nie tylko w transporcie i magazynowaniu towarów, ale również w aplikacjach tzw. Internetu Rzeczy. Przedstawiono również dokonania w zakresie w/w badań i opisano perspektywy rozwojowe systemów RFID w ciągu najbliższych kilku lat.
In this article, research activities in the range of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) taken up in Centre for Advanced Technologies of Tele and Radio Research Institute were reported. Fields of conducted investigations on new solutions for fabrication of RFID tag’s antennas, assembly techniques of RFID chips and integration of prepared tags with different kinds of external exposure sensors for application in transport and storage of products as well as in Internet of Things. Achievements in the mentioned above fields and development prospects of RFID systems in the next few years were presented.
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