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magnetic flux. This gives rise to a phenomenon referred to as the fringing effect, which impacts the performance of magnetic components. The fringing flux also affects the physical properties of magnetic components, such as magnetic reluctance and inductance. Since inductance of gapped magnetic components is a function of the size of the air gap, a relatively simple change to the configuration of the air gap or splitting a single gap into a plurality of gaps entails, frequently, a radical change to the magnetic circuit of the component. This paper examines the way the air-gap configuration affects the distribution of the fringing flux and, by extension, magnetic reluctance and inductance. A method to aid the design of multigap inductors is presented based on 3-D electromagnetic modelling as well as measurements. An analytic expression, which closely approximates the required length of quasi-distributed gaps substituting a single gap, is developed.
the complexity level in QFP structure, each interconnect segment is accurately modelled in 3D model by utilizing the industry leading advance software tool, ANSYS HFSS. S-parameter, Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Eye Diagram are used to help in understanding the contributing to the optimized QFP structure. The analysis results indicate that the optimized QFP structure can successfully achieve over 8Gbps single-end signal transmission.
badań wykazuje, że wprowadzona optymalizacja pozwala na osiągnięcie założonej prędkości przesyłu danych.
the equation of the magnetic field diffusion is presented in this paper.
jest identyfikacja i analiza procesów związanych z przemieszczaniem strumienia magnetycznego w nadprzewodniku oraz analiza wpływu dynamiki ruchu na zmianę parametrów nadprzewodnika. Dynamicznym zmianom zewnętrznego pola magnetycznego towarzyszy zmiana przestrzennego rozk ł adu pola magnetycznego i prądu w nadprzewodniku. W pracy wykorzystano nieliniowy, dynamiczny model zbudowany w oparciu o równania dyfuzji pola magnetycznego.
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