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Praca przedstawia badania wpływu dźwięków niskiej częstotliwości na poziom aktywności elektrodermalnej skóry (ozn. EDA). Badania stanowiły trzy niezależne sytuacje badawcze, pierw-sza: dla częstotliwości bodźca fśr=7 Hz przy poziomie ciśnienia akustycznego Lp = 120 dB HP, druga - (fśr=18 Hz, Lp = 120 dB HP) oraz trzecia - (fśr=40 Hz, Lp = 110 dB HP). Każdy, 35 minu-towy, ekspe-ryment składał się z trzech etapów. Etap I - 5 minutowy - bez ekspozycji bodźca. Etap II z 20 mi-nutowa ekspozycją na uczestników bodźca dźwiękowego niskiej częstotliwości. Trzeci etap 10 minutowy bez ekspozycji bodźca. W każdym eksperymencie w sposób ciągły rejestro-wano wyty-powane parametry EDA.
The paper investigates the effects of low-frequency sound exposure on the level of elec-trodermal activity (EDA). The experimental programme involved three independent tests 1st ex-periment: frequency fśr = 7 Hz, acoustic pressure Lp = 120 dB HP, 2nd experiment - (fśr = 18 Hz, Lp = 120 dB HP), 3rd experiment - (fśr = 40 Hz, Lp = 110 dB HP). Each 35 minutes' long session involved three stages. During the first stage, lasting 1 -5 minutes, there was no low-frequency sound exposure. During the second stage participants were exposed to low-frequency sound for 20 min. The third stage did not involve any low-frequency sound exposure. During each experiment selected EDA parameters were monitored on an online basis.
Content available Discoverers of the Galvanic Skin Response
nr 4
The uncanny valley (UV) hypothesis suggests that the observation of almost human-like characters causes an increase of discomfort. We conducted a study using self-report questionnaire, response time measurement, and electrodermal activity (EDA) evaluation. In the study, 12 computer-generated characters (robots, androids, animated, and human characters) were presented to 33 people (17 women) to (1) test the effect of a background context on the perception of characters, (2) establish whether there is a relation between declared feelings and physiological arousal, and (3) detect the valley of the presented stimuli. The findings provide support for reverse relation between human-likeness and the arousal (EDA). Furthermore, a positive correlation between EDA and human-likeness appraisal reaction time upholds one of the most common explanations of the UV - the categorization ambiguity. The absence of the significant relationship between declared comfort and EDA advocates the necessity of physiological measures for UV studies.
Previously, Krapohl (2020) evaluated the Bigger-Is-Better Rule (BIBR) on the polygraph electrodermal channel to assess whether there was a best minimum ratio between response sizes for assigning a score. Performance peaked at a minimum ratio between 10% and 20%. The ratios had been calculated by comparing the electrodermal responses for each relevant question against those of the immediately preceding comparison question. The analysis did not consider whether the same optimal ratio would be found if the relevant question electrodermal responses are compared to those of the stronger of two adjacent comparison questions. To investigate we analyzed responses from an independent sample of 255 laboratory cases. The data from those cases found the highest correlation between scores and ground truth occurred when the minimum difference between two electrodermal responses was 30%.
Automatic, cost-effective, and reliable cognitive workload estimation (CWE) is one of the important issues in diagnosis and treatment of neurocognitive diseases, cognitive performance improvement and error preventive strategies. To address this issue, this paper has proposed a novel and robust CWE method by detecting the time–frequency (TF) changes of electrodermal activities (EDA). Firstly, the local and global properties of the time-variant characteristics of EDA have been presented using Smooth Pseudo WignerVille distribution with enhanced TF resolution. Then, the transient changes in TF images of EDA signals have been quantified using a set of textural features based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix descriptor (GLCM). Several static and dynamic classifiers, such as support vector machine, K- k-nearest neighbor, cascade forward neural network, and recurrent neural network have been explored. A real EDA data experiment recorded during arithmetic task with different workload levels have been used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The obtained results have confirmed that it can achieve a high estimation performance of 97.71% using contrast feature for discrimination of three workload levels. Further analysis has also suggested that the model is robust to GLCM parameters and classifiers and can provide a better tradeoff between computational complexity and high performance using minimum number of textural features in comparison with previous studies.
Background. It might seem that body reactions to various procedures should always correspond to basic traits of the stimulus which affects them. In practice, however, the problem has turned out to be more complex, which would mean that e.g. a relaxation procedure is not always relaxing. The aim of the presented paper is the analysis of body reactions to face and scalp massage, measured using electrodermal Ryodoraku approach. Material and methods. The author presents the analysis of electrodermal activity (EDA) measurement using Ryodoraku in a sample of 44 women subjected to a single face massage procedure, in comparison with the control group. Results. The results obtained from EDA measurement reflect characteristic types of body reactions to the applied physical stimulus in all the performed procedures. The analysis of EDA assessment has shown that body reactions to face and scalp massage are different, depending on the participant’s individual characteeristics. Conclusions. The observed different types of body reactions to the performed massage procedures rise further research-related questions, connected with such problems as: quantification of the effectiveness of such procedures as related to individual needs and body reaction, specificity of regaining homeostasis by the body during long-term observations, the differentiating role of the participant’s volitional factors, mood and temperament, and the specificity of such responses in athlete population.
Wstęp. Mogłoby się wydawać, że reakcje organizmu na zabieg powinny być zawsze adekwatne do podstawowych właściwości oddziałującego nań bodźca. Praktyka pokazuje jednak, że problem ten może być bardziej złożony, co oznaczałoby, że na przykład zabieg o charakterze relaksacyjnym nie zawsze będzie powodował relaks. Celem przedstawionej pracy jest analiza reakcji organizmu na zabieg masażu twarzy i owłosionej części głowy mierzona elektrodermalną metodą Ryodoraku. Materiał i metody. Autorka analizuje wyniki pomiaru aktywności elektrodermalnej (EDA) metodą Ryodoraku w grupie 44 kobiet, które poddane zostały jednorazowemu zabiegowi masażu twarzy w porównaniu z 25- osobową grupą kontrolną. Wyniki. Uzyskane wyniki pomiaru EDA obrazują charakterystyczne, wspólne dla wszystkich wykonanych zabiegów, różne typy reakcji organizmu na zastosowany bodziec fizykalny. Z analizy przeprowadzonych badań EDA wynika, że odpowiedź organizmu na zabieg masażu twarzy i owłosionej części głowy jest zróżnicowana i ma charakter indywidualny. Wnioski. Obserwowane różne typy reakcji ciała na wykonany zabieg masażu rodzą dalsze pytania badawcze związane z takimi problemami jak: kwantyfikacja skuteczności zabiegów w odniesieniu do indywidualnych potrzeb czy reakcji ciała, specyfika odzyskiwania stanu homeostazy przez organizm w obserwacjach długofalowych, różnicująca rola czynników wolicjonalnych, nastroju czy temperamentu osoby badanej, a także specyfika tych reakcji u sportowców.
Background. Persons practicing judo are exposed to large neuromuscular excitation due to the nature of the effort they perform during the fight and during training. The stable psychophysical state of judokas seems, therefore, to be extremely important in achieving a high sporting level. The aim of the study was to evaluate the electrodermal activity (EDA) measured by the Ryodoraku method in judo players in comparison with the control group. Material and methods. The test group – 16 judo players subjected to two EDA measurement tests. The control group – 16 men, students of the University of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland. Results. In the initial test, no differences in EDA values were found between the control and the test groups. However, significant differences in results were noted in judokas after training. Greater excitation was found within the points located on the upper limbs. Conclusions. EDA measurement can be a useful diagnostic method for assessing the psychophysical condition of a player, which can make it easier for a sports team to make decisions related to proper training programming and recovery treatments.
Wstęp. Osoby trenujące judo narażone są na duże pobudzenie nerwowo - mięśniowe ze względu na charakter wysiłku jaki wykonują podczas walki i w trakcie treningów. Stabilny stan psychofizyczny judoków wydaje się więc niezwykle istotny w osiąganiu wysokiego poziomu sportowego. Celem pracy była ocena aktywności elektrodermalnej (EDA) mierzonej metodą Ryodoraku u zawodników judo w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana – 16 zawodników judo poddanych dwukrotnemu pomiarowi EDA. Grupa kontrolna – 16 mężczyzn, studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu. Wyniki. W badaniu początkowym pomiędzy grupą kontrolną a badaną, nie stwierdzono zróżnicowania w zakresie wartości EDA. Istotne różnice wyników odnotowano natomiast u judoków po treningu. Wykazano większe pobudzenie w obrębie punktów zlokalizowanych na kończynach górnych. Wnioski. Pomiar EDA może być przydatną metodą diagnostyczną obrazowania stanu psychofizycznego zawodnika co może ułatwić zespołowi sportowemu podejmowanie decyzji związanych z właściwym programowaniem treningu oraz zabiegów regeneracyjnych.
nr 1S
Background. The activity of a defender in a self-defense situation is strongly influenced by stress, which is almost always present in such situations. This is not a common type of stress, but an acute combat stress that has different manifestations. This stress significantly influences the perception and behavior of the defender, in particular limiting his perception of the whole situation, extending reaction times and worsening motor skills. This thesis also presents the “EDA” method of measuring electrodermal activity to interpret the degree and impact of stress on the performance of the affected person. This is used in teaching and innovating Specialty Education of Security Sections “SEBS”, and Applied Sports Education of Security Sections “ASEBS”. Problem and aim. The purpose of the thesis is to describe how the Czech courts evaluate and take into account the influence of acute stress in cases of necessary defense before the courts, to evaluate these conclusions and to compare them with the theory and practice of criminal law and self-defense. Methods. The analysis of court decisions was made on the legal status of the Czech Republic in January 2018, using the ASPi from Wolters Kluwers, as legal system. Necessary defense is a criminal law provision that allows anyone to actively defend themselves against assault without it being an act of unlawful conduct. The selected decisions were encoded by the free coding method (the principle of anchored theory) in the Atlantis program, focusing on stress codes and limits of necessary defense In interpreting the results, the inductive and discursive writing method was used, as well as a comparative analysis of individual decisions. To measure EDA the E4 wristband from Empatica, s. r. l. was used. Results. In 17 out of 19 cases, 89% of all cases considered, the courts dealt with the defendant’s claim that there was an episode of acute stress. In two cases (11%), the claim of the attacked person was ignored. In 10 out of 19 cases (53%), the courts assessed the mental state of the person being attacked using a forensic expert with the appropriate specialization. In one case, the court concluded that it was necessary to judge the case taking into account the attacked person’s subjective perception of either the attack or of the whole conflict situation. In two cases, the courts acknowledged that the attacked person had had reduced recognition skills under the influence of acute stress. In one of these cases, the court stated that the attacked person was obviously suffering diminished capacity, or was wholly incapacitated. Conclusions. The results show that there is wide variation in the assessment of the impact of acute stress, by Czech courts. They usually deal with the potential presence of stress in the person being attacked, but they usually try to evaluate them with their own logical considerations instead of having them evaluated by the appropriate specialists – forensic experts. I believe that this is due to the lack of knowledge of this issue by the courts and ignorance of its importance in cases of necessary defense. It can be stated that the psychological state of the infected person under the influence of acute stress may be closer in some cases to diminished capacity or incapacity. The amount of skin resistance as one of the indicators of electrodermal activity is influenced by the acute stress of the tested person. Using this method and other complementary methods, it would be possible to measure the sensitivity of a person to stress stimuli to which other factors related to situations of necessary defense would be reflected.
Prezentowana praca jest kontynuacją wcześniej prowadzonych badań oceny wpływu PEM o częstotliwości 50Hz na organizm dokonywanych w oparciu o wyniki pomiaru aktywności elektrodermalnej (ang. electrodermal activity - EDA). W prowadzonych obecnie badaniach terenowych dokonano wstępnych pomiarów EDA w biologicznie aktywnych punktach zlokalizowanych na dłoniach i stopach, w warunkach narażenia na środowiskowy wpływ PEM.
The presented work is a continuation of the previously conducted research to assess the impact of EMF with a frequency of 50 Hz on the body based on the results of electrodermal activity (EDA) measurements. Initial EDA measurements were made in the currently conducted field studies at biologically active points located on the hands and feet under conditions of exposure to the environmental impact of EMF.
Przeprowadzony w niniejszej pracy eksperyment jest wstępną próbą oszacowania przydatności pomiaru aktywności elektrodermalnej (EDA) do oceny wpływu pola elektromagnetycznego (PEM) na organizm w badaniu o charakterze kazuistycznym.
The experiment carried out in this paper is an initial attempt to estimate the usefulness of the measurement of electrodermal activity (EDA) for the assessment of the impact of electromagnetic field (PEM) on the body using a case study approach.
W artykule opisano projekt układu elektronicznego przeznaczonego do badania reakcji GSR (ang. Galvanic Skin Response) z uwzględnieniem trudności związanych z charakterem pomiaru. Omówiono w nim biologiczny mechanizm powstawania reakcji skórno-galwanicznej, budowę zaprojektowanego urządzenia pomiarowego oraz metodykę badań przeprowadzonych w celu sprawdzenia użyteczności urządzenia.
The article describes the project of GSR measurement system, taking into account all difficulties related to the type of the measurement. It discusses the biological mechanism of the skin-galvanic reaction, the construction of the designed device for measuring this reaction, and the methodology of tests carried out to check the usefulness of the device.
Background. Contemporary sport requires a totally different attitude to health state assessment and body regeneration methods after physical exercise. The aim of the study was the analysis of relaxation levels in football training females after a head massage. Materiał and methods. The study group included 17 young female competitors subjected to relaxing massage. The control group comprised 17 non-training young females, students of the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw. Electrical conductivity was measured in both groups (24 measurement points). Results. Insignificant between-group differences in the measured mean values were noted in the initial test while a statistically significant decrease in the mean values was found after the massage. The results indicate a decrease in tension of the nervous system. Conclusions. Relaxation massage can be an effective approach, preventing the consequences of chronic balance disorders in the athlete’s nervous system.
Wstęp. Współczesny sport wymaga zupełnie innego podejścia do oceny stanu zdrowia zawodnika oraz form regeneracji organizmu po wysiłku fizycznym. Celem pracy była analiza stopnia relaksacji kobiet trenujących piłkę nożną po zastosowaniu masażu okolicy głowy. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana - 17 młodych zawodniczek poddanych masażowi relaksacyjnemu. Grupa kontrolna - 17 nietrenujących młodych kobiet, studentek Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu. Obie grupy poddane zostały pomiarowi elektroprzewodności 24 punktów pomiarowych. Wyniki. Odnotowano nieistotne różnice średnich wartości pomiarowych między grupami w badaniu początkowym oraz istotne statystycznie obniżenie średnich wartości pomiarowych po zabiegu masażu. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na obniżenie napięcia systemu nerwowego. Wnioski Masaże relaksacyjne mogą być skuteczną metodą zapobiegania skutkom przewlekłego naruszenia równowagi w systemie nerwowym u sportowców.
In this article, we present a comprehensive measurement system to determine the level of user emotional arousal by the analysis of electrodermal activity (EDA). A number of EDA measurements were collected, while emotions were elicited using specially selected movie sequences. Data collected from 16 participants of the experiment, in conjunction with those from personal questionnaires, were used to determine a large number of 20 features of the EDA, to assess the emotional state of a user. Feature selection was performed using signal processing and analysis methods, while considering user declarations. The suitability of the designed system for detecting the level of emotional arousal was fully confirmed, throughout the number of experiments. The average classification accuracy for two classes of the least and the most stimulating movies varies within the range of 61‒72%.
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