A hierarchical approach is used to simulate lithium ion motion through poly(ethylene oxide) loaded with lithium perchlorate, alone and with a tungsten oxide (WO3) interface to model an electrochromic smart window assembly. The structure of the polymer is simulated using commercial software. Relaxation of the polymer is allowed on a lattice on which the lithium ions move as a lattice gas. Polarization and van der Waals energy changes are calculated for an added lithium ion at each lattice point. The structure and energy are also calculated in the presence of the WO3 interface. Ion transport is simulated in a kinetic Monte Carlo method, with and without an electric field. During runs at 300 K without the WO3 interface, with a field the lithium ions move 35 A along it and 3-7 A across it but without a field they move 2-5 A; these distances vary with temperature as expected for activated hopping. Ions explore their immediate neighbourhood, occasionally jumping to an adjacent neighbourhood along, across or sometimes against the field, thus circumventing regions where transport is hindered. With the WO3, the lithium ions tend to accumulate at the interface, producing a repulsive potential that reduces ion movement.
Cienkowarstwowe systemy elektrochromowe (EC) znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie w szeregu dziedzin techniki takich jak elektronika czy architektura. Niniejsza praca prezentuje budowę systemu pomiarowego do badania dynamicznych charakterystyk optycznych i elektrycznych oraz wyniki badań własności cienkowarstwowych systemów elektrochromowych zbudowanych na bazie tlenku wolframu WO₃. Badania właściwości elektrochromowych przeprowadzane w tym systemie obejmują analizę odpowiedzi czasowej (optycznej i elektrycznej) na wymuszenie w postaci napięciowego skoku jednostkowego. W celu przeprowadzenia jednoczesnego badania obu rodzajów charakterystyk zbudowano system pomiarowy opisany w pracy.
Thin film electrochromic (EC) systems are applied in different fields like electronics or architecture. The design of measuring system for investigation of dynamic optical and electrical characteristies and the results of investigation of the properties of the thin film electrochromic system based on tungsten oxide WO₃ are presented in this paper. The investigations of the electrochromic properties consists of the analysis of time dependent response (optical and electrical) for step like voltage. For simultaneous investigations both type characteristies presented system was built.
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Tungsten oxide WO3 thin films are one of the most widely used layers with electrochromic properties. Various deposition methods are used to produce them, including magnetron sputtering. In this paper the authors present the construction of a Lesker high vacuum system for GLAD Magnetron Sputtering and results of optical properties investigations of WO3 thin films which can be used for multilayer electrochromic systems.
Cienkie warstwy tlenku wolframu WO3 są jednymi z najszerzej stosowanych warstw o właściwościach elektrochromowych. Do ich wytwarzania stosowane są różne metody osadzania, w tym rozpylanie magnetronowe. W niniejszej pracy autorzy przedstawiają budowę wysokopróżniowego systemu firmy Lesker do rozpylania magnetronowego GLAD oraz wyniki badań właściwości optycznych cienkich warstw WO3, które mogą być stosowane w wielowarstwowych układach elektrochromowych.
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Using their ability to change their color according to an external stimulation, chromic materials can be used to form a color-changing textile. Electrochromism, more particularly, is a colour change phenomenon caused by the application of an electrical potential. A flexible textile electrochromic device composed of four layers is presented. In order to improve the lifetime of this structure, the electrical performances of the electrolyte layer are studied. A method to measure and calculate the resistance variations of the electrolyte applied on a textile cotton substrate is given. Relations between the electrical performances of the electrolyte and the electrochromic effect of the device are also highlighted.
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