Przedstawiono badania nad elektrochemiczną redukcją hydronadtlenków α-pinenu oraz kar-3-enu otrzymanych w wyniku ozonowania tych terpenów w metanolu lub etanolu. Rozkład prowadzono stosując elektrodę węglową lub niklową. Stwierdzono istotny wpływ rozpuszczalnika i gęstości prądu na skład chemiczny roztworu po elektrolizie. Przedstawiono prawdopodobny mechanizm przebiegu reakcji.
Some results on the electrochemical reduction of hydroperoxides formed by ozonolysis reaction of α-pinene and car-3-ene in methanol or ethanol have been given. The electroreduction process was carried out using carbon or nickel electrode. An essential influence on the product composition was observed depending on the solvent and the current density. A putative mechanism of the reaction has also been suggested.
Functionalization of carbon nanotubes is a very important step in their practical use in many fields. Modifications of the chemistry of carbon nanotubes lead to significant changes in the physicochemical (e.g. hydrophilic-hydrophobic properties, acid-base properties), electrochemical and catalytic behavior. Surface oxygen functional groups change the electronic structure of the carbon nanotubes, resulting in the localization of the charge density, which is important in the charge-transfer reactions. In addition, oxygen-functionalized carbon nanotubes can be used as an intermediate to create different connections with metals or their complexes and grafting functionalization by biomolecules or polymers. The unmodified carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were subjected to electrochemical processes (oxidation and reduction). After the introduction of oxygen to the cell atmosphere, anodization was carried out by applying a potential of +2.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl) for 1000 s in 1 M electrolyte solutions of potassium chloride. After electrochemical measurements, the electrodes were reduced in the same electrolyte solution at potential of −2.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl) for 1000 s. Furthermore, electrochemical behavior of the obtained carbon materials was investigated by cyclic voltammetry using a three-electrode electrochemical cell in an aqueous electrolyte, where the working electrode was a carbon nanotubes sedimentation layer. The shape of the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of unmodified carbon nanotubes are indicative of capacitive effects, no faradic currents were recorded for the systems tested. The absence of distinctly formed peaks or waves suggests the absence of the functional groups on the surface of the unmodified carbon nanotubes. Oxidative modification of carbon nanotubes causes an increase in the surface concentration of electrochemically inactive functional groups, probably carboxyl moieties (only capacitive and pseudo-capacitive effect). Reductive modification of MWCNTs does not remove the surface oxygen functional groups, however, changes their form, which can be seen on the registered CVs. Oxidation/reduction of hydroxide/ ketone species present on the surface of the reduced MWCNT surface explain the observed, more or less completely formed, overlapping anodic/cathodic peaks. After these modifications, significant changes in the electrochemical behavior was observed. The shape of the current hysteresis recorded (magnitude, peaks or waves) strongly depends on the kind of the degree of surface oxidation/reduction. Modification increases the surface concentration of oxygen-containing groups, some of which are electrochemically active in both the capacitive and faradic sense.
Poddano modyfikacji elektrochemicznej (utlenianiu/redukcji) wielościenne nanorurki węglowe. Brak elektrochemicznie aktywnych grup funkcyjnych lub/i aktywności elektrochemicznej powierzchni niemodyfikowanych wielościennych nanorurek węglowych potwierdza kształt zarejestrowanych cyklowoltamperogramów, na których nie zaobserwowano jakichkolwiek prądów faradajowskich, mogących pochodzić od procesów związanych z przeniesieniem elektronu, obserwuje się jedynie procesy pojemnościowe ładowania/ rozładowania powierzchni. Elektrochemiczne utlenianie MWCNT generuje karboksylowe grupy funkcyjne nieaktywne w procesach przeniesienia elektronu, a te z kolei generują efekty pojemnościowe i pseudopojemnościowe faradajowskie. Natomiast redukcja wcześniej utlenionych MWCNT nie usuwa grup funkcyjnych, jednakże zmienia się ich forma, gdyż powstają grupy funkcyjne aktywne elektrochemicznie, uczestniczące w procesach przeniesienia elektronu (np. karbonyle, hydroksyle).
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