Linear electric susceptibility and nonlinear dielectric effect (NDE) of the isotropic phase of the benzene solutions of 4-heptyl-4_-cyano-biphenyl (7CB4) are described in the whole concentration and temperature ranges. At the molar fraction above 0.85 strong, critical pre-transitional effects are observed, associated with the imminent nematic phase. The effects of the molecular reorientation and dipolar association, the latter manifesting itself by positive NDE and near the transition to the solid phase with a strong negative NDE, are taken into account. Otherwise, critical fluctuations occurring near the nematic phase transition lead to a strong, critical increase of the electric susceptibility change in electric field. The observed effects, with supplementary optical and microscopic studies, allow an accurate determination of the temperatures of phase transitions and setting up the phase diagram of these solutions.
Applications of linear and non-linear dielectric effects to studies of intramolecular equilibria in liquids are described. The physical principles of the two phenomena being responsible for the magnitude of the observed effect, i.e. the Langevin effect and the chemical effect, are outlined. The later effect consists in shifting the molecular equilibria under an influence of electric field to favour the more polar products of reaction. The experimental set-up and its limitations are shortly described. Applications of Non-linear Dielectric Effect (NDE) to determine the changes in free energy, enthalpy and entropy of fast intermolrcular equilibria are described and illustrated by selected examples. The significance of the solvent polarity and its dependence on temperature in enthalpy and entropy is analyzed. Two opposite approaches to calculate these quantities are presented: directly from experomental data according to the usually applied procedure and under the assumption of a constant polarity. Presented experimental results illustrate the physical meaning of these quantities and the significance of the applied approach to the interpretation of experimental results.
W pracy omówiono zasadnicze prawidłowości, jakim podlega jedna z podstawowych właściwości elektrycznych ośrodków porowatych, jaką jest przenikalność elektryczna (dielektryczna). Przedstawiono podstawowe rodzaje polaryzacji elektrycznej dielektryków oraz zmiany jej charakteru w zależności od częstotliwości zewnętrznego pola elektromagnetycznego. Zaprezentowano modele petrofizyczne umożliwiające pośrednią ocenę względnej przenikalności elektrycznej, zwanej często stałą dielektryczną skalnych ośrodków porowatych. Zależy ona w szczególności od charakterystyki jakościowo-ilościowej szkieletu mineralnego (fazy stałej) skały oraz płynów porowych ją nasycających, w tym przede wszystkim wody cechującej się anomalnie wysoką stałą dielektryczną.
The basic regularities, followed by one of the basic electrical properties of porous media, i.e. electric (dielectric) permittivity, are discussed in the paper. The basic types of electric polarization of dielectrics and changes of its character, depending on the frequency of external electromagnetic field, are presented. Petrophysical models enabling indirect evaluation of relative electric permittivity, frequently called dielectric constant of porous rock media, are presented. It mainly depends on the qualitative and quantitative characteristic of the mineral skeleton (solid phase) of the rock and saturating porous fluids, in that waters having anomalously high dielectric constant.
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