In the case of degressive proportionality, a large over-representation of small countries is a deliberate concession of larger countries to ensure that less populated states are adequately represented (the principle of European solidarity). It is worth emphasizing how important is the role played by election thresholds, which prevent excessive fragmentation of the parliament. Thus, they act as a stabilizing factor in the political scene, which in Polish conditions cannot be overestimated. A weakness of the thresholds is the fact that they distort the proportionality of the results and cause over-representation of certain parties. In extreme cases they can lead to the dictatorship of one party even if it is provided with low popularl support.
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In the petition that initiated this trial, the petitioner claimed that the following issues were constitutionally problematic: a) the manner in which parties receive funding from the state budget, b) the limitation of the total amount of donations that parties may receive, c) the narrowing of the circle of entities authorised to conclude contracts on credits or loans with parties only to banks which are registered in the Czech Republic and d) the state contribution to the financing of political institutes. The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic rejected the petition in its entirely. In its judgment it pointed out, inter alia, the conditions that inter-party rivalry must meet, and stressed the importance of diversifying the sources of funding of political parties.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest propozycjom nowelizacji art. 201 i 203 Kodeksu wyborczego. Aktualnie zgodnie z art. 203 zmiana liczby mandatów poselskich w okręgach wyborczych zależy od decyzji Sejmu, który dokonuje zmian na wniosek Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej. Jednakże w praktyce Sejm może zignorować wspomniany wniosek, naruszając tym samym zasadę równości materialnej wyborów, co miało miejsce przed wyborami do Sejmu w 2023 r. Dlatego regulacja tej problematyki powinna następować w drodze rozporządzenia Prezydenta RP, wydawanego na wniosek PKW. Ponadto w artykule zwraca się uwagę na fakt, iż przewidziana w art. 201 minimalna wielkość okręgu wyborczego w wyborach do Sejmu (7 mandatów) jest zbyt niska ze względu na wysoki tzw. naturalny próg wyborczy. Powoduje to naruszenie zasady proporcjonalności wyborów. Dlatego postuluje się, żeby najmniejsze okręgi wyborcze liczyły co najmniej 14 mandatów, bowiem dopiero w takim okręgu naturalny próg wyborcy zrównuje się z progiem ustawowym.
This article is devoted to proposals to amend Art. 201 and 203 of the Electoral Code. Currently, according to Art. 203, the change of the number of parliamentary seats in the constituebcies depends on the decision of the Sejm, which makes the changes on the motion of the State Election Commission. However, in practice, the Sejm may ignore this motion, thus violating the principle of equality of elections, as happened before the 2023 elections. Therefore the regulation of this issue should be entrusted to the President. Furthermore, the article draws attention to the fact that the minimum size of an electoral constituency in Sejm elections (7 seats) provided in Art. 201 is too low due to the high natural electoral threshold. It is therefore proposed that the smallest constituencies should comprise at least 14 seats, as only in such a constituency does the natural threshold equalise with the statutory threshold.
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