The article describes one of the essential elements of the electoral process, i.e. the principle of secret voting in the elections to the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic (in Polish PRL) of the first term. The overt actions of the authorities taken in the legal and political sphere, i.e. regulations, declarations, and election propaganda, were analysed. These actions were then confronted with the electoral practice, i.e. the voting on 26 October 1952, and the accompanying parapolitical abuses, which are the hidden relations between the public sphere of the state (the Polish United Workers’ Party, in Polish PZPR) and the political processes and arrangements occurring outside official politics. The juxtaposition of these two spheres – overt and covert – made it possible to present a real picture of the functioning of the principle of secrecy in the elections to the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic of the first term.
The changes that took place in the Polish People’s Republic after World War II were closely monitored by Polish political emigrants in Great Britain. Understandably, special attention was paid to political problems. The author discusses the attitude of the Polish government in exile and the Polish émigré press towards the elections to the People’s Poland Sejm in 1952: i.e. their assessment of the electoral law, the National Front, its programme, candidates to the Sejm, the electoral campaign, and election results. In the closing part of the text, the author comments on the success allegedly achieved by the Ministry of Public Security in that part of the “Cezary” Operation which concerned disinformation of émigré community in the area of electoral propaganda.
Zmiany zachodzące w Polsce Ludowej po II wojnie światowej były bacznie obserwowane przez polskie uchodźstwo polityczne w Wielkiej Brytanii. Szczególną uwagę zwracano na sprawy polityczne. W artykule omówiono stosunek władz RP na obczyźnie oraz prasy emigracyjnej do wyborów do Sejmu PRL w 1952 r.: tzn. jak oceniano prawo wyborcze, Front Narodowy, jego program, kandydatów do sejmu, kampanię wyborczą oraz wyniki wyborów. W końcowej części tekstu skomentowano sukces, jaki rzekomo odniosło Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego w tej części operacji „Cezary”, która dotyczyła dezinformacji środowisk emigracyjnych w zakresie propagandy wyborczej.
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