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Political polls are an integral part of the communication process that takes place between politics and voters. They play particularly important role in election campaigns, though, apart from them, in the era of so-called permanent campaign politicians willingly and attentively listen to the voice of the public opinions adapting their political actions to the preferences of majority of citizens. The role and importance of political polls in the world is steadily growing. Over the last several years there has been a great progress in this field. Demoscopy centres improve the tools and techniques to reach the respondents and enter into new areas of life using an increasingly modern technologies. The primary objective of public opinion research is to collect and develop as much information to help in order to characterize the political market and analyse the on-going phenomena and reveal trends. From this perspective, they are one of the best tools for the diagnostic of opinion and beliefs of society. The success of public opinion research depended on purely realistic reasons. Politicians recognized the importance of surveys as a tool that is useful in the process of governance. Thus, political polls have become a barometer of public sentiment. Political polls are highly trusted by the voters who regard them as credible and influential source of political preferences of Poles.
Content available Rola badań sondażowych w kampanii wyborczej
The main goal of opinion polls is to gather and interpret as much information as possible, which could help us characterise the political arena and to analyse the emerging phenomena and trends. From this perspective opinion polls are one of the best means to look at people’s opinions and social beliefs. It is not easy though to get trustworthy information on Poles’ preferences. Rankings of politicians and political parties differ according to different polling centres. Therefore, the question remains whether opinion polls in election campaigns are really important. They are certainly considered a trustworthy and opinion-forming source of Poles’ preferences by voters.
The development of political marketing in Poland can be compared to Keith’s model: Lech Wałęsa posters (propaganda due to limited supply), 1990–1996 (focus on product communication strategies), 1997–2005 (focus on voters’ needs). Nevertheless the period of 2005–2007, and particularly the way the government of Law and Justice worked and communicated with the public, led to the emergence of values which started to be considered as benchmarks. Today’s political preferences eventuate not from the party’s economic program analysis but from the emotional attitude towards the values represented by key players. Rivalry takes place between patriotic and religious values represented by Law and Justice and individual freedom and admiration for optimism, love, joy and happiness shared by the politicians of Citizen’s Platform. This phenomenon can be described with Philip Kotler’s marketing 3.0 concept.
The main objective of this paper was to analyze an internet political activity of Poland Comes First (Polish: Polska jest Najważniejsza) during the parliamentary elections campaign in 2011. For this purpose a multi-faceted evaluation of the model of PCF political culture was analyzed in three areas: substantive, communicational and social, and technical. The substantive dimension was evaluated on the basis of online program documents of the Party. The communication and social analysis was carried out to evaluate the campaign channels used in the Web 1.0 and 2.0 as well as to assess the content of materials published during the campaign of PCF. The technical evaluation was to compare the compliance of contents and forms of communication with objective rules that function on the Internet. The result of the final work is to develop a model of political culture of PCF presented during the parliamentary elections campaign in 2011.
Research is devoted to politological analysis of the phenomenon of “political leader’s image”. In the work the author defines the essence of the concept of “political image” and its main components, functions and consides some typologies of image. The author analyzes the history of the formation of the phenomenon of the political leader image as a scientific category. The phenomenon of the image of the political leader analyzed using the theory of conversion of capital and on the example of Conversion Strategies Ukrainian political leaders in the presidential campaign in 2010 shows how the various capitals are participating in the construction of the image of politics as it is the campaign of 2010 is bright and rich in interesting and successful image.
New media has changed election campaign. Do Polish political parties recognize the opportunity which the Internet provides to reach potential voters? In order to test the quality of political communication through the Internet the content of websites of Polish political parties was analyzed. Research material consisted only of Polish political parties websites that exceeded election threshold in 2011 parliamentary elections. In the study we focused on the content of five websites and the news published on those websites between 1 July and 9 October 2011.
The article presents a reflection on the permanent campaign and its implementation in the Polish political system. Defines the concept of the electoral campaign and the permanent campaign and reviews their characteristics. Then analyzes two features most important for this phenomenon that is media relations and conducting continuous opinion surveys. In the conclusions timeframes of the permanent existence of the phenomenon of the permanent campaign in Poland are outlined, and the key features of the used tools are defined.
discussed. The problems stem from both the variety of forms used by the political parties and candidates and the approach to the research question. Such diversity embraces definitions of the research field, its functions, and the social reception of political activity. They show the heterogeneity of the discussed phenomenon and diversity of interpretation of marketing activity in politics, which refers also to the methodological issues. Political marketing is a peculiar form of political communication, manifested mainly during the electoral campaign. Communication scheme, including sender – receiver model, is diversified because of the multiplicity of the roles performed by people in the process of communication.
W niniejszym tomie „Studiów Politologicznych” zamieszczono teksty dotyczące kultury politycznej polskich elit politycznych i obywateli w Internecie w okresie wyborów parlamentarnych 2011 roku. Kompleksowe badanie kultury politycznej w Internecie, wielostronne i wyczerpujące rozpoznanie tego zjawiska ma kluczowe znaczenie dla rozwoju i funkcjonowania współczesnych demokracji w warunkach powszechnego włączania tego medium w proces polityczny. Internet od początku swego powstania budził przeciwstawne uczucia badaczy zjawisk politycznych: z jednej strony – mocne nadzieje, z drugiej – głębokie obawy odnośnie kształtu, jaki demokracje mogą przybierać pod jego wpływem. W literaturze przedmiotu odnajdujemy liczne optymistyczne nurty: od umiarkowanych do utopijnych. Umiarkowani optymiści żywią silne przekonanie, że Internet może rewitalizować i rozwijać kulturę polityczną demokratycznego uczestnictwa poprzez wzmocnienie i zintensyfikowanie zaangażowania w politykę grup już w niej działających i – do pewnego, ograniczonego stopnia – wciągnięcie do uczestnictwa nowych grup nieuczestniczących dotychczas w niej w szerokim zakresie. Nurt ten nazywany jest technorealizmem. Z kolei radykalni optymiści oczekują, że poprzez Internet dokonana zostanie redefinicja relacji pomiędzy władzą a obywatelami, co w efekcie doprowadzi do zarzucenia form demokracji przedstawicielskiej na rzecz nowych, bezpośrednich i oddolnych jej form. Na określenie tego nurtu posługujemy się określeniem scenariusza Panglossa. Powstanie i rozwój Internetu spowodowały pojawienie się, oprócz optymistycznych, również pesymistycznych scenariuszy dotyczących jego oddziaływania na demokratyczną kulturę polityczną. Wskazuje się przede wszystkim na niebezpieczeństwo możliwego zubożenia kultury politycznej i atrofii partycypacji politycznej – zaniku demokratycznych instytucji wskutek zniechęcenia się obywateli do uczestnictwa w polityce. Wielu badaczy uznaje, że taka degradacja kultury politycznej może być wywołana przez media, zwłaszcza przez Internet. Taki sposób myślenia o negatywnym wpływie mediów na zaangażowanie obywatelskie nosi w literaturze przedmiotu nazwę videoapatii (videomalaise). Pojęcie to oznacza taki wpływ mediów, który sprowadza obywatela do roli biernego konsumenta informacji, przedkładającego wiedzę o ciekawych i przyjemnych wydarzeniach nad wiedzę o wydarzeniach ważnych. Po drugie, przewiduje się niebezpieczeństwo wprowadzenia totalitarnej kontroli nad społeczeństwem, co może być spowodowane połączeniem rozwoju Internetu z rozwojem technik nadzoru i rejestracji danych. Taki właśnie sposób myślenia o wzajemnych relacjach nowych technologii i demokracji został nazwany przez Benjamina R. Barbera scenariuszem Pandory.
W wielu środowiskach, w tym także w kręgach naukowych pokutuje pogląd redukujący marketing polityczny do kategorii zestawu metod i narzędzi socjotechnicznych stosowanych w polityce w celu uzyskania poparcia społecznego i osiągnięcia dobrego wyniku w wyborach. Z takim poglądem trzeba zdecydowanie polemizować bowiem upraszcza on postrzeganie zarówno zakresu, jak również celów i charakteru tej dynamicznie rozwijającej się dziedziny życia związanej ze sferą polityki. Niezbędne staje się dokładne wyjaśnienie istoty marketingu politycznego. We współczesnym świecie jest to: z jednej strony – dziedzina praktyki politycznej, a z drugiej – dziedzina badań naukowych1. Jeśli nawet pole analizy zostałoby ograniczone do wymiaru praktycznych zastosowań marketingu politycznego to i tak nie można go utożsamiać jedynie z zestawem technik promocyjnych. Poza promocją politycznego produktu pełni on bowiem szereg rozlicznych funkcji w demokratycznym systemie politycznym.
The religious factor occupies the remarkable place in the political process of state. The end of the XX-the beginning of the XXI century has been affected by the attraction to the strengthening of trends of the mutual usage by these worlds all possible resources for the achievement of the personal strategic goals. The role of religious organizations in the parliamentary and presidential election campaigns of the recent years has been examined. The official positions of the religious organizations in which the tendency to the separation of the spiritual and political life is clearly traced. It has been emphasized the active involvement of the religious organizations in the political life of the regional and district levels, local communities, which quite often openly support certain candidates, or parties. It is found out, on the example of the Volyn region, that quite not uncommon are the cases of the direct participation of the religious organizations’ representatives in the struggle for the deputy mandates in the bodies of government of the different levels. These tendencies are mostly expressed on the districts’ levels. For the first time the representatives of the priesthood won the deputy mandates in the district councils of Volyn region in 1994 (local councils of the second convocation). Characteristically, that starting from the given convocation the clergy had constant representation in the district councils despite the changes of electoral system to the local councils, though the cases of the membership in the political parties had been extremely rare. The investigation showed, that the summarizing of the results of election campaigns to the local councils, in this section, is being possible only at the regional level, as in the councils of some areas there were not clergy representatives in any of convocation.
tom 56
nr 1
This paper examines the relationship between the media coverage of soccer and political popularity of certain parties during election campaigns which usually followed the world soccer games. The national team’s success on the pitch is related to victory in the political match. This surprising link between the national success in sports and the success in an election for a party or a candidate is explained in the light of Public Mood Theory, founded by W. Rahn, who pointed out that emotions play an important role in political behaviour and national identity, which, in turn, is influenced by the media content, like sports coverage among others. The creation of national identity is mostly built on the national success in sports. Especially in Germany, where soccer is number one sport in media coverage. Sports matches produce winners and losers, thus strongly influencing Public Mood, which is relevant for the formation of political evaluations and judgments, in a democracy shaped by emotions. Sports can shape Public Mood only if they are reported in the media. The analysis of the relationship between interest in soccer and political popularity, presented in the paper, shows how the media coverage of soccer influenced the German political attitudes in 2002, to an extent that it might have been decisive for the election.
In local elections, many local government employees are involved in the election campaign. Unfortunately, they often violate the principles of ethics, human honesty, and even the applicable law. In this report, therefore the author, after a brief presentation of the various types of behavior of self-government employees that can be dealt with in the fight for local authority and indication of the provisions to which the behavior may conduct, analyzes the possible effects of such violation.
W wyborach lokalnych wielu pracowników samorządowych angażuje się w kampanię wyborczą. Niestety niejednokrotnie naruszają oni przy tym zasady etyki, ludzkiej uczciwości, a nawet zdarza się, że i obowiązujące prawo. W związku z tym w niniejszym opracowaniu Autorka po krótkim przedstawieniu różnego rodzaju zachowań pracowników samorządowych z jakimi można mieć do czynienia w walce o władzę lokalną i wskazaniu przepisów do naruszenia których może prowadzić określone zachowanie, poddaje analizie ewentualne skutki takiego naruszenia.
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