More and more complex problems connected with designing modern and future manufacturing systems (in this: flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing systems) force researchers to develop formalized, computer aided tools which help to solve these type of problems. In many cases they are directly connected with NP-hard problems which are in need of reaching methods from the area of artificial intelligence such as heuristic algorithms, genetic algorithms and ant algorithms. In this paper the authorship algorithm of generating technological paths was presented. This algorithm is part and parcel of methodology of machine tools subsystem selection in casing-class flexible manufacturing system. Defined problem is an NP-hard one and its solution requires analyzing great number of possible solutions. Input data for this problem is [0-1] matrix of machine tools technological assumptions which is a base for further generating al possible pathways for the synthetic product through the system with simultaneous minimizing number of necessary fixing operations. The presented algorithm, thanks to taking specified rules of searching, gives possibility to avoid necessity of analyzing all potential solutions. The article presents the structure of algorithm, example of its functioning and analysis of its effectiveness. This algorithm based on conception of heuristic methods, can also be implemented in different problems of this type and is characterized with high capacity and effectiveness level comparable with different methods used for solving NP-hard problems.
The central problem of the paper is grouping details in the conditions of FMS (flexible manufacturing system). The criteria for forming rational detail groups were identified and. The statistical analysis of details characteristics was based on the database of products for the electronic industry. The paper proposes a mathematical method of grouping using accumulated data on the processing objects, which employs the group-ing criteria. By employing such an approach we are presented with details grouped according to normative indicators of FMS equipment loading or minimum loss on their readjustment within the group of technological adjusting for every robotic technological complex (RTC).
Niniejsza praca jest zestawieniem najnowszych pojęć (metod, technik, systemów), które wkroczyły do zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami XXI wieku. W pracy zestawiono pojęcia posługując się przede wszystkim nazwami w języku angielskim, w alfabetycznej kolejności. Łącznie wyjaśniono 30 pojęć w ramach orientacji przedsiębiorstwa na klienta, jakość, procesy, koszty, środowisko przyrodnicze i informację (komunikację). Wraz z przystosowaniem przedsiębiorstw sektora hutniczego do uwarunkowań gospodarki rynkowej, coraz więcej nowych metod i technik zarządzania pojawiło się w naszym rynku. Usystematyzowana terminologia może być pomocna zarówno dla kadry zarządzającej przedsiębiorstwem hutniczym, jak i dla podmiotów otoczenia biznesowego.
The paper contains set of modern meaning words (methods, techniques, systems) which entered to enterprise management in XXI century. Notions were compared in alphabetical order using English names. Together 30 words were explained in the feld: customer orientation, quality, processes, costs, environment and information (communication). Together with adaptation of metallurgical enterprises to market economy there are more and more new methods and techniques of management in our market. Systematized terminology can be used by management personnel of metallurgical enterprise an by subjects of business environment.
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