W Leksykonie zamieszczono opisy eksperymentów zawierających wyszczególnienie sprzętu i odczynników potrzebnych do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu, opis wraz ze schematem aparatury, spostrzeżenia i wnioski oraz filmową prezentację ich przebiegu. Wszystkie zamieszczone w Leksykonie eksperymenty wykonano w studiu filmowym Zakładu Dydaktyki Chemii UAM w Poznaniu.
The need to adjust chemical experiments to the conditions of contemporary schools, creating new chemical experiments which would visualize the mechanisms of phenomena seen in nature as well as the use of modern information technology to present these experiments, gave an impulse to designing and, consequently, publishing of a new Multimedia Lexicon of Chemical Experiments. This didactic means was incorporated within chemical education at stage III and IV. It was also used by Chemistry Department students preparing to their future teaching job. The Lexicon with its modular composition may not only be used at different levels of education, but also during classes where various methods are employed (especially the problem method). Modern and multifunctional structure of the Lexicon as well as its interdisciplinary character make it a very interesting means of teaching future teachers and educating the ones currently working in schools who thus have a wonderful possibility of learning to use new information technologies in the school environment. A set of educational films, enclosed within the Lexicon, showing the course of chemical experiments and experiments in environmental chemistry, was divided into five blocks which cover issues referring to air, water, soil, food and waste. For each block there are five films, each of them in two versions: one of a lecture type, the other presenting ?a problem approach, which makes fifty films altogether. In the set there are films which present the course of experiments pertaining to a given topic. These are short, 3- 8 minute films, easy to use during the class. Multimedia Lexicon of Chemical Experiments contains the following modules:1. Characteristics of hazardous chemicals; 2. Characteristics of laboratory equipment essential to perform the experiments; 3. Scripts of films; 4. Film sequences featuring both the lecture approach as well as the problem one; 5. Chemical Glossary; 6. Audio- visual aids such as animations, models, tables, additional information which assist in understanding more important issues; 7. Skill and abilities acquired by students might be tested by means of tasks and tests included in the Lexicon. The Multimedia Lexicon of Chemical Experiments might be a valuable tool for many user groups such as teachers of different kinds of schools, students who may use it as parts of their presentations during traditional classes or laboratory classes, it may also serve as an audiovisual instruction to Chemistry classes experiments. Films help to introduce teaching material both in Chemistry as well as in Chemistry of Natural Environment in schools of various types within the existing curricula. They are also of great use in the process of educating teachers at various courses as well as at postgraduate studies.
Our contribution is devoted to study the ability of future chemistry teachers to organise pupils’ observation of chemical phenomena. In this article measuring of multi-level means is described, which should denote a readiness of probands to perform an observation during carrying out chemical experiment. It is based on the assumption that well-prepared observers are able to work actively and to propose alternative solutions, because of their deep understanding of a procedure. In next part of this article the results of a research carried out at Faculty of Natural Sciences in Bratislava are analysed. The research was also aimed to detect if students are prepared to perform chemical experiments without a risk that they will be confused by a procedure or different course of experiment as they had expected.
W naszej pracy badaliśmy przygotowanie przyszłych nauczycieli chemii, czy jest ono wystarczająco efektywne z punktu widzenia organizacji i demonstracji uczniom zjawisk chemicznych. W artykule opisano średnie wartości wielopoziomowych pomiarów, które powinny wskazywać gotowość badanych do prowadzenia obserwacji w trakcie trwania eksperymentu. Bazowano na założeniu, że dobrze przygotowany obserwator jest w stanie aktywnie działać mimo niedostatecznej dokładności opisu doświadczenia i jest w stanie zaproponować alternatywne rozwiązania. W kolejnej części artykułu przeanalizowano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na Wydziale Nauk Przyrodniczych w Bratysławie. Badania miały także na celu ocenę przygotowania studentów do wykonywania eksperymentów chemicznych bez ryzyka, że zostaną oni zaskoczeni innym od oczekiwanego przebiegiem doświadczenia.
One of the fundamental elements of a scientist's work is the ability to lead observations of the phenomena that surround us and based on them making conclusions. These observations are conducted within the so-called scientific experiments. Lessons learned based on the results obtained in experiments allow researchers to better understand the essence of the phenomena occurring in the world around us. Drawing conclusions is not always easy. In order to achieve this skill, we must possess a well-established knowledge in the field of the phenomenon that interests us. The most striking example of how important skills are observation and drawing proper conclusions is the phenomenon of global climate warming. The main parameter influencing temperatures registered on Earth is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and especially carbon dioxide created from combustion processes. A significant role in studies of the reduction of CO2 emissions plays chemists. To be sure that conducted by them experiments are optimally designed, it is necessary to ensure them with proper education already at the secondary school level. The main aim of this article was to conduct the study in order to explain chemical issues that create the greatest cognitive difficulties among students. The second aim of the article was to propose a chemical experiment to students that would allow them to find out more about the phenomena governing in the area of problematic issues. The proposed experiment is based on the concept of solubility equilibrium. Results of preliminary tests that have been carried out after applying this experiment on a small group of students, indicated their better understanding of the studied subject.