Radon i jego pochodne obecne w powietrzu w domach są źródłem ponad połowy rocznej dawki proraieniowania jonizującego, jaką przeciętny człowiek przyjmuje z otoczenia [2], Jest drugim co do znaczenia, po tytoniu, czynnikiem wywołującym raka płuc. W większości przypadków jego źródłem są zawarte w skorupie ziemskiej naturalne szeregi promieniotwórcze. W budynkach mieszkalnych w wielu przypadkach mogą to być również materiały, z których są one zbudowane. Radon, będący gazem szlachetnym, dość łatwo ekshaluje z nich do powietrza. W zamkniętych pomieszczeniach jego stężenie może wzrosnąć na tyle, by stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia przebywających w nim osób. W celu ograniczenia zagrożenia z tego źródła ważne jest wyznaczenie współczyimików ekshalacji radonu z materiałów budowlanych i/lub surowców, z których te materiały zostały wykonane. Znajomość wartości współczynników ekshalacji może być także użyteczna do prognozowania zagrożenia na stanowiskach pracy, na których występują materiały zawierające rad, np. w kopalniach. Do badań współczynników ekshalacji radonu buduje się specjalne komory pomiarowe, by uniemożliwić kontakt próbki ze środowiskiem zewnętrznym. W artykule przedstawiono budowę komory ekshalacyjnej o zmiennej objętości. Umożliwia to badanie próbek o różnych rozmiarach. Przedstawiono również wyniki testowania komory pod względem szczehiości. Zaproponowano dwie metody wyznaczania współczynnika ekshalacji radonu, różniące się sposobem prowadzenia badań i zastosowanymi metodami pomiaru stężenia radonu. Pierwszy sposób polega na pomiarze stężenia radonu w ciągu pierwszych kilkunastu godzin po rozpoczęciu badań. Można wtedy przyjąć, że ekshalacja radonu powoduje liniowy wzrost jego stężenia w komorze, bowiem rozpad promieniotwórczy radonu jest wówczas znikomo mały w porównaniu z szybkością ekshalacji i można go zaniedbać w obliczeniach. Drugi sposób polega na pomiarze stężenia radonu w komorze po osiągnięciu równowagi dynamicznej między jego ekshalacją a rozpadem promieniotwórczym. Jest to sposób bardziej czasochłonny. Do pomiarów stężenia radonu zastosowano zarówno metody czynne (pobór próbek powietrza do badań metodą przepompowywania przez układ detekcyjny), a także bierne. Stwierdzono, że stosując metody czynne należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na szczelność układu pomiarowego. W części detekcyjnej zastosowano radiometry z komórkami Lucasa lub sondy Barasol. Opisano podstawy teoretyczne przedstawionych sposobów badania współczynnika ekshalacji radonu. Na zakończenie przedstawiono wyniki badama współczynnika ekshalacji z kilku różnych materiałów.
Radon and its progeny concentrations in dwellings are a source of significant effective dose for mhabilants, usually more than 50% of aimual dose from all natural radionuclides in the environment. Radon, similarly as tobacco, is stated as one of the most important factors, inducing lung cancers. In most of the cases, mam sources of radon in dwellings are natural series of radionuclides in underlying ground. But in some buildings, also construction materials may be additional and important source of radon. Radon, as a noble gas, relatively easy can migrate through solid materials and exhales from it to tlie air. In confined spaces, like dwellings, cellars, caverns or tumiels, radon concentration may grow to such level, to cause a health hazard for inhabitants or workers. Determination of radon exhalation coefficients from building materials or/and ingredients of such materials is important to reduce negative influence of radon. Additionally, tlie knowledge of exhalation factors can be useful for the prediction of radon hazard at workplaces, located in confined spaces, like underground galleries in mines or in tunnels. To enable investigations of radon exhalation coefficients, special chambers are constructed to seal samples of different materials inside, without contact with other radon sources. In the paper a construction of exhalation chamber is described, with a possibility to regulate its volume. Such feature enables investigations of exhalation from different samples with a wide span of dimensions. Results of leaking tests of exhalation chamber are presented in the paper as well. Two methods of the assessment of radon exhalation factor have been described, with application of different radon detectors and time regimes of measurements. First approach is based on radon measurements in the chamber within first several hours after sealing of the chamber hi this case a linear increase of radon concentration is taken into account, because the decay of this radionuclide in this period can be neglected. In the second method, measurements are done, when the dynamic equilibrium in tlie chamber is estabhshed (after at least 14 days). This method is a time-consuming one, but often giving more precise results. For measurements of radon concentration in exhalation chamber different methods have been applied, active and passive ones. In active methods air from the chamber has been pumped through detection unit. We found, when active methods have been applied, very important issue was the proper sealing of the system to avoid any leakage, which can occur during pumping. Pylon AB-5 monitor and Barasol radon probe have been used as radon monitors. The theoretical basis for both methods of investigation of radon exhalation coefficient is presented in the paper. Several results of experiments for different materials are included m the text.
W celu oceny ceramicznych wyrobów budowlanych pod względem promieniotwórczości naturalnej wykonuje się standardowe badania stężenia trzech podstawowych izotopów promieniotwórczych: potasu 40K, radu 226Ra i toru 228Th. Wykorzystując te pomiary oraz możliwość badania emisji radonu bezpośrednio ze standardowych próbek (pojemników), istnieje możliwość pośredniej oceny ekshalacji radonu z wyrobów budowlanych jako funkcji emisji radonu z pobranych wcześniej próbek wyrobów ceramicznych oraz stężenia radu. Określenie zależności stężenia radu 226Ra w stosunku do emisji radonu 222Rn stworzy nowe możliwości bardziej dokładnego prognozowania stężenia aktywności radonu w budynkach.
In order to evaluate the ceramic construction products in terms of natural radioactivity, the standard tests of basic concentration levels of three radioactive isotopes, i.e. potassium 40K, radium 226Ra and thorium 228Th are carried out. Using these measurements and the possibility of testing radon emissions directly from the standard samples (containers), there is the possibility of indirect assessment of the radon exhalation from construction products as a function of the emission of radon from previously collected samples of ceramic products and the concentrations of radium. Determination of the concentration of radium 226Ra in relation to the emission of radon 222Rn will create new opportunities for more accurate predictions of activity concentrations of radon in buildings.
Assessment of the exhalation rate allows a classification of materials according to their potential risk of exposure to radon. The present study investigates the granulation effect on the radon exhalation rates from a phosphate sample. The phosphate sample was sieved into different grain size dimensions ranging from2 mm. The exhalation rate of each fraction was measured using the accumulation method. The radon exhalation rate was found to decrease with an increase in grain size above 0.125 mm. The influence of grain size on uranium content was also studied using the autoradiography method. The uranium concentration increased for the smallest grains (0.5 mm). The measured values of radon exhalation rates are under the limits reported worldwide.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów ekshalacji 222Rn z osadów dennych likwidowanego osadnika wód dołowych. Badania prowadzono podczas wszystkich etapów likwidacji, tj. od osuszania, poprzez przykrywanie warstwami uszczelniającymi, aż po działania agrotechniczne i nasadzeniowe. Wyniki badań wykazały, że wykonana rekultywacja osadnika zaowocowała obniżeniem ekshalacji radonu do wartości typowych dla terenów naturalnych. Stwierdzono jednocześnie, iż w przypadkach uszkodzenia lub rozszczelnienia warstw przykrywających osady denne, dojdzie do wzmożonej ekshalacji radonu.
In this paper, results from an investigation concerning the exhalation of the radioactive gas radon 222Rn from bottom deposits in a reclaimed settling pond are presented. The measurements were performed at different stages of reclamation, starting from an initial step when bottom sediments were left to dry, then during the process of covering deposits with isolation layers and soil, and finally when agrotechnical measures were applied. The obtained results have shown that due to reclamation, the radon risk caused by radon exhalation from bottom sediments has been reduced significantly. Levels have decreased to those typical for undisturbed and unpolluted areas. However, on a cautionary note, any damage of the isolation layers may lead to a significant increase of radon emission from confined sediments.
The studies on the radioactivity of waters in health resorts around the world have been conducted for over a hundred years. At first, they were strictly connected with the use of radioactive radon 222Rn for the purpose of treating patients. In Health Resort Nałęczów, the first studies on the content of radon in water were carried out in 1909. Encouraged by promising results, an attempt was made to expand the treatment possibilities/potential of this resort. Balneological treatment procedures were devised; however, they were not implemented in practice. In the following years, no research on the radioactivity of waters in Nałęczów was conducted. In 2005, pilot measurements of radon exhalations were carried out in the vicinity of Lublin. Their results showed no significant concentrations of radon in the air. The paper presents the results of radon studies performed in the years 2009-2011 in the water intake area of the resort and its proximity. The measurements of radon exhalations and its content in water were conducted. The former were carried out using the CR-39 passive dosimeters at the underground level, above the aquifer. Measurements of radon concentrations in soil air and water were performed in selected locations. In the areas in which abnormally high radon exhalations were detected, additional measurements were made using active methods by means of an Alpha GUARD PQ 2000 PRO meter. The performed studies enabled to determine the background exhalation values as 42-190 Bq/3. According to the contemporary knowledge, these values correspond to the concentrations detected in other regions of Lubelskie Voivodeship and the strip of Polish low- and highlands. In the water intake area of the resort, as well as selected parts of Bystra river valley and the Kocianow rift fault, the radon concentrations of 1130-4535 Bq/3 were detected. Such high concentrations should be considered abnormally high, and have not been previously noted in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. These concentrations are comparable to the ones in Sudety mountains and certain parts of Carpathian Mountains. Radon exhalations in the underground mining excavation measured with active method in open crevices and cracks of paleogene rocks reached the value as high as 14110 Bq/3. Locally, water in the zones of elevated radon exhalation levels (except for the resort) can be considered as radon-poor. Zone-related variability of radon exhalations connected with the local tectonic, lithological, and hydrogeochemical conditions of rock mass in this part of Lublin Upland, was determined in the paper. Most probably, the source of radon constitutes glauconite layers with phosphorites from the borderline of Cretaceous and Paleogene. The transportation of radon to the ground level and building cellars is induced and directed by the local tectonics, cracks in rock mass and the flow of water within. Significant difference in the 222Rn-saturation level of iron springs and normally-mineralized waters in similar hydrodynamic conditions, is an interesting phenomenon. Determining a possible influence of ferric ions on the emanation coefficient requires further research, especially as this issue has not been previously investigated. Another important problem is the detection of radon concentrations (over 200 Bq/3) in the existing and designed objects in Nałęczów and its vicinity. Repeating the research on the prospective balneological use of radon in Health Resort Nałęczów – which was conducted a hundred years ago – seems justified as well.
Purpose This study aims to identify the potential sources of radon exhalation and its measurement in underground uranium mines to control the radiation levels within safe limits and protect miners from radiation hazards. Methods An extensive literature review on radon exhalation in underground uranium mines from various sources such as uranium ore, backfill tailings and mine water has been carried out. The influence of different important factors, viz. ore grade, porosity, grain size and moisture content on radon exhalation has been discussed in depth. Different methods for the measurement of radon exhalation from various sources in mines have also been presented in this paper. Results The review of literature revealed that the radon exhalation rate in porous uranium bearing rocks is less affected by the ore grade than in non-porous rocks. The exhalation of radon from backfill tailings is quantitatively more significant than from the uranium ore itself due to higher bulk porosity and enhanced surface area. Thus, porosity is the dominant factor that affects the rate of radon exhalation from rock surfaces into mine openings. Practical implications The knowledge of the sources of radon and quantitative estimation of radon from various sources will be very much useful in the planning and designing of ventilation systems in underground uranium mines. The accurate measurement of radon exhalation in underground uranium mines can be made by choosing the optimum size of accumulation chamber and a suitable radon build-up period in the chamber. Originality/ value The study portrays the important sources of radon and its measurement techniques in underground uranium mines based on an extensive literature review. The methods of measurement of radon exhalation from the ore body and backfill tailings in underground uranium mines, used by the authors of this paper, comparatively give more accurate results than previously used methods. Furthermore, the methods are more effective in terms of portability, cost and time for measuring the average radon exhalation across a large.
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