The article discusses the links between the theory of economic man and the culture of insensitivity. It refers to the genesis of economic subjectivity, inextricably connected with reduced emotions, leading to emotional coldness, detachment and indifference. It is a structure of subjectivity that may be found in many cultural texts. The article provides a short description of two novels which take up the topic of economy while analyzing the relationship between the psychological structure of the characters and the economic system. Additionally, it presents how the model of economic man has expanded beyond the world of economy, and how the world of life and interpersonal relations has been colonized by various ways of converting reality into quantitative data.
The article describes two models of representing proletariat in the Polish poetry of the second half of the 19th century. The first model relates to the image of misery, poverty and weakness and focuses on the frail beings (children, orphans, paupers) faced with the state apparatus or lack of any help from the environment. Various forms of allegories appear in this model very frequently. The second model can be seen in the so called revolutionary poetry. Here, the image of poverty and weakness starts to fulfill a completely different role − the misery of the proletariat is perceived not through the eyes of an outside observer, but by the proletariat itself, although only to see the strength of the weak coming from their number. The same reality is thus depicted in an absolutely different manner − in the first case the image confirms the misery and weakness of the proletariat which can only be changed by an outside philanthropist; in the second case the image induces the sense of empowerment in the proletariat, which − although weak, exploited and humiliated – possesses an inner power to recover from its position.
The article is an analysis of economic discourse in "The Doll" by Bolesław Prus. The motifs related to money in "The Doll" were described by Józef Bachórz in the articles collected in the book "Spotkania z 'Lalką'" ["Meetings with 'The Doll'"] (Gdańsk 2010). This valuable analysis can be complemented by a study of protagonists’ economic activities as a whole in the context of practices defined by capitalist economic discourse. Prus suggested the interpretation of his novel as an image of social disintegration. The research of economic discourse allows to complement the biological understanding of the disintegration as the disintegration of the world – which is the interpretation presenting society in the times of a 'great change' where main drive is money. "The Doll" in the perspective of research on monetary discourse appears to be not only the image of social degradation, the disintegration of an old reality both feudal and romantic, but also a great reflection on the borders of the influence of money in the times when it seems that one can buy everything for money.
The article offers a discussion of Franco Moretti’s book The Bourgeois. Between History and Literature. Moretti constructs an image of the bourgeoisie based on studies in the domain of prose stylistics of the novel and the history of concepts. By adapting these methods, he manages to steer clear of ideological images of the bourgeoisie as the revolutionary class of the liberal era, and concentrate on ordinary middle class life.
Artykuł jest omówieniem książki Franco Morettiego The Bourgeois. Between History and Literature. Moretti konstruuje obraz burżuazji na podstawie badań z zakresu stylistyki prozy powieściowej oraz historii pojęć. Dzięki zastosowaniu tych metod udaje mu się sie zająć nie ideologicznymi wizerunkami burżuazji jako rewolucyjnej klasy czasów liberalizmu, a skoncentrować się na mieszczańskiej codzienności.
The article presents an analysis of the figure of Robinson in Adolf Dygasiński’s didactic novel Adventures of a young man, or Polish Robinson. Using the methodology of economics of literature, the ideologem of the work was examined, aswell as the location of Dygasiński’s work in the context of peripheral capitalism. The transfer of the economic and literary figure from the context of English capitalism to Poland required many changes that allow to recognise the problematicstatus of the economic periphery of global capitalism.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę figury Robinsona w powieści dydaktycznej Adolfa Dygasińskiego Przygody młodzieńca czyli Robinson polski. Za pomocą metodologii ekonomii literatury zbadano ideologem pracy, a także usytuowano utwór Dygasińskiego w kontekście peryferyjnego kapitalizmu. Przeniesienie ekonomiczno-literackiej figury z kontekstu angielskiego kapitalizmu na ziemie polskie wymagało wielu zmian, które pozwalają rozpoznać problematyczny status gospodarczych peryferii globalnego kapitalizmu.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę zmian, jakie zaszły na gruncie mecenatu literackiego (rozumianego jako materialne wspieranie ludzi pióra) w XIX wieku, analizuje ich przyczyny i skutki. Wskazuje nie tylko narodziny kapitalizmu jako czynnik, który przemodelował stosunki w obrębie życia literackiego, zwłaszcza finansowanie twórców. Analizuje także przemiany w mentalności ludzi, znaczenie wykształcenia się nowożytnej publiczności literackiej oraz jej oddziaływanie na twórców poprzez prenumeratę, przygląda się postaci nowoczesnego wydawcy (księgarza i drukarza) i znaczeniu jego działalności dla omawianych przemian. Rozważania te prowadzone są przez pryzmat zmian w mecenacie, opisane bowiem czynniki istotnie przyczyniły się do zaniku tej instytucji w starych formach. Zanim jednak do tego doszło (w XX wieku), stan pośredni między dawnym mecenatem wielkopańskim a mecenatem instytucjonalnym, świadczonym przez państwo, będzie nosił cechy pewnego rozproszenia. Owo rozproszenie zostało poddane analizie w artykule.
The article refers to changes which happened in the field of literary patronage (considered as a material support for bookmen) in the XIX century and analyses causes and effects of those changes. It indicates the birth of capitalism as a factor that remodelled the relations within the literary life, especially financing the authors. The article also analyses the changes in human mentality, significance of the emergence of modern literary public and its influence on the authors by means of subscription; it observes the character of modern publisher (bookseller and printer) and influence of their activity on the changes. The consideration is seen from the angle of changes in patronage because the described factors significantly contributed to the decline of this institution in its old form. However, before it happened (in the XX century) there was a transitional state between the old lordly patronage and the new institutional one provided by the state. This transitional patronage was somehow dispersed and the dispersion is analysed in the article.
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