The article discusses in detail the contents of electronic educational edition of “Nature of St. Petersburg”. It shows the scientific and methodological benefits, as well as the principles underlying the publication. Much attention is paid to the analytic section of the manual, especially to enable the development of ecological awareness of schoolchildren.
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Using audiovisual aids in the classroom not only gives an opportunity for the students to learn in a more pleasant way, but also provides means for addressing numerous aspects and skills in teaching a foreign language. The use of Interactive Whiteboards is spreading rapidly in the recent years. Interactive Whiteboards offer a possibility of a more interesting and modern use of the audiovisual techniques, so they are becoming an invaluable tool for a teacher. This is why it is so important for us, teachers, to learn how to make the best use of this tool during our classes. This article presents briefly the advantages of Interactive Whiteboards and the use of audiovisual aids in teaching. Moreover, it shows some techniques and examples ready to be introduced in the classroom, all of them extracted from classes of Spanish as a foreign language.
The article discusses in detail the contents of electronic educational edition of “Nature of St. Petersburg”. It shows the scientific and methodological benefits, as well as the principles underlying the publication. Much attention is paid to the analytic section of the manual, especially to enable the development of ecological awareness of schoolchildren.
The article substantiates and characterizes the role of the native lan-guage in formation and development of the ethnocultural community of immigrants and their descendants in the country of settlement/birth and in its foreign environment. Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign/second language by ethnic Ukrainian in the western diaspora in the second half of the XX-early XXI century. It has been found out that this process takes place under the influence of the official/state language). It has been established that in these coun-tries, ethnic Ukrainians have formed a system of teaching the Ukrainian language, starting with kindergarten/room and finishing with universi-ties. Language acquisition begins with the development of oral speech (preference is given to formation of communicative competencies of pupils/students), then pupils learn to read and write and gradually ac-quire a knowledge of its basic linguistic concepts and categories and master the skills of their practical use. The main goal of the native lan-guage education of Ukrainians in the diaspora is to ensure free posses-sion of the younger generations of foreign Ukrainians in all vital situa-tions, in communication with Ukrainians on all continents of the planet. It is established that the foundations of Ukrainian lingvodidactics in the mid-40's of the twentieth century was laid by the Canadian teacher Illia Shklianka. His ideas found continuation in scientific works, text-books and pedagogical activity of Maria Deiko, Yar Slavutych, Roma Franko, Bohdan Shkandrii and other educators of the Western Ukra-inian diaspora. Today they are fruitfully developed by Romana Bedriy, Olenka Bilash, Maria Savdyk, employees of the Ukrainian Language Center of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, other educational and scientific institutions and establishments where Ukrainian language is studied. The main goal of their activity is to create an appropriate language environment for children, pupils and students who learn Ukrainian by means of modern methods and tech-nologies, innovative educational resources, including those made in Ukraine.
Najważniejszymi czynnikami sprawczymi rozwoju gospodarczego są: mobilizacja społeczna, wykształcenie oraz import kulturowy. Poziom rozwoju gospodarczego gmin wykazuje wyraźne zróżnicowanie w przekroju regionalnym i znacznie silniejsze w przekroju miasto-wieś. Obserwacja procesów długiego trwania dowodzi, że w Polsce zawsze lepiej rozwinięte były terytoria zachodnie, współcześnie biegun rozwoju gospodarczego przesuwa się z Wielkopolski w kierunku granicy zachodniej. Do najważniejszych czynników sprawczych regresu gospodarczego wsi należą: relatywnie niższy poziom mobilizacji społecznej i mniej innowacyjny sposób zarządzania. W gminach relatywnie słabiej rozwiniętych gospodarczo głosuje się na partie lewicowe, a w bardziej rozwiniętych – na centroprawicowe. Wyraźną barierą rozwojową wydaje się niski poziom przystosowania do instytucji demokratycznych i umiejętności współdziałania zbiorowego kadr kierowniczych.
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