Sytuacja na rynku pracy wymaga stałego reagowania na zmiany i nowe wyzwania oraz uzupełniania kompetencji zawodowych. Wykonywanie coraz większej liczby zawodów łączy się z koniecznością stałego podwyższania kwalifikacji. Współcześni pracownicy są niejako „skazani” na stały rozwój zawodowy poprzez edukację. Wydaje się, że główną siłą napędową ludzkich działań są właśnie te zmiany i wymagania zewnętrzne. Ale czy tylko one? Interesujące jest, dlaczego ludzie podejmują daną aktywność edukacyjną? Co motywuje ich do wysiłku poznawczego? Dlaczego jedne programy edukacyjne są wybierane, a inne pomijane? W artykule przedstawiono analizę motywów podejmowania kształcenia na studiach podyplomowych „Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona człowieka w środowisku pracy” oraz wybranych doświadczeń edukacyjnych absolwentów związanych ze studiowaniem.
The labour market’s state of affairs requires constant response to changes, new challenges and professional competences supplementation. The growing number of vacations meets the requirement of constant up skilling. Modern employees are somewhat "condemned" to permanently develop their skills throughout education. It also seems the main spiritus movens of such actions are previously mentioned market changes, but is it only that? It's interesting to search for the answer to the questions: "why do people undergo certain educational activities?", "What motivates them to make a cognitive effort?", "Why do some education programmes get chosen while some other are dismissed?" The article presents an analysis of the motives of such choices in regard of postgraduate studies in OSH as well as selected education experiences of graduates.
The article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical evaluation and controlling of primary school pupils. There was conducted a comparative analysis of the traditional system of education and educational system using interactive technologies in the context of control and assessment activity. The research used methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and synthesis of sources. The term “control” means the identification, measurement and assessment of results of educational cognitive activity of pupils. Verification is the procedure of the identification and measurement. In turn, verification is a complex component of control. The control provides feedback between the teacher and the pupil, as well as getting by the teacher objective information about the degree of assimilation of educational material, well-timed identification of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge of children. The purpose of verification of knowledge in the modern school is the definition of the quality level of educational achievements of pupils. Evaluation of educational achievements of the primary school pupils is an integral structural component of the teaching and educational process, which involves consideration of such indicators: the volume and quality of acquired knowledge; the ability to apply this knowledge in practice; the activity of the pupil in gaining knowledge; educational motivation. Unlike traditional system, the use of interactive technologies in training assumes control not so much of the degree of assimilation of ready knowledge, as of creative deviation from them. The main evaluation criterion is the pupil’s personal growth. Reasoned evaluation by the teacher contributes to the most complete disclosure and growth of potential and motivational forces of the child. As a consequence, happens not only the promotion of pupils in the space of knowledge, but also the development of their abilities, skills, emotional and value orientations. Summarizing the theoretical, pedagogical and practical approaches to the system of estimation, it can be concluded that it should give the possibility to objectively evaluate the academic achievement of each student and to create an additional mechanism for activation of the potential in all types of educational-cognitive activity.
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