Today world’s challenges, which appear in XXI century are significant and different than before. The society is divided between 20% of these, who have benefits from changes and 80% of these, who are in danger. It’s hard to find solution of this situation. Educational paradigm is kind of this. In order to rebuild bases of universal education, we should state values and qualities, which we prefer. The most important, as Jacek Kuroń said, is activity, which help the poorest people. It’s not in order to injure strong ones, but in order to make everyone strong. Educational process should be trying to reach the goal of creating one world. Even if divided, still one. We should aim to make every little element (like local community) influencing the rest. That, what happens in this little element, seems to be up to us.
This research project presents different role perceptions regarding educational and academic aims, among high school instruction personnel.Since its foundation the Israeli education system has defined its role as a socialization agent as well as an academic institution. As national and international achievement tests became more widespread, the focus on academic aspect increased and the influence of academic excellence on school grading can be seen as more influential in comparison to educational achievements. Semi-structured interviews of 14 high school teachers – homeroom educators and subject teachers – were conducted. Results show that homeroom educators put more emphasis on educational aims while subject teachers put more emphasis on academic achievements. Their definition of success was a mixture of both objectives. Homeroom educators tend to apply educational inclusive practiceswhile subject teachers tend to apply instructional ones. International research emphasizes the importance of educational aims and inclusive practices in promoting academic achievements for all (OECD, 2010). The emphasis on evaluation and assessment of academic achievements may results in exclusive practices. These results suggest that adding educational achievements to schools' evaluation scales can encourage all instruction personnel to promote educational aims and inclusive practices as well as academic ones, thus contributing to schools' performance in evaluation tests.
Religious faith is a supernatural reality – given for free and, at the same time, set – requiring man's commitment. In the second aspect we can talk about the development of faith. Supporting the development of faith means upbringing according to psycho-social development of a student. The main aim in the process of upbringing towards the intensification of faith is supporting a student in shaping his comprehensive, mature and personal relationship with Christ. This aim implies specific aims of upbringing which are the main topic of the analysis included in the article.
The article presents several contemporary European solutions to the problem of mass, state-organized schooling and education, in terms of educational aims and general philosophy of teaching. A brief overview of the Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Irish and Scottish curricula shows that one can distinguish three fundamental tendencies in contemporary education, as far as highly developed, democratic countries are concerned. These tendencies are: supporting the core democratic values; crossing the borders of subject teaching in favor of holistic developing of competencies, attitudes and dispositions, and encouraging to activity and creativity in various fields of life. Gert Biesta defines this model as world-centered, we can also call it life centered – in contrast to the content-centered paradigm of polish curriculum. World-centered education creates the space of developing the key existential competencies like cognition, interpreting of different phenomena, building the self-identity and relations with others, active approach to the world. This is also the process of initiating and revealing the subjectivity of a human being.
Artykuł dotyczy współczesnych idei i założeń edukacyjnych, wyrażonych w niektórych podstawach programowych państw europejskich – Finlandii, Norwegii, Szwecji, Szkocji, Irlandii. W dokumentach tych ujawniają się filozoficzne podstawy edukacji powszechnej, które odnaleźć można także w polityce edukacyjnej innych wysoko rozwiniętych państw demokratycznych. Omawiana w tekście filozofia kształcenia systemowego ujawnia się w kilku zasadniczych wektorach – wspierania wartości kluczowych dla demokracji liberalnej; przekraczania granic kształcenia przedmiotowego na rzecz kształtowania postaw, kompetencji, dyspozycji i nawyków; wreszcie – inspirowania do aktywności i działań twórczych w wielu dziedzinach życia. Za Gertem Biestą taki model edukacyjny określa się jako „światocentryczny”, bądź „życiocentryczny”, w przeciwieństwie do modelu programocentrycznego, właściwego np. polskiemu systemowi oświaty. W modelu światocentrycznym edukacja staje się przestrzenią kształtowania kluczowych kompetencji egzystencjalnych, jak poznawanie i interpretacja zjawisk, budowanie tożsamości i relacji z innymi, aktywne nastawienie do świata. Tak rozumiana edukacja staje się procesem inicjowania i odkrywania podmiotowości człowieka.
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Przedstawiono najpierw rolę chemii w kształceniu ogólnym, w warunkach gwałtownych przemian cywilizacyjnych i społecznych, w których nabiera znaczenia humanistyczna edukacja przyrodnicza i wynikające z niej wartości uniwersalne. Ukazano tu możliwości chemii jako przedmiotu przyrodniczego o cechach humanistycznych i społecznych w odkrywaniu i budowaniu wartości, jakimi uczniowie mogą kierować się w życiu. W dalszej kolejności opisano badania, które dostarczyły informacji, jak walory humanistyczne i społeczne chemii i z jakim skutkiem są wykorzystywane w procesie nauczania do kształtowania postaw i zachowań uczniów. W podsumowaniu omówiono różnorodne działania nauczyciela, prowadzące do większej efektywności realizacji celów wychowawczych na lekcjach chemii.
First the role of chemistry in general education in the conditions of rapid civilization and social transformations in which humanistic science education and the universal values resulting from it are becoming more and more important is discussed. The role of chemistry as a science subject of humanistic and social features in discovering and building the values pupils can be guided by in life is shown. The studies providing the information how humanistic and social attributes of chemistry are used in the teaching process to form pupils’ attitudes and behaviours are also presented. Various teachers’ activities leading to more effective accomplishment of educational aims during chemistry lessons are discussed.
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