Plastic deformation can produce materials with different structural states. Strained BCC-metals have been shown to undergo internal structural developments during plastic deformation. The interaction between quasi-cleavage crack and substructure was studied. The details of the influence of substructure on stress near the crack tip, structure rebuilding near the crack tip and the energy of dislocation movement were analyzed. The essential influence of the deformation substructure on the force and energy parameters of fracture processes was established.
In this work, a general approximate solution for the configurational force between edge dislocation and inhomogeneity of an arbitrary shape and properties with coupled thermo- mechanical loads was developed on the basis of the Eshelby equivalent inclusion theory. The effect of temperature-dependent elastic properties, thermal expansion coefficient and yield strength on the configurational forces was analyzed. Furthermore, the configurational force considered to be the driving force for dislocation migration was innovatively used to investigate the interaction mechanism between graphene and internal defects of a metal.
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This study analyzes stress intensity factors for a pair of edge cracks in a semi-infinite medium with a distribution of eigenstrain and subjected to a far field uniform applied load. The eigenstrain is considered to be distributed arbitrarily over a region of finite depth extending from the free surface. The cracks are represented by a distribution of edge dislocations. By using the complex potential functions of the edge dislocations, a simple effective method is developed to calculate the stress intensity factor for the edge cracks. The method is employed to obtain some numerical results of the stress intensity factor for different distributions of eigenstrain. The numerical results reveal that the stress intensity factor of the edge cracks is significantly influenced by the magnitude as well as distribution of eigenstrain within the finite depth. The eigenstrains that induce compressive stresses at and near the free surface of the semi-infinite medium reduce the stress intensity factor that, in turn, enhances the apparent fracture toughness of the material.
We study the plane elasticity problem associated with a rigid hypotrochoidal inhomogeneity embedded in an infinite isotropic elastic matrix subjected to an edge dislocation located at an arbitrary position. A closed-form solution to the problem is derived primarily with the aid of conformal mapping and analytic continuation. All of the unknown complex constants appearing in the pair of analytic functions characterizing the elastic field in the matrix are determined in an analytical manner. In addition, a simple method distinct from that by Santare and Keer (1986) is proposed to determine the rigid body rotation of the rigid inhomogeneity.
Praca zawiera opis materiałów piezoelektrycznych służących do budowy urządzeń piezoelektrycznych wykorzystywanych na szeroką skalę w przemyśle. Przedstawiono dyslokację krawędziową jako jeden z głównych defektów występujących w piezoelektryku traktowanym jako ciało poprzecznie izotropowe. Model dyslokacji obliczono analitycznie, a rozwiązania przedstawiono w postaci 2D wykresów odzwierciedlających pola fizyczne omawianego defektu.
The piezoelectric materials used for construction of industrial devices are described. The mechanical and electromagnetic properties of such materials can be significantly influenced by the existing defects of their crystal structure. One of the most important defects are dislocations. The edge dislocation in the piezoelectric body treated as the transversally isotropic continuum is presented. The solutions to that problem are given in the analytical form and the figures of the distributions of the physical fields are given in the 2D forms.
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