The aim of this essay is to examine the long-term evolution of the material reproductive vehicles of society. The fairly continuous trend of economic integration and progressive enfranchisement of the world’s people is indicated, ascertainable even with the emergence from general slavery of ancient times, through feudalism to the modern stage of industrialism and widespread national sovereignties. With greater political expression has come higher degrees and penetration of economic prosperity. Both vicious and virtuous tendencies of automation are considered. The necessary foundation of living labor is recognized.
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Alois Rašín (1867-1923) was a Czech and Czechoslovak politician, economist, one of the founders of Czechoslovakia and its first finance minister. Alois Rašín is also the author of the first Czechoslovak law and the creator of the national currency, i.e. the Czechoslovak koruna. Rašín was a representative of conservative liberalism. The paper presents a review of Alois Rašín's concepts, views as the Minister of Finance of Czechoslovakia. Particular attention was paid to his efforts to regulate the currency and monetary system of Czechoslovakia, and to fight galloping inflation (hyperinflation). Rašín supported the free competition, believed in an entrepreneurial society, and believed that the state should strive to maintain a balanced budget.
This legal opinion aims to address the question whether a person performing the function (church office) of the Economist of the Polish Bishops’ Conference meets the condition set out in art. 44 para. 3 of the Act of 28 August 1997 on the organization and functioning of pension funds, that is, whether he belongs to the group of so-called “dependent persons”. The analysis of the legal and factual situation in this particular case has led to the conclusion that the mere fact of being the Economist of the Polish Bishops’ Conference does not satisfy the negative condition from art. 44 para. 3 of the Act on the organization and functioning of pension funds. However, since the person performing the function of the Economist of the Polish Bishops’ Conference is at the same time employed by the organizational unit of the Polish Bishops’ Conference called “The Secretariat of the Polish Bishops’ Conference – Economic Activity”, that is, the organizational unit within the Polish Bishops’ Conference (a stockholder of an insurance company), he does satisfy the condition set out in the regulation at issue and in consequence is the so-called “dependent person”.
Przedmiotem opinii jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy osoba pełniąca funkcję (urząd kościelny) Ekonoma Konferencji Episkopatu Polski wypełnia przesłankę określoną w przepisie art. 44 ust. 3 ustawy z dnia 28 sierpnia 1997 r. o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych, czyli należy do kręgu tzw. „osób zależnych”? Przeprowadzona analiza stanu prawnego i faktycznego w tym konkretnym przypadku doprowadziła do konkluzji, że sam fakt bycia Ekonomem KEP nie powoduje, że ziszcza się negatywna przesłanka z art. 44 ust. 3 ustawy o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych. Ponieważ jednak osoba wykonująca funkcję Ekonoma KEP pozostaje równocześnie w stosunku pracy z jednostką organizacyjną KEP o nazwie „Sekretariat Konferencji Episkopatu Polski – Działalność Gospodarcza”, czyli jednostką organizacyjną działającą w ramach KEP (akcjonariusza towarzystwa), to wypełnia ona przesłankę określoną w cytowanym przepisie, tzn. jest tzw. „osobą zależną”.
The article deals with the peculiarities of American professional undergraduate and graduate training in economics. The analysis of documents, scientific and educational literature demonstrates the diversity of the US training courses and combinations of disciplines in economics. It has been defined that leading position of the USA in the world and its impact on the economic life of other countries has predetermined the development of the internationalization of economic education at the undergraduate and graduate level: by offering courses in International Economics as well as introductory programs for international Internships for students and teachers. The program of study in economics provides various forms of learning, number of major, minor and elective courses. It has been determined that economics majors include variety of courses, ranging from those which are intensely mathematical like Principles of Economics, Microeconomic, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, to more philosophical courses like History of Economic Thought. Moreover, courses in Survey Design, Political Science and Computer Science are also highly recommended and essential for future success. In order to achieve the objectives in economists' training in high school a system of new methods, means and approaches (“Chalk and Talk”, “Proficiency Approach”, “Peaconomics”, “Writing Intensive”) are used to stimulate and motivate students to cognitive functions. The educational process and control by teachers through traditional and innovative techniques provides effective feedback.
The article touches on the peculiarities of future finance and economics specialists’ training in educational establishments of Western Europe and Ukraine. The problem of higher economic education has been considered. The experience of higher economic education organization in developed European countries has been generalized. The peculiarities of finance students’ training at foreign and Ukrainian universities have been defined. The approaches to learning and implementing of interdisciplinary links into the teaching practice of European higher educational establishments have been studied, as well as participation and influence of non-government organizations and foundations on the development of economic education in Western European countries. The authors have concluded that it is necessary to create a Ukrainian model of future finance and economics specialists’ training taking into consideration national and economic conditions of the state functioning as well as developed countries experience.
This paper aims at highlighting the importance of soft skills and economic education towards an economist’ career management & development within the complex context of a knowledge-based society. The authors believe strongly that economic education like life long learning in general is at a turning point. Starting from the most important requirements of the labour market but taken also into account the trends regarding the social & occupational evolution in the long-run we have to identify what kind of skills might make the difference for an economist career management & development in the new context of the knowledge-based society. We strongly believe that one possible answer is given by soft skills and the paper includes some ideas with this respect.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu podkreślenie znaczenia umiejętności miękkich i edukacji ekonomicznej w kierunku zarządzania karierą i rozwojem ekonomisty w złożonym kontekście społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Autorzy przekonani są, że edukacja ekonomiczna, podobnie jak uczenie się przez całe życie jest w punkcie zwrotnym. Zaczynając od najważniejszych wymagań rynku pracy, ale biorąc również pod uwagę tendencje w zakresie społecznej i zawodowej ewolucji w dłuższej perspektywie musimy zidentyfikować, jakiego rodzaju umiejętności mogłyby coś zmienić w zarządzaniu i rozwoju kariery zawodowej ekonomisty w nowym kontekście społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. Jesteśmy przekonani, że jedna możliwa odpowiedź to umiejętności miękkie i niniejszy artykuł zawiera kilka pomysłów z tym zakresie.
The author introduces us to Stanisław Kwiryn Kwirynowicz, who was born into a working-class family during the challenging period of Kalisz’s post-World War I recovery. It is important to highlight the young man’s unwavering determination to acquire knowledge. Prior to World War II, he successfully completed primary and secondary school, and in 1945, he passed his high school exit exams and embarked on a journey towards a master’s degree, which he obtained in 1951. Furthermore, he pursued a doctorate degree. With an expertise in economics, he held positions in various fields such as banking, the national council presidium, an enterprise, and also in education as a teacher. Despite being a non-partisan individual, he served as a city councilor of Kalisz for multiple terms as well as a member of the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic. He played a significant role in establishing the magazine „Ziemia Kaliska” and the current Kalisz Society of Friends of Sciences. In June 1975, following the establishment of the Kalisz Voivodeship, he swiftly rose to the position of chairman of the Provincial Planning Commission, where he served until his retirement.
Autor przybliża postać Stanisława Kwiryna Kwirynowicza, począwszy od jego urodzenia w rodzinie robotniczo-rzemieślniczej, w trudnym okresie odradzającego się z ruin po I wojnie światowej Kalisza. Podkreślić należy determinację młodego człowieka do zdobywania wiedzy. Przed II wojną światową skończył szkołę podstawową i kontynuował średnią, by zaraz w 1945 r. zdać maturę i rozpocząć studia zakończone magisterium, a w 1951 r. doktoratem. Był ekonomistą, stąd pracował w bankach, w prezydium bezpartyjnym, został radnym miasta Kalisza kilku kadencji, a także posłem na Sejm PRL. Miał też swój wkład w powstanie czasopisma „Ziemia Kaliska” i obecnego Kaliskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk. Po utworzeniu w czerwcu 1975 r. województwa kaliskiego w krótkim czasie powołany zostaje na stanowisko przewodniczącego Wojewódzkiej Komisji Planowania, na którym pozostaje do emerytury.
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