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The paper aimed at determining the effect of treated sewage discharged from a sewage treatment plant, modernized in 2007–2008, on the quality of the receiving water – the Breń river. The mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant is situated in the northern part of Dąbrowa Tarnowska town (Malopolskie voivodship). The treated sewage is disposed of by means of a collecting pipe to the Breń river, which abiotically is a lowland sandy stream, type 17. The hydrochemical analyses were conducted monthly, from May 2014 to April 2015 in three measurement points. The first and the third were situated on the Breń river, 30 m above and 400 m below the treated sewage outlet respectively, whereas the second one was on the outflow collecting pipe from the sewage treatment plant. In the analysed water, 17 physicochemical water quality indices were determined by means of reference methods. On the basis of the data analysis it was found that pollutant concentrations in the treated sewage discharged into the Bren river did not exceed the values stated in the water permit and only sporadically did not meet the requirements stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment regarding ammonium nitrogen concentrations in the winter-spring period. Slight dynamics of seasonal changes of physicochemical indices values in the treated sewage evidences a high proficiency of the sewage treatment plant operation, irrespective of the air or water temperature. The treated sewage affected the increase in 12 from among 17 analysed physicochemical indices in the Breń river, of which the dependencies were statistically significant in 8 cases. BOD5 and ammonium nitrate caused a change of water quality class from I to II, and in case of phosphates a decline of ecological state from very good to below good. Despite a negative effect of the sewage treatment plant, the water quality state in the Breń river would be much worse if untreated municipal waste flowed into the receiving water.
The results of five-year (2008–2012) hydrochemical research of the Poprad river, the right bank tributary to the Dunajec, were analyzed in the paper. The Poprad, 167 km long and with the catchment area of 2077.3 km2, flows for over 100 km through the territory of Slovakia, along the length of 31.1 km is a transboundary river, whereas its 31.0 km long reach is situated in Poland. Concerning its abiotic character, it is an eastern upland river of type 15. The research was conducted in three measurement-control points: 1) located in Leluchów on the Polish-Slovak border at 61.1 kilometer of the river course, 2) in Piwniczna-Zdrój – 23.9 km and 3) in Stary Sącz – 2.9 km before the Poprad outlet to the Dunajec. 21 physicochemical indices and 2 microbiological indicators were assessed in the water samples once a month using referential methods. The paper assesses changes of water quality classes and its usable values along the analyzed Poprad river reach. Moreover, statistical differences between the values of individual indices assessed in various measurement-control points were estimated by means of Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test. On the basis of the conducted analyses of the empirical data it was stated that due to the physicochemical indices, water quality along the whole length of the analyzed river reach was good (class II) – in points 1 and 3 it was determined by mean concentration of total suspended solids, whereas in point 2 COD-Mn values.
As part of a plant Group, species with different limits of individual tolerance coexist. According to the principle of emergence, in synecological studies, it is advisable to evaluate the response of biocenoses as an integral structure to changes in environmental parameters. To reveal the organizational structure of groups, their functional activity allows the study of the relationships of various hierarchical levels, as a result of which ectomorphic matrices are formed that reflect the general emergent properties of ecological groups (for example, trophic, topical their structure) since the organizational structure of groups is environmentally determined. The study of plants of cultivated species at various ecological levels allows us to obtain information on plant viability strategies that are important in managing and expanding the functionality of species and varietal diversity and harmonizing vegetation with environmental conditions. The systematic approach of plant research makes it possible to fully realize the genetic potential of productivity, establish the limits of environmental tolerance, stability, genetic flexibility, etc. So, for a complex study of a cultural plant species (variety, line, Hybrid), a systematic approach of research involves the study of plants at different levels of integration of living matter (genetic-molecular, cellular, tissue, morphological, organizational), as well as Dem –, son – and ecosystem. Given that most of the characteristics, properties, and characteristics of plant organisms are determined not only genetically, but also ecologically, it is important to study plant organisms under changing conditions in Sita, revealing the Out –, Dem –, synecological, and ecosystem levels.
The ecological state of transboundary water of the Dniester River Basin was analyzed in the context of cross-border cooperation. The major objects of economic activity affecting the state of transboundary water were identified in the Dniester River Basin in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. It was established that over the years of transboundary cooperation, a decrease in the average annual concentrations of Suspended solids, Nitrites, Chlorides and Sulfates below the maximum permissible values was achieved. The ecological state of the Dniester River transboundary water in time and space was investigated using an integral assessment of the state of the Dniester River water environment. It is recommended to assess the transboundary water ecological state using complex indices. An assessment of the ecological reliability of the Dniester River Basin transboundary water in 2020 was carried out. The research results show that the use of transboundary water of the Dniester River Basin is potentially dangerous. Further cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova in the issue of reducing the wastewater containing harmful substances with a synergistic effect, is encouraged.
The Akarçay is the most important stream in the Afyonkarahisar region in central Turkey. In this study, the relationships between epipelic diatoms, macrophytes, and the water quality of Akarçay Stream are presented. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), BOD5, COD, TDS, NH4-N, NO2-N, and PO4-P had the most significant effects on the diatom and macrophyte community structures of the stream. According to CCA and Correspondence Analysis (CA), dominant diatom species and macrophytes constituted two groups, eutrophic and polluted. While eutraphentic taxa were abundant among upstream diatoms, hypereutraphentic taxa were found downstream in the Akarçay. The diatom assemblages in the sites upstream were generally characterized by an abundance of ß-mesosaprobous and .-mesosaprobous species, while the diatom assemblages downstream had a very high abundance of polisaprobous species. Eutrophic and hypertrophic macrophyte taxa (such as Lemna trisulca, Potamogeton nodosus, and Ranunculus sp.) covered a high percentage of the stream bottom. Both diatom indices and macrophyte indices with the exception of the Biological Macrophyte Index of Rivers (IBMR) were correlated with BOD5, COD, TDS, NH4-N, NO2-N, PO4-P, and EC. Physicochemical variables, diatom and macrophyte taxa and the results of diatom and macrophyte indices indicated that the Akarçay stream basin is eutrophic and organically polluted.
Podstawowym problemem środowiskowym wynikającym z turystyki wodnej są straty przyrodnicze, towarzyszące w sposób nieunikniony budowie, rozbudowie oraz eksploatacji szlaków wodnych. W pracy omówiono wpływ użytkowania szlaku kajakowego na stan ekologiczny wód rzeki Paklicy (woj. lubuskie). Badania wykonane przez autorów wykazały, że turystyka wodna nie musi oznaczać negatywnego oddziaływania na stan ekologiczny rzek.
Primary environment’s problem comes off water tourism is loss nature, accompany in means inevitable build, development and exploitation water’s tracks. In the job was discussed the impact of using canoe trail on ecological state of the river’s water Paklica (Province Lubuskie). Researches made by authors display, that water tourism don’t have to mean negative effect on ecological state of rivers.
W pracy zamieszczono ocenę wpływu opadów atmosferycznych i użytkowania zlewni na jakość i walory użytkowe wód płynących potokiem Wolninka, które będą w nieodległej przyszłości gromadzona w zbiorniku małej retencji "Joniny".
Assessment of precipitation effect and catchment use on the quality and utility values of waters flowing in the Wolninka stream, which will be soon accumulated in "Joniny" small retention reservoir, was presented in the paper.
Przedmiotem opracowania była ocena właściwości fizyczno-chemicznych i biologicznych wód małej nizinnej rzeki Samicy Stęszewskiej i jezior, przez które ona przepływa w Wielkopolskim Parku Narodowym (WPN). Analiza aktualnego stanu ekologicznego rzeki i jezior przeprowadzona została zgodnie z wytycznymi Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy realizacja prośrodowiskowych inwestycji władz lokalnych (rozbudowa kanalizacji, nowa oczyszczalnia ścieków) przyczyniła się do poprawy stanu ekologicznego rzeki oraz czy rzeka wywiera nadal negatywny wpływ na jeziora. 0 dużym znaczeniu rzeki dla miasta i gminy Stęszew przesądza położenie w jej dolinie kilku dużych jezior. Wskutek wieloletnich zaniedbań w dziedzinie ochrony środowiska jeziora są silnie zanieczyszczone, a ich trofia jest wysoka. Dotąd głównymi problemami była nadmierna chemizacja upraw i braki kanalizacji. Badania wykazały duże zróżnicowanie chemizmu wody w profilu podłużnym rzeki. Największe obciążenie rzeki notowano powyżej Jeziora Tomickiego (mineralne formy azotu, substancje organiczne). Jezioro i znajdujące się poniżej rozległe trzcinowiska (wokół rezerwatu Trzcielińskie bagno) w znaczącym stopniu zmniejszały zanieczyszczenie wód rzeki, a na obszarze miasta nie następowały większe zmiany chemizmu (poza wzrostem stężeń fosforanów) . Duży wzrost obciążenia rzeki przez substancje biogeniczne i związki organiczne notowano poniżej Jeziora Witobelskiego (ChZT, fosfor całkowity, fosforany, chlorofil a).
The object of this study was an assessment of the physico-chemical and biological properties of the small Samica Stęszewska River and the lakes it flows through in the Wielkopolski National Park (WNP). The assessment of the ecological condition of the river was made in compliance with the guidelines of the Water Framework Directive. The study was designed to find out whether the pro-ecological investments in the improvement of the sewage system and a new sewage treatment plant initiated by the local authorities improved the ecological condition of the river and reduced its negative effects on the lakes. The river is of great significance for the town itself as well as the whole Stęszew district: several large lakes are located in its valley. Environmental protection has been neglected by the local authorities for many years. Due to this fact, the lakes are strongly polluted and their trophy is high. Until recently, the main problems in catchment area of river were the strong of agricultural chemicalization with fertilizers surplus and the lacking in sewerage system. The research demonstrated a significant differentiation of water chemistry in the long profile of the river. The strongest chemical river pollution has been registered upstream of the Tomickie Lake (mineral forms of nitrogen, organic substances). This lake and extensive reedbeds located between station 2 and 3 (around the reserve Trzcielińskie Bagno) have significantly reduced the water pollution and within the Stęszew area the strong changes of water chemistry were been not registered (besides the increase of phosphates concentration). A significant increase of river load with biogenic substances and organic compounds (COD, total phosphorus, phosphates, and chlorophyll a) was registered on station below the Witobelskie Lake.
W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę powiązania przydatności roślin wodnych – jako biowskaźników poziomu zeutrofizowania wód płynących – z obserwacjami dotyczącymi wpływu zmian w hydromorfologii cieków na różnorodność gatunkową występujących w nich makrofitów. Badania przeprowadzono na czterech wyżynnych rzekach i potokach południowej Polski. Wyniki badań wskazują, że nieznaczne przekształcenia antropogeniczne w korytach rzecznych powodują wzrost różnorodności gatunkowej makrofitów w stosunku do warunków naturalnych, natomiast zaawansowane modyfikacje wywołują degradację ekologiczną cieków. Wyniki oceny wskazują też na potrzebę rozwoju Makrofitowej Metody Oceny Rzek w kierunku identyfikacji bezpośrednich powiązań pomiędzy wartością Makrofitowego Indeksu Rzecznego a stanem fizyczno-chemicznym wód powierzchniowych.
In this paper an effort has been taken to bind usefulness of water plants – as bioindicators of running waters eutrophication – with observations concerning influence of modifications in hydromorphology of watercourses on species diversity of macrophytes occurring in them. Research was conducted in four upland rivers and streams located in south Poland. Research results indicate that slight anthropogenic modifications in river channels cause increase of macrophyte species diversity in relation to natural conditions, but advanced modifications cause ecological degradation of watercourses below the level of initial stage. Results of assessment also indicate that there is a need of developing the Macrophyte Method of River Assessment in direction of immediate connections between the value of Macrophyte River Index and physicochemical state of surface waters.
W pracy omówiono problematykę wykonywania ocen stanu ekologicznego wód płynących w oparciu o roślinność wodną, zgodnie z wymaganiami Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej UE. Jako obiekt badawczy wybrano rzekę Wieprz, w tym dwie Jednolite Części Wód Powierzchniowych obejmujące górny bieg rzeki - od jej źródeł aż po Zbiornik Nielisz. Kartowanie rzeki zostało przeprowadzone latem 2012 r. na czterech reprezentatywnych stanowiskach badawczych, z zastosowaniem Makrofitowej Metody Oceny Rzek. Wyniki pomiarów terenowych pozwoliły ocenić aktualny stan ekologiczny rzeki Wieprz w granicach badanych JCWP, przeanalizować przydatność poszczególnych grup makrofitów jako biologicznych wskaźników jakości wód płynących oraz określić przyczyny wzrostu żyzności wód wraz z biegiem rzeki.
In this paper the subject matter of executing the ecological state assessment of running waters with use of water plants has been discussed, in accordance with requirements of the EU’s Water Framework Directive. As a research object the Wieprz River was chosen, including two surface water bodies extending in the upper river course - from its springs to the Nielisz Reservoir. River surveying was conducted during summer 2012 in four representative research sites, with use of the Macrophyte River Assessment Method. The results of field measurements have allowed to estimate actual ecological state of the Wieprz River within the borders of surveyed water bodies, to analyse usefulness of particular groups of macrophytes as biological indicators of running water quality and to determine reasons of water fertility increase along the river course.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań makrofitowych Jeziora Góreckiego uzyskanych w oparciu o Makrofitowy indeks stanu ekologicznego (ESMI). Badania wykonano dwukrotnie – w lipcu 2013 oraz 2019 roku w momencie maksymalnego zróżnicowania fitocenotycznego. Zgodnie z metodyką wyznaczono 16 reprezentatywnych transektów o szerokości, co najmniej 30 metrów. W 2019 roku odnotowano znaczną poprawę warunków ekologicznych jeziora, co potwierdza wyższa wartość indeksu ESMI oraz zmiana stanu ekologicznego z umiarkowanego na dobry. O pozytywnych zmianach świadczą intensywny rozwój roślinności zanurzonej oraz wzrost wartości indeksów różnorodności i zasiedlenia fitolitoralu przez elodeidy. Uzyskane wyniki, a w szczególności wzrost średniej i maksymalnej głębokości występowania roślin, potwierdzają stopniową regenerację zespołu makrofitów w jeziorze na skutek wzrostu przejrzystości wody.
The article presents the results of macrophyte research of the Góreckie Lake basing of the Macrophyte Ecological Status Index (ESMI). The field survey were done twice – in July 2013 and 2019 at the time of optimum vegetation. According to the methodology, filed survey were conducted by the 16 representative transects, with a width of at least 30 meters. The ecological conditions of the lake significantly improved in 2019, which is confirmed the higher value of the ESMI index, and the lake changed its ecological status from moderate to good. The positive changes evidenced by the intensive development of submerged vegetation and increased values of diversity and colonization the phytolitoral by elodeids. The results on the depth of occurrence of plant growth, confirms a gradual recovery teams macrophytes in the lake due to the increase in water transparency.
The paper presents an assessment of the water quality of the Vistula river and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district based on benthic macroinvertebrates. A total of 45 samples were taken on nine positions. Most of the collected individuals were identified to the family level, except: Heptageniidae which was diagnosed to the genus; Turbellaria and Oligochaeta identified into the class. The conducted research showed that 54 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates occurred at the analyzed sites. Among them, 40 taxa have a bioindica-tive value. The most sensitive to pollution are mayflies from the family Ameletidae and caddisflies from the families Glossosomatidae, Leptoceridae and Beraeidae. However, their fre-quency and density at the study sites was very low. The families Ephemerellidae, Heptageniidae, Hydropsychidae and Polycentropodidae as well as annelids from the Oligochaeta class were much more frequent. Based on macrozoobenthos diversity data, two biological indices were calculated: BMWP-PL index and Margalef’s biodiversity index. The values of these biological indicators was using to the classiffication of water into the appropriate quality class. The final classification showed that the examined sections of the Vistula river represents the I, II and III class of water quality what indicated high, good and moderate ecological potential/state. The first class of water quality in terms of both indices was recorded at the sites located in Ustroń, Skoczów and Drogomyśl. For these positions, the value of the BMWP-PL index was over 100, while the value of the Margalef’s index was in the range of 6.26–7.17.The lowest, third class of water quality was found in Kiczyce and Ochaby Wielkie. In these places, the diversity of macroinvertebrates was the lowest, which was reflected in the low values of both studied indices (BMWP-PL: 40; 41, Margalef's index: 2.6; 3.37).
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