The article presents divagations on the issue of modern approaches to training teachers of young learners, i.e. tutors working in nurseries and the first grades of primary schools. The main thesis advanced by the author is to present the position of theory and practice in the education system aimed at this group of teachers. According to the author, nowadays there is a great need for the revision of binding strategies and assumptions, which are the foundations of the teacher training process, and for the redefinition of their professional functions and roles. The author supports the concept of tight interaction between theory and practice, and between the place where practical training takes place and the educational institution. This is the only approach that renders it possible for students to correct their personal theories of operation and it also allows for a real alternative to the traditional technical and rational approach to teacher training to be developed. Practical training of future teachers should then be perceived as a source of hands-on professional knowledge and not as the application of remembered rules and principles. When developing her own concept of training teachers of early school education, the author mainly applies the conception of reflective practice by Donald A. Schön and the concept offered by J.E. Russell. The article concludes in the presentation of the project of a new major called Childhood Education, prepared by the Department of Nursery and Early-School Education at the University of Lodz.
Artykuł przedstawia rozważania na temat współczesnych koncepcji kształcenia nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji, czyli nauczycieli przedszkoli oraz nauczycieli wczesnoszkolnych. Główną tezą autorki jest pokazanie miejsca teorii i praktyki w systemie kształcenia tej grupy nauczycieli. Według niej niezbędna jest dzisiaj rewizja obowią- zujących strategii oraz założeń leżących u podstaw edukacji współczesnych nauczycieli, redefinicja pełnionych przez nich funkcji i ról zawodowych. Autorka opowiada się za koncepcją ścisłej interakcji między teorią i praktyką oraz między miejscem odbywania praktyki i instytucją kształcącą. Tylko to może zapewnić studentom korygowanie ich osobistych teorii działania i stworzy realną alternatywę wobec tradycyjnego, techniczno-racjonalnego podejścia do kształcenia nauczycieli. Praktykowanie przyszłych nauczycieli powinno zatem być traktowane jako źródło wiedzy zawodowej, a nie stosowanie zapamiętanych reguł. W budowaniu własnej koncepcji kształcenia nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej autorka wykorzystuje głównie koncepcję refleksyjnej praktyki D.A. Schona oraz koncepcję J.E. Russella. Konkluzją artykułu jest prezentacja podstawowych założeń nowego kierunku studiów, przygotowywanego w Katedrze Pedagogiki Wieku Dziecięcego Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, o nazwie Pedagogika wieku dziecięcego.
This article focuses on the role and importance of pupil activity during early childhood education, and on the use of activating methods in the educational process. The usefulness of these methods in school practice is clear, because it is widely known that learning by doing brings the best results in the first school years. By using such methods during classes, we contribute, among other things, to the independence of children as regards thinking, putting forward proposals, decision-making, planning and searching for other non-standard solutions. We provide them with a chance to deepen their knowledge, drawing on different sources of information. During their work in the classroom or in the field, pupils must sympathize and cooperate with one another, presenting their own ideas and treating the proposals of others with due respect. They cannot afford to be afraid of independence, hard and difficult work, and responsibility. This approach, based on creative activity, maximizes the opportunities for the child's development. In such a situation, the focus of the curriculum shifts to the pupil as a person. The teacher is supposed to assist the pupil by creating opportunities for gaining new experience, for commitment, for self-reflection and for preparing a plan of action. The teacher must be aware that the choice of activating methods should contribute to an increase in knowledge, skills and habits, as well as to changes (at least in a widely construed sense) to the actual personality of the pupil. Therefore, the activity and activation of pupils should be the focus for the teacher. Awareness, knowledge and commitment contribute to the perception of the pupil as a unique link, playing an active role in the implementation of tasks. The hope is that such pupils will make use of the experience gained thus during classes in their subsequent activities.
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