Opisano rolę metadanych w upublicznianiu oraz promowaniu elektronicznych kursów lub ich modułów. Przedstawione są kategorie metadanych zgodnych ze specyfikacją SCORM, obszary ich zastosowań i grupy docelowe odbiorców. Dopuszczona w SCORM swoboda definiowania treści niektórych metadanych jest jedną z przyczyn kłopotów w procesach importowania i wymiany e-kontentu między platformami LMS. Rozwój standardu metadanych ukierunkowany jest na sformalizowanie zapisów dotychczas "swobodnych" treści niektórych metadanych. Jednoznaczne treści metadanych oraz w pełni zdefiniowane struktury metadanych są podstawą efektywnego gospodarowania treściami e-learningowymi zgromadzonymi w repozytoriach e-kontentu, do których wiedzie droga poprzez repozytoria metadanych. Elektroniczny kurs lub jego moduł nieopisany metadanymi - nie jest widziany w Sieci, więc nie istnieje.
The metadata categories, compliant with SCORM specification, are presented, as well as areas of implementation and receivers target groups. Latitude of defining some metadata, allowed by SCORM, is one of the sources of difficulties in importing courses and content exchange between LMS platforms. Metadata standard development is directed on more formal definition of content of some metadata, which is "free" at the moment. Simultaneously, metadata content and fully defined metadata structures are the base of effective e-learning content management. The content is gathered in e-content repositories, which can be accessed via metadata repositories. Electronic course or a unit not described by metadata, cannot be seen via internet, so it does not exist.
Jednym z problemów współczesnego e-learningu jest niezgodność akceptowanego formatu elektronicznych treści dydaktycznych między największymi dostawcami platform Learning Management Systems (LMS0 w procesach zdalnego nauczania. Wielcy dostawcy LMS, tacy jak np. Angel, Blackboard, Desire2Learn ogłosili wspólne podjęcie działań, w ramach IMS Global Learning Consortium, na rzecz nowego standardu elektronicznych treści edukacyjnych IMS Common Cartridge (CC). W tej sytuacji warto zapoznać się przynajmniej z ideą, i założeniami nowego modelu formatu CC.
One of the today's e-learnig problems is incompatibility of electronic content formatvices providers. Every special and own format makes it difficult and expensive to distribute, adapt to every platform and use by content owners. In 2006 some major LMS providers like Angel, Blackboard, Desire2Learn announced their cooperation within IMS Global Learning Consortium to create new common e-content format called IMS Common Cartridge. Under these circumstances it is worth to introduce our readers at least to the idea and assumptions of CC.
The paper concerns e-content characteristic features development to be used in Internet distance learning database. The elaborated e-applications development platform; Multimedia Applications Management Shell (MAMS) was elaborated for simplification of the application structure and for management of the unit. The MAMS platform works together with Quality Repetitions Unit (QRU) that controls the application flow and its repetition. Then, it produces the status of the application transmitted into the user personal data record. Both platforms provide the user with several standards, formats, objects and toll boxes used as an e-learning system library. The standardisation simplifies the application development and the application exploration. The defined standards are needed for Distance Learning System organisation that is at present under development at the University of Silesia.
The paper presents the one e-content example used as a pattern solution for distance learning resources development at the University of Silesia. The Intranet technologies were used as networking services for training processes control and future distribution services at the University of Silesia distance learning network. The given solution provides the development team at Distance Learning Technologies Centre with various unifications and library units of four courses that are under development at present in Department of Computer Systems, institute of Informatics. All the applications are running on MAMS (Multimedia Applications Management Shell) environment as a common frame structure for every e-lesson. The MAMS applications are provided with several mechanisms that allow monitoring the user knowledge level and study progress. Various examples of the applications layout and their characteristic features are presented in this contribution.
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