Auction sales, in particular art auctions are vulnerable to manipulation by buyers and sellers. There is a well established catalogue of more or less common unfair auction practices, like, for instance, bogus bids, taking bids of the wall or auction rings. All analyzed legal systems contain laws aimed directly or indirectly at combating such practices. It should however be noted that even countries with well developed art auction market and established tradition in fighting auction frauds fail to prevent market manipulation. Usually it is hard to prove that a manipulation took place, furthermore some of the practices became so common that even persons participating in the art market consider them to be legitimate trade customs.
Odbudowa państwa polskiego po 1918 r. wymagała podjęcia wielu decyzji dotyczących powołania nowej administracji, instytucji oraz przeprowadzenia reformy gospodarczej, której celem było upełnorolnienie chłopów nieposiadających ziemi lub utrzymujących się z nieefektywnych gospodarstw karłowatych. Nowy kierunek polityki nie tylko przyczynił się do zmian w strukturze własnościowej gospodarstw, ale poważnie zagroził funkcjonowaniu wielkich majątków ziemiańskich i zachowaniu znajdujących się tam dworów, pałaców oraz innych obiektów historycznych. W tej sytuacji podjęto próby, inicjowane przede wszystkim przez towarzystwa naukowe, wprowadzenia dodatkowych aktów prawnych chroniących historyczne budynki, zespoły architektoniczne oraz wyjątkowe tereny krajobrazowe. Projekty przewidywały nie tylko wydawanie ogólnokrajowych zarządzeń, ale również budowę całej struktury organizacji odpowiedzialnych za zachowanie obiektów i miejsc zabytkowych oraz działania na rzecz popularyzacji wiedzy o nich.
The reconstruction of the Polish state after 1918 required many decisions concerning the establishment of a new administration, institutions and economic reform, the aim of which was the so-called upełno-rolnienie (an increase in the size of a small agricultural holding by a sufficient amount of land) of peasants who did not own land or made a living from inefficient small farms. The new policy direction not only influenced the changes in the ownership structure of farms, but also seriously threatened the functioning of large landed estates and the preservation of manors, palaces and other historical objects located there. In this situation, attempts were made, initiated mainly by scientific societies, to introduce additional legal acts protecting historical buildings, architectural complexes and unique landscape areas. The projects provided not only for the issuing of nationwide orders, but also for the construction of the entire structure of organizations responsible for the preservation of historic buildings and sites and activities to promote knowledge about them.
The present study is to provide a concise analysis of and present (in extenso) fragments of the so-called "Büsching Papers" dealing with the Norbertine Monastery in Wrocław. They include Büsching’s First report on the seizure of objects kept in the Monastery of St. Vincent in Wrocław (8 January 1811), Inventory of art collections and manuscripts as well as selected letters associated with these actions. The sources contain information not only about the contents and organisation of the library and the archives, but also about their location and furnishings. In addition, they contain details of the seizure of these resources. The inventory of art collections includes paintings and reliefs as well as richly illustrated books devoted to art and, in particular, the history and theory of architecture. Like in the report, there are attempts here to establish the authors of the most outstanding paintings (e.g. Salvatore Rosa, Michael Leopold Willmann).
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